英语 中的 mark 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 mark 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 mark 的说明。

英语 中的mark 表示记号 jì hào, 痕迹 hén jì, (标点)符号 biāo diǎn fú hào, 成绩 chéng jì, 标志 biāo zhì, 弄污,刮花 nòng wū, 给...打分, 十字画押 shí zì huà yā, 商标 shāng biāo, 表示 biǎo shì, 目标 mù biāo, 地标 dì biāo, 标准 biāo zhǔn, 被欺骗的对象,容易受骗的人 bèi qī piàn de duì xiàng,róng yì shòu piàn de rén, 参考点 cān kǎo diǎn, 记录,最佳成绩 jì lù,zuì jiā chéng jì, (最好的)成绩,(最高的)分数 zuì hǎo de chéng jì,zuì gāo de fēn shù, 识别印章 shí bié yìn zhāng, 迹象 jì xiàng, 作为…的标志, 是...的特征, 标记 biāo jì, 给…贴标签, 注意到 zhù yì dào, 标志着…,是…的迹象,是…的征兆, 给…打低分, 标低…的价格, 记下 jì xià, 划出,划开 huá kāi, 划出, 提价 tí jià, 标记 biāo jì, 重音符号 zhòng yīn fú hào, 美人痣 měi rén zhì, 基准点, 基准 jī zhǔn, 标杆, 胎记 tāi jì, 污点,不良记录 wū diǎn, 对勾, 裁切标记, 容易受骗的人 róng yì shòu piàn de rén, 感叹号 gǎn tàn hào, 指痕 zhǐ hén, 高分 gāo fēn, 井字号 jǐng zì hào, 高潮线,高潮标度 gāo cháo xiàn,gāo cháo biāo dù, (成就的)最高峰, 达到目的 dá dào mù dì, 适合 shì hé, 识别标记(如条码、序列号等) shí bié biāo jì rú tiáo mǎ xù liè hào děng, 索引标志, 风筝标志, 打下烙印, 在…上留下记号, 给…留下深远影响, 成名 chéng míng, 标记为 biāo jì wéi, 记住我的话, 评分方案,打分方案, 标志着...的开始, 庆祝...的开幕, 庆祝这件事,纪念这一刻, 弄脏 nòng zāng, 加价 jiā jià, 标示 biāo shì, 未达到目的, 未击中目标, 没出息的人, 不准确 bù zhǔn què, 各就各位 gè jiù gè wèi, 井号, 标点符号,标点 biāo diǎn fú hào ,biāo diǎn, 问号 wèn hào, 质疑,疑问 zhì yí ,yí wèn, 抢先行动, 引号 yǐn hào, 参考符号 cān kǎo fú hào, 磨损处 mó sǔn chù, 服务商标, 妊娠纹 rèn shēn wén, 符合要求的 fú hé yāo qiú de, 水位标记 shuǐ wèi biāo jì, 远离目标的 yuǎn lí mù biāo de, 离谱的 lí pǔ de, 偏靶的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 mark 的含义

记号 jì hào

noun (visible sign)

The falling chair left a mark on the wall.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他用笔在书上作了一个标记。

痕迹 hén jì

noun (spot, scratch)

The antique table has a dark mark towards the left side.

(标点)符号 biāo diǎn fú hào

noun (punctuation symbol)

You need to put a punctuation mark at the end of every sentence.

成绩 chéng jì

noun (UK (grade)

He received a low mark in Spanish.

标志 biāo zhì

transitive verb (indicate)

Mark the text to be studied.

弄污,刮花 nòng wū

transitive verb (scratch, mar)

The cat marked the table leg with its claws.


transitive verb (grade)

The teacher marked the students' essays with the scores they had earned.

十字画押 shí zì huà yā

noun (dated (cross) (过时用语)

I need your signature or mark at the bottom.

商标 shāng biāo

noun (badge, brand)

The rising sun is the mark for that brand of floor wax.

表示 biǎo shì

noun (token)

This gift is a mark of my respect for you.

