英语 中的 time 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 time 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 time 的说明。

英语 中的time 表示时间,光阴 shí jiān ,guāng yīn, 时刻 shí kè, 持续时间 chí xù shí jiān, 时期 shí qī, 次,回 cì,huí, 计时 jì shí, 片刻 piàn kè, 时机 shí jī, 季节 jì jié, 时间, 时段, 时间的 shí jiān de, (某一)时刻 mǒu yī shí kè, 时代 shí dài, 一生 yì shēng, 节奏 jié zòu, 拍子 pāi zi, 时制 shí zhì, 乘, 调准 tiáo zhǔn, 很开心, 长期地 cháng qī de, 许久以前 xǔ jiǔ yǐ qián, 时间问题, 亡羊补牢,为时不晚, 一会儿 yí huì er, 一段时间后 yí duàn shí jiān hòu, 抢时间的 qiǎng shí jiān de, 抢时间地 qiǎng shí jiān de, 先进的 xiān jìn de, 超越其时代的,开明的 chāo yuè qí shí dài de,kāi míng de, 提前 tí qián, 预先 yù xiān, 耐心点 nài xīn diǎn, 一直 yì zhí, 充裕的时间,足够的时间, 空前的,有史以来最…的 kōng qián de, 名留史册表演者,空前杰出的表演者, 跨越时代的经典, 其它时候, 不论何时 bú lùn hé shí, 不客气 bú kè qì, 任何时间 rèn hé shí jiān, 随着时光流逝, 在某个时间, 以后 yǐ hòu, 在不同场合,在别的时候, 在任何时候 zài rèn hé shí hòu, 在任何时候 zài rèn hé shí hòu, 随时 suí shí, 决不 jué bù, 一度 yí dù, 同时 tóng shí, 改天,下次 gǎi tiān,xià cì, 另一天,另一次 lìng yì tiān,lìng yí cì, 在那时 zài nà shí, 目前 mù qián, 同时 tóng shí, 一起 yì qǐ, 与此同时 yǔ cǐ tóng shí, 同时 tóng shí, 那时,当时,那段时间 nà shí,dāng shí,nà duàn shí jiān, 在...的时候, 当…的时候 dāng de shí hòu, 在目前情况下 zài mù qián qíng kuàng xià, 此时此刻 cǐ shí cǐ kè, 在这时 zài zhè shí, 不恰当的时间 bú qià dàng de shí jiān, 一段困难的时间, 洗澡时间, 继续活着的一段时间, 早产, 过早地 guò zǎo de, 在你出生前 zài nǐ chū shēng qián, 你来之前, 耐心等待, 非常 fēi cháng, 一流的,非常成功的,红极一时的 yī liú de ,fēi cháng chéng gōng de, 歇息时间 xiē xī shí jiān, 早餐时间 zǎo cān shí jiān, 英国夏令时间, 赢得时间 yíng dé shí jiān, 那时 nà shí, 那时,到那时 nà shí,dào nà shí, 到…时候为止 dào shí hòu wéi zhǐ, 到现在 dào xiàn zài, 宣布打烊,宣布结束当日营业 xuān bù dǎ yáng,xuān bù jié shù dāng rì yíng yè, 宣布时间已到 xuān bù shí jiān yǐ dào, 分身无术, 圣诞时光,圣诞期间, 打烊时间,关门时间 dǎ yàng shí jiān ,guān mén shí jiān, 打烊时间,关门时间 dǎ yàng shí jiān ,guān mén shí jiān, 收件时间, 补休, 关键时刻 guān jiàn shí kè, 中央标准时间, 2/2拍, 夏令时 xià lìng shí, 交货时间, 出发时间 chū fā shí jiān, 服刑 fú xíng, 跑步, 快步前进, 双倍工资, 让...速度翻倍, 快步 kuài bù, 夏令时 xià lìng shí, 每次 měi cì, 远古时候, 东部标准时间, 东部时区 dōng bù shí qū, 东部时区 dōng bù shí qū, 东部夏令时间, 东部标准时间, 预计抵达时间, 东部时间, 每次 měi cì, 每次 měi cì, 加时赛,加时 jiā shí sài, 家庭时光, 抽空 chōu kòng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 time 的含义

时间,光阴 shí jiān ,guāng yīn

noun (concept)

Time passes quickly when you are older.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我们要不断汲取新知识,才能不落后于时代。

时刻 shí kè

noun (specific hour)

What time is it? It's 3:20.

