英语 中的 record 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 record 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 record 的说明。

英语 中的record 表示记录,记载 jì lù,jì zǎi, 历史记录 lì shǐ jì lù, 过往成就,过往 guò wǎng, 最高记录,最好成绩 zuì gāo jì lù,zuì hǎo chéng jì, 录制 lù zhì, 创纪录的 chuàng jì lù de, 文字记载, 功过记录 gōng guò jì lù, 司法报告 sī fǎ bào gào, 犯罪前科记录 fàn zuì qián kē jì lù, (黑胶)唱片 hēi jiāo chàng piàn, 数据 shù jù, 录音 lù yīn, 记下 jì xià, 提供关于...的证据, 展示 zhǎn shì, 拘捕记录, 破纪录, 破记录 pò jì lù, 打破...的记录, 死循环, 犯罪记录 fàn zuì jì lù, 财务记录, 以供备案 yǐ gōng bèi àn, 美国研究生入学考试, 美国研究生入学考试, 飞快地 fēi kuài de, 密纹唱片 mì wén chàng piàn, 病历 bìng lì, 顶级大报,标杆性报纸, 有记录的, 非官方的 fēi guān fāng de, 非正式地 fēi zhèng shì de, 有记载地 yǒu jì zǎi de, 公开发表地 gōng kāi fā biǎo de, 记录在案 jì lù zài àn, 前科,犯罪记录 fàn zuì jì lù, 职业记录, 日志 rì zhì, 打破纪录者, 唱片公司 chàng piān gōng sī, 股权登记日, 记录保持者 jì lù bǎo chí zhě, 记帐 jì zhàng, 唱片公司 chàng piān gōng sī, 电唱机 diàn chàng jī, 唱片制作人 chàng piàn zhì zuò rén, 唱片店, 破纪录的, 唱片公司的, 就业记录 jiù yè jì lù, 服役记录 fú yì jì lù, 维修记录 wéi xiū jì lù, 创造记录, 澄清问题, (最快的)速度记录 zuì kuài de sù dù jì lù, 用录音带录音, 以前的成绩记录,业绩,业务记录,工作成绩记录 yǐ qián de chéng jì jì lù,yè jì,yè wù jì lù,gōng zuò chéng jì jì lù, 世界纪录, 世界纪录保持者 shì jiè jì lù bǎo chí zhě。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 record 的含义

记录,记载 jì lù,jì zǎi

noun (written account) (书面的)

The captain left a record in his log. The company keeps a record of all its transactions.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这些资料都可以在档案中查到。

历史记录 lì shǐ jì lù

noun (history)

The record shows that the war was destructive.

过往成就,过往 guò wǎng

noun (past actions or achievements)

This politician has a record of voting against her party.

最高记录,最好成绩 zuì gāo jì lù,zuì hǎo chéng jì

noun (sports, etc.: best) (体育运动等)

Our team holds the record for total points scored.

录制 lù zhì

transitive verb (capture on tape, etc.) (磁带等)

The band recorded a new album.

创纪录的 chuàng jì lù de

adjective (superlative)

The temperature reached record highs.


noun (often plural (preservation in writing)

Nomadic tribes leave few records.

功过记录 gōng guò jì lù

noun (memorial)

This book is a record of their achievements.

司法报告 sī fǎ bào gào

noun (judicial report)

The prosecutor entered evidence into the record.

犯罪前科记录 fàn zuì qián kē jì lù

noun (judicial pleadings)

The judicial record demonstrates the precedent.

(黑胶)唱片 hēi jiāo chàng piàn

noun (vinyl LP, etc.)

I bought a new record.

数据 shù jù

noun (database)

The database table has 130 records in it.

录音 lù yīn

intransitive verb (capture sounds or images on tape)

We're ready to record.

记下 jì xià

transitive verb (take note of [sth])

I'll record that idea for future reference.


transitive verb (reveal about the past)

These ruins record the life of the Vikings in England.

