英语 中的 tip 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 tip 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 tip 的说明。

英语 中的tip 表示小费 xiǎo fèi, 指点 zhǐ diǎn, 消息,线报 xiāo xī, 尖端 jiān duān, 顶端或末端覆盖物 dǐng duān huò mò duān fù gài wù, 末端 mò duān, 使倾斜 shǐ qīng xié, 给…小费 gěi xiǎo fèi, 倾倒 qīng dǎo, 顶端 dǐng duān, 垃圾场 lā jī chǎng, 轻拨球, 推翻 tuī fān, 给小费 gěi xiǎo fèi, 轻拨, 暗中通知某人, 推翻 tuī fān, 翻掉, 推翻 tuī fān, 毡头笔, 毡尖笔 zhān jiān bǐ, 毡头笔, 垃圾堆 lā jī duī, 垃圾堆 lā jī duī, 有用信息,有价值的信息, 付小费 fù xiǎo fèi, 一时间说不出, 棉签 mián qiān, 跳球 tiào qiú, 冰山一角, 暗中向某人透露某事, 暗中通知,暗中警告, 跳球 tiào qiú, 倒出 dào chū, 自动上翻的, 小红旗, 最高点,顶点,顶峰 zuì gāo diǎn,dǐng diǎn,dǐng fēng, 顶尖, 最好的,绝好的 zuì hǎo de ,jué hǎo de, 顶端的, 杰出的 jié chū de, 三尖牛排,三岔牛排,三角牛排, 翼尖,机翼端 yì jiān,jī yì duān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 tip 的含义

小费 xiǎo fèi

noun (extra money for service)

He left a 15% tip.

指点 zhǐ diǎn

noun (helpful information)

Bob gave us some tips about travelling in Italy.

消息,线报 xiāo xī

noun (tip-off: information given to police)

The police received a tip that the suspect would be in a nearby pub that evening.

尖端 jiān duān

noun (pointed end)

The tip of the pencil was sharp.

顶端或末端覆盖物 dǐng duān huò mò duān fù gài wù

noun (covering for an end)

Her high-heeled shoes had rubber tips.

末端 mò duān

noun (end)

She is at the tip of the pier.

使倾斜 shǐ qīng xié

transitive verb (incline)

He tipped the pitcher to fill his glass.

给…小费 gěi xiǎo fèi

transitive verb (give extra money)

It is customary to tip your waiter 15% in American restaurants.

倾倒 qīng dǎo

transitive verb (UK (dump)

She tipped the contents of her bag on the floor and looked for her keys.

顶端 dǐng duān

noun (apex)

He stood on the tip of the hill.

垃圾场 lā jī chǎng

noun (UK (garbage dump)

He took all the garden waste to the tip.


noun (volleyball) (排球)

The volleyball player surprised his opponents with a tip of the ball using his knuckles.

推翻 tuī fān

intransitive verb (be overturned)

The wheelbarrow is going to tip over.

给小费 gěi xiǎo fèi

intransitive verb (give extra money)

Charlotte always tips well when she eats out.


transitive verb (volleyball) (排球)

The volleyball player used her knuckles to tip the ball.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (inform, warn)

The police arrived at the party after somebody tipped them off.

推翻 tuī fān

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (overturn, cause to topple)

Jackie tipped over her glass of orange juice and it spilled onto the floor.


phrasal verb, intransitive (overturn)

If you stack too many books on top of that tiny desk, it'll tip over!

推翻 tuī fān

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (overturn, cause to topple)


noun (fiber-tipped marker pen)

You can write on anything with a felt pen -- paper, wood, even metal.

毡尖笔 zhān jiān bǐ

noun (informal (fiber-tipped marker pen) (非正式用语)

Mark the position on the wall using a felt tip. My daughter loves colouring with felt tips.


noun (fiber-tipped marker)

垃圾堆 lā jī duī

noun (place where refuse is disposed of)

Some towns don't provide garbage collection; residents must take their trash to the town garbage dump. We took all our old furniture to the rubbish dump.

垃圾堆 lā jī duī

noun (place to dump refuse)


noun (informal (suggestion: [sth] profitable)

The website provides hot tips for horse racing.

付小费 fù xiǎo fèi

verbal expression (give gratuity for service)


expression (figurative (answer, etc.: hard to recall)

棉签 mián qiān

noun (US, ® (cotton bud)

跳球 tiào qiú

noun (basketball: start with jump ball) (篮球)


verbal expression (figurative (be only small part of larger problem)


verbal expression (often passive, informal (inform, warn)

The informant tipped off the police about the planned drugs drop.


noun (informal (hint, warning)

The building was evacuated after police received a tip-off that a bomb had been planted there.

跳球 tiào qiú

noun (in basketball) (篮球开球时的)

倒出 dào chū

(empty by upturning)


adjective (UK (designed to tilt)


noun (mainly US (ice-fishing: signaling device)

最高点,顶点,顶峰 zuì gāo diǎn,dǐng diǎn,dǐng fēng

noun (informal (highest point) (非正式用语)


noun (informal (highest degree)

最好的,绝好的 zuì hǎo de ,jué hǎo de

adjective (informal (superb, excellent) (非正式用语)


adjective (informal (situated at the top)

杰出的 jié chū de

adjective (informal (superbly, very well)


noun (cut of meat: sirloin) (牛腰)

翼尖,机翼端 yì jiān,jī yì duān

noun (extremity of plane wing) (飞机)

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tip 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。