持续时间 chí xù shí jiān

noun (duration)

How much time will this meeting take?

时期 shí qī

noun (period)

At the time, we were just fifteen years old.

次,回 cì,huí

noun (count: instances) (可数)

We have eaten there three times.

计时 jì shí

transitive verb (sports: measure)

The coach timed the runner's sprint.

片刻 piàn kè

noun (moment to spare)

Do you have time to talk?

时机 shí jī

noun (occasion)

It's party time! Let's put on our dancing shoes!

季节 jì jié

noun (season)

Have you ever visited Normandy in apple blossom time?

时间, 时段

noun (scheduled hour)

Let's arrange a time to meet. Please see our updated timetables for the new departure times.

时间的 shí jiān de

adjective (related to time)

Some people believe that time travel is possible.

(某一)时刻 mǒu yī shí kè

noun (instant)

Where was he at that time?

时代 shí dài

noun (era)

The sixties were an interesting time in America.

一生 yì shēng

noun (lifetime)

He has loved a lot of women in his time.

节奏 jié zòu

noun (music: rhythm)

In many bands, the drummer keeps time.

拍子 pāi zi

noun (music: tempo)

What time should I play this piece in? Allegro, do you think?

时制 shí zhì

noun (measurement type) (如夏令时)

We are on Daylight Savings Time now.

preposition (multiplied by)

Three times two is six.

调准 tiáo zhǔn

transitive verb (regulate)

We timed the engine so the spark plugs fire at the right intervals.


noun (informal (fun, enjoyment)

Thanks so much for inviting me; I had a great time!

长期地 cháng qī de

adverb (a considerable period)

It's a long time since we last met.

许久以前 xǔ jiǔ yǐ qián

adverb (in the distant past)

A long time ago, my ancestors settled in this land.


noun ([sth] which will happen eventually)

They've been dating for 5 years, so it's only a matter of time before he proposes.


expression (figurative (best to act without delay)

一会儿 yí huì er

noun (a period, a while)

Come and sit with me for a time.

一段时间后 yí duàn shí jiān hòu

expression (after a while)

After some time, the architect delivered the plans for our new house.

抢时间的 qiǎng shí jiān de

adjective (under pressure of time)

Residents are in a race against time as flood waters begin to crest along the river.

抢时间地 qiǎng shí jiān de

adverb (under pressure of time)

They're racing against time to find a cure for her illness.

先进的 xiān jìn de

adjective (advanced) (技术等)

The company prides itself on bringing products to market that are ahead of their time.

超越其时代的,开明的 chāo yuè qí shí dài de,kāi míng de

adjective (enlightened) (见识、思想等)

This diary reveals that some men in the past were ahead of the times with regard to women's rights.

提前 tí qián

adverb (earlier than scheduled)

They estimated that the new Olympic stadium would be ready in September 2011 but actually it was finished ahead of time.

预先 yù xiān

adverb (in advance, earlier)

He was able to put the wallpaper up fast because I had primed the plaster ahead of time.

耐心点 nài xīn diǎn

expression (be patient)

The doctor assured the family that the patient would be out of hospital the next day, all in good time.

一直 yì zhí

expression (always)

I help people all the time.


noun (figurative (as much time as needed)

空前的,有史以来最…的 kōng qián de

adjective (ever, for eternity)

Many consider Mozart to be the all-time best composer.


noun (performer: classic)


noun (song, etc.: classic) (歌曲等)


adverb (in the future)

Not tonight, but perhaps another time?

不论何时 bú lùn hé shí

adverb (no matter when)

You call me any time you need to talk.