目标 mù biāo

noun (target)

He hit the mark on his third shot with the bow and arrow.

地标 dì biāo

noun (landmark)

St Paul's Cathedral is the most obvious mark in this area of London.

标准 biāo zhǔn

noun (standard)

The four-minute mile is the mark that all middle distance runners want to beat.

被欺骗的对象,容易受骗的人 bèi qī piàn de duì xiàng,róng yì shòu piàn de rén

noun (colloquial (dupe, victim) (口语)

The pickpocket looked for a new mark with a full wallet.

参考点 cān kǎo diǎn

noun (reference point)

There are four marks along the trail.

记录,最佳成绩 jì lù,zuì jiā chéng jì

noun (sport: record) (体育比赛)

The mark to beat is three point two metres.

(最好的)成绩,(最高的)分数 zuì hǎo de chéng jì,zuì gāo de fēn shù

noun (competition: record) (竞赛、比赛等)

The players tallied the marks on the scorecard.

识别印章 shí bié yìn zhāng

noun (identifying stamp)

They realized that the letter was genuine when they saw the prince's mark.

迹象 jì xiàng

noun (figurative (indication)

His involvement in the project is a mark of real quality.

作为…的标志, 是...的特征

transitive verb (be a notable characteristic of)

Violence marked each night of the war.

标记 biāo jì

transitive verb (draw, write on)

She marked her ballot paper with a cross.


transitive verb (attach price tag, label)

The store marked the goods on sale with red price tags.

注意到 zhù yì dào

transitive verb (formal (notice) (正式用语)

He marked her displeasure and responded appropriately.


transitive verb (be a sign of, signal)

The country's first democratic election marks the start of a new era.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (give lower grade to)

The teacher marked my paper down because I misspelled so many words.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (reduce price of)

The store marked down the Christmas merchandise in January.

记下 jì xià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (record, note)

Mark down your dentist appointment on the calendar so you don't forget it!

划出,划开 huá kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (delineate, outline)

Mark off the area to be tiled and find the centre. They marked off the area of the garden that was to be laid to lawn.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (delineate, define: boundaries)

Animals mark out their territory with a variety of visual and scent signals.

提价 tí jià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (increase price)

Hotels mark up their prices whenever there is a national holiday.

标记 biāo jì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (text: indicate changes)

Please mark up your document to indicate bold, italic, or underlined.

重音符号 zhòng yīn fú hào

noun (diacritical mark on letter)

美人痣 měi rén zhì

noun (mole on the face)

One of the the most famous beauty marks is the one that Marilyn Monroe had on her left cheek.


noun (mark used for surveying)

Start the measurement at the benchmark on the stone post at the edge of the field.

基准 jī zhǔn

noun (figurative (standard)

By the end of the school year, all third-grade students will need to meet this benchmark.


noun (figurative (standard of excellence)

This restaurant is the benchmark against which I measure all other restaurants.

胎记 tāi jì

noun (patch of dark, red skin)

She is really self-conscious about the birth mark on her neck.

污点,不良记录 wū diǎn

noun (figurative (record of failure, wrongdoing)

The scandal was a black mark on the politician's career.


noun (US (tick: list item, correct answer, etc.)

He wrote a check mark next to each completed task on his list.


noun (printing: shows where to trim) (印刷)

The crop marks show the exact size of the page.

容易受骗的人 róng yì shòu piàn de rén

noun ([sb] easily targeted or victimized)

She was an elderly lady who lived alone: an easy mark for the con-man.

感叹号 gǎn tàn hào

noun (US (punctuation)

It is considered poor style to use too many exclamation points when writing.

指痕 zhǐ hén

noun (smear, print left by a finger)

高分 gāo fēn

noun (high grade: in exam, test)

I got a very good mark in my Spanish exam.

井字号 jǐng zì hào

noun (UK (pound sign: number sign #)

To abbreviate the word "number" in English, just use the hash mark.

高潮线,高潮标度 gāo cháo xiàn,gāo cháo biāo dù

noun (sea, river: highest level) (河流)

The high-water mark is easy to identify on a beach by a line of debris such as seaweed.


noun (figurative (achievement)

The end of the second century was the high-water mark of the Roman Empire.