展示 zhǎn shì

transitive verb (display) (指录影、录音带等)

The videotape recorded a disturbance.


noun (law: about criminal charges)


verbal expression (surpass previous highest, best)

We broke a record today; it's the first March ever with absolutely no snow here.

破记录 pò jì lù

verbal expression (surpass previous highest, best)


verbal expression (surpass previous highest, best)


noun (figurative (endless repeating of [sth])

犯罪记录 fàn zuì jì lù

noun (previous convictions)

Suspicion fell on him because he had a criminal record.


noun (account, finance statement)

以供备案 yǐ gōng bèi àn

adverb (officially, openly)

For the record, it wasn't me who left the back door open when we went out.


noun (US, Can (grad school test)


noun (US, Can (Graduate Record Examination)

飞快地 fēi kuài de

expression (faster than ever before)

We made the journey in record time.

密纹唱片 mì wén chàng piàn

noun (12-inch vinyl record)

I don't think you can find long play records any more.

病历 bìng lì

noun (often plural (documentation of healthcare history)


noun (informal (respected broadsheet newspaper)

El País is often considered to be a newspaper of record from Spain.


adjective (documented)

A copy will be sent to the parties of record on the case.

非官方的 fēi guān fāng de

adjective (unofficial, confidential)

The senator apologized for his off-the-record remarks.

非正式地 fēi zhèng shì de

adverb (unofficially, confidentially)

Those comments were made off the record and weren't intended for publication.

有记载地 yǒu jì zǎi de

adverb (in documented history)

This was the hottest summer on record.

公开发表地 gōng kāi fā biǎo de

adverb (officially, publicly)

The Mayor went on record, detailing his new municipal plan.

记录在案 jì lù zài àn

expression (officially recorded)

The politician's comments were on the record and were published in several newspapers.

前科,犯罪记录 fàn zuì jì lù

noun (law: criminal history)


noun (history of performance in a career)

日志 rì zhì

noun (log)

Have you written it down in the record book?


noun (highest achiever)

The athlete became a record breaker when she won her fifth gold medal at the Olympic Games.

唱片公司 chàng piān gōng sī

noun (business: sells recorded music)


noun (date to officially own shares)

记录保持者 jì lù bǎo chí zhě

noun ([sb] officially recorded as best at [sth])

He was the world record holder for the long jump for five consecutive years.

记帐 jì zhàng

noun (maintaining accounts or log)

Accurate record keeping is of crucial importance.

唱片公司 chàng piān gōng sī

noun (recorded music production company)

电唱机 diàn chàng jī

noun (turntable for vinyl discs)

I use my record player all the time because I think music sounds better on vinyl!

唱片制作人 chàng piàn zhì zuò rén

noun ([sb] who manages music recordings)

I don't think I'll ever fulfil my ambition of being a record producer.


noun (store selling recorded music)


adjective (top, most successful)


noun as adjective (of a record company)

He is a record-company executive.

就业记录 jiù yè jì lù

noun (employment history)

If you don't think he can do the job, you can always check his service record at the employment office.

服役记录 fú yì jì lù

noun (US (history of military service)

The sergeant had a great service record and had won many medals.

维修记录 wéi xiū jì lù

noun (vehicle: record of maintence) (车辆)

When they repaired the car's engine they made an entry on the service record.


verbal expression (do [sth] to greatest degree)

Johnson set a record in the long jump this afternoon.


verbal expression (correct false account)

(最快的)速度记录 zuì kuài de sù dù jì lù

noun (fastest speed officially recorded)

The Guinness World Book tracks the speed records of cars, airplanes, boats, etc.


transitive verb (audio)

以前的成绩记录,业绩,业务记录,工作成绩记录 yǐ qián de chéng jì jì lù,yè jì,yè wù jì lù,gōng zuò chéng jì jì lù

noun (figurative, informal (previous performance) (比喻,非正式用语)

This employee has a great track record of finishing work on time.


noun (international best)

世界纪录保持者 shì jiè jì lù bǎo chí zhě

noun (current international champion)

To win the race she'll have to beat the current world-record holder.

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record 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。