不客气 bú kè qì

interjection (you're welcome)

"Thank you for helping me with that." "Any time!"

任何时间 rèn hé shí jiān

adverb (at any moment)

We'll be ready to leave any time now, as soon as my husband finds his glasses.


expression (as circumstances change)

Sometimes, as time goes by, people's interests and tastes change.


adverb (at a specified hour)

You can adjust the heating so that it switches itself on at a certain time each evening.

以后 yǐ hòu

adverb (later)

We agreed to discuss the matter again at a later time.


adverb (in other circumstances)

At another time, she would have responded with anger, but she was so tired, she let his comments go.

在任何时候 zài rèn hé shí hòu

expression (any point in time)

At any one time, there are numerous children suffering from rare illnesses.

在任何时候 zài rèn hé shí hòu

adverb (whenever convenient)

You can call me for help at any time.

随时 suí shí

adverb (without warning) (无事先警告)

I like my desk to face the door, because I know my boss may walk in at any time.

决不 jué bù

adverb (never, not at any point)

At no time did Bob leave the house that evening.

一度 yí dù

expression (once, at some point in the past)

At one time you were allowed to buy milk straight from the farmer.

同时 tóng shí

expression (at once: simultaneously)

I was trying to do three things at one time, and failed the three.

改天,下次 gǎi tiān,xià cì

adverb (at an unspecified future time) (指将来)

I promise that we'll go to Disneyland at some other time.

另一天,另一次 lìng yì tiān,lìng yí cì

adverb (at an unspecified past time) (指过去)

I had promised that we would go to Disney at some other time.

在那时 zài nà shí

adverb (during a specified past period)

I was born in 1999. At that time my father was a captain, but now he is a major.

目前 mù qián

adverb (now, currently)

At the present time, there are many migrating birds here.

同时 tóng shí

adverb (simultaneously)

It was fortunate that we both arrived at the same time.

一起 yì qǐ

adverb (in unison)

We all screamed for more ice cream at the same time.

与此同时 yǔ cǐ tóng shí

preposition (concurrent)

同时 tóng shí

preposition (at precise moment)

Joey returned home at the same time that Zula was preparing to leave.

那时,当时,那段时间 nà shí,dāng shí,nà duàn shí jiān

adverb (back then) (指过去)

At the time, I didn't fully understand what she meant, but I caught on later.


expression (when [sth] happened)

At the time of his father's death, Bob was living in Italy.

当…的时候 dāng de shí hòu

adverb (during that period) (过去的某个时间)

At the time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, there was no human life.

在目前情况下 zài mù qián qíng kuàng xià

expression (now, at present)

I am not studying English at this moment in time.

此时此刻 cǐ shí cǐ kè

expression (currently, now)

在这时 zài zhè shí

adverb (at present, now)

That car model is not available at this time.

不恰当的时间 bú qià dàng de shí jiān

noun (inopportune moment)

You have come at a bad time. Our department has just had its budget cut, so it's a bad time to ask the boss for a pay rise.


noun (difficult experience)

Harry had a bad time at the casino when he lost a lot of money.


noun (time allocated for a bath)

My kids always hide when it's bath time.


noun (figurative (uncertain time period)

With all the budget cuts we're experiencing, there's no doubt this project is on borrowed time; it's going to get shut down any day now.


adverb (prematurely) (胎儿)

The baby was born before its time.

过早地 guò zǎo de

adverb (precociously)

Parents should not try to force a child to walk before its time.

在你出生前 zài nǐ chū shēng qián

adverb (informal (before your birth)

I remember the day President Kennedy was shot - but that's before your time.


adverb (informal (before your involvement)

He used to be Managing Director here, but that was a few years before your time.


verbal expression (wait calmly)

非常 fēi cháng

adverb (informal (to the highest extent)

She's amazing, and I fell in love with her big time.

一流的,非常成功的,红极一时的 yī liú de ,fēi cháng chéng gōng de

noun as adjective (informal (very successful)

Now he's a big-time director, but once he worked in the mail room.