达到目的 dá dào mù dì

verbal expression (figurative (satisfy [sth])

适合 shì hé

verbal expression (figurative (be suitable for [sth])

识别标记(如条码、序列号等) shí bié biāo jì rú tiáo mǎ xù liè hào děng

noun (barcode or serial number)

All meat products must have an identification mark to show where they come from.


noun (point marked on hard disk drive)

The index mark indicates the starting point of a track on a hard drive.


noun (UK (quality label) (优质安全标记)

The Kitemark shows consumers that a product conforms to the appropriate British Standard.


verbal expression (figurative (make an impact)

Parents leave their mark on their children.


verbal expression (write, draw or paint)

He made a mark on the pavement to show where to turn.


verbal expression (figurative (have an impact)

Dick Button made his mark on figure skating when he performed the first double axel jump.

成名 chéng míng

verbal expression (have an impact)

Peter Jackson has made his mark in the cinematic realm.

标记为 biāo jì wéi

verbal expression (indicate to be)

Entries marked as "private" are not visible to other users.


interjection (this is sure to happen)

Mark my words! That boy will always be a troublemaker.


noun (UK (set method of exam grading)

The teacher gave us the mark scheme so we could mark the paper ourselves.


verbal expression (be the start of [sth])

The lighting of the torch marks the beginning of the Olympic Games.


verbal expression (celebrate the start of [sth])

In the year 2000, there were celebrations around the world to mark the beginning of the new millennium.


verbal expression (celebrate or commemorate [sth])

Let us mark the occasion by opening a bottle of champagne.

弄脏 nòng zāng

(US (scratch, mar)

The children had marked up the walls with crayon.

加价 jiā jià

noun (price increase)

The dealer added a 5% markup to the car.

标示 biāo shì

noun (printing instructions)

Lindsay printed the final document without markups.


verbal expression (figurative (fail to achieve intended aim)

The essay misses the mark because it doesn't directly answer the question.


verbal expression (fail to hit target)

The soccer player's shot missed the mark and went out for a goal kick.


noun (UK, slang (unimportant person)

不准确 bù zhǔn què

expression (incorrect)

各就各位 gè jiù gè wèi

interjection (sport: take up starting position) (体育比赛)

On your marks; get set; go!


noun (keyboard, phone: number sign #)

标点符号,标点 biāo diǎn fú hào ,biāo diǎn

noun (comma, question mark, etc.)

Don't forget to end your sentence with a punctuation mark.

问号 wèn hào

noun (interrogative punctuation symbol)

A written sentence that is a question must end with a question mark.

质疑,疑问 zhì yí ,yí wèn

noun (figurative (element of doubt) (比喻)

There's a question mark over his ability to manage the team.


adjective (figurative, informal (quick to act or react)

引号 yǐn hào

noun (usually plural (punctuation indicating speech, etc.) (标点符号)

Should quotation marks come before or after a full stop?

参考符号 cān kǎo fú hào

noun (for a footnote, etc.)

Students must follow the university's style rules when including reference marks in their essays.

磨损处 mó sǔn chù

noun (often plural (scratch mark, scrape)

There was a black scuff on the white floor tile.


noun (logo of a commercial service)

The service mark appears on the uniforms of the company's employees.

妊娠纹 rèn shēn wén

noun (streak on skin)

符合要求的 fú hé yāo qiú de

adjective (acceptably good)

My teacher told me that my work wasn't up to the mark.

水位标记 shuǐ wèi biāo jì

noun (mark of water level)

The flood had left a watermark on the wall.

远离目标的 yuǎn lí mù biāo de

adjective (shot: off-target)

The shot was wide of the target.

离谱的 lí pǔ de

adjective (figurative (guess: inaccurate) (猜测)

Catherine tried to guess the price of the watch, but she was wide of the mark.


adjective (shot: missing the target) (射击、射箭)

The archer's first shot at the target was wide of the mark.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。