歇息时间 xiē xī shí jiān

noun (recreational period)

Part-time workers get half the break time of full-time workers.

早餐时间 zǎo cān shí jiān

noun (hour when breakfast is eaten)

Rise and shine! It's breakfast time!


noun (initialism (British Summer Time)

赢得时间 yíng dé shí jiān

verbal expression (figurative (create a helpful delay)

The main use for the drug is to buy time by slowing down the spread of the disease.

那时 nà shí

adverb (in the past)

那时,到那时 nà shí,dào nà shí

adverb (in the future)

Where will you be in 50 years? By that time, I will be an old man!

到…时候为止 dào shí hòu wéi zhǐ

adverb (at some point before)

You better have your chores done by the time I get home or you're in big trouble. The traffic was so bad that by the time I got to the office I was 20 minutes late.

到现在 dào xiàn zài

adverb (at some point before this moment)

I would normally be in bed by this time. By this time, you should have finished studying for the exam.

宣布打烊,宣布结束当日营业 xuān bù dǎ yáng,xuān bù jié shù dāng rì yíng yè

intransitive verb (pub: announce closing) (酒吧、酒店等)

宣布时间已到 xuān bù shí jiān yǐ dào

intransitive verb (put an end to [sth])

When I call time, you will put down your pencils and turn your exam papers over.


verbal expression (US, informal (have too many obligations) (因事情太多)

I can't be in all places at one time so someone will have to help me.


noun (period of Christmas holidays)

I'm going home at Christmas time.

打烊时间,关门时间 dǎ yàng shí jiān ,guān mén shí jiān

noun (hour when a business closes) (商店等的)

The closing time of most shops in the city centre is between 5pm & 8pm.

打烊时间,关门时间 dǎ yàng shí jiān ,guān mén shí jiān

noun (UK (hour when a pub closes) (酒馆等的)

At closing time, there are lots of drunk people on the streets.


noun (hour when postbox is emptied)

They have posted the collection times on the outside of the mail boxes.


noun (US, abbr, informal (compensatory time off)

关键时刻 guān jiàn shí kè

noun (informal (decisive moment)


noun (initialism (Central Standard Time)


noun (US (music: alla breve)

夏令时 xià lìng shí

noun (clocks set one hour ahead)

Most countries have daylight saving time in the summer, although the start date varies.


noun (before customer receives goods)

The exact delivery time cannot be specified.

出发时间 chū fā shí jiān

noun (scheduled leaving time)

Our departure time is 12:30, so we need to be at the airport 3 hours before that to get through security.

服刑 fú xíng

intransitive verb (slang (serve a prison sentence) (俚语)

跑步, 快步前进

noun (US (military: marching rate)


noun (overtime pay)


transitive verb (cause to move in double time)

快步 kuài bù

intransitive verb (move twice as fast)

夏令时 xià lìng shí

noun (initialism (daylight saving time)

每次 měi cì

adverb (on every occasion)

Each time she sang, people would cover their ears.


plural noun (period long ago)

In early times, people made measurements by comparing things with parts of the human body.


noun (standard time in eastern US) (美国)

东部时区 dōng bù shí qū

adverb (at standard time in eastern US)

东部时区 dōng bù shí qū

noun (EST: US time zone)

New York and Washington are both on Eastern time.


noun (initialism (Eastern Daylight Time)


noun (initialism (Eastern Standard Time) (美国)

Midday EST is 5 pm GMT.


noun (hour [sb], [sth] is expected to arrive)


noun (abbreviation (Eastern Time)

I will call you tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. ET.

每次 měi cì

adverb (on each occasion)

I've watched that movie seven times and the ending makes me cry every time.

每次 měi cì

conjunction (on each occasion that)

Every time I go to the restaurant I order the same dish.

加时赛,加时 jiā shí sài

noun (mainly UK (sports: further period of play) (运动)


noun (US (time spent with family)

抽空 chōu kòng

(activity: fit in)

I am very busy, but I will try to find time to see you.

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time 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。