英语 中的 count 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 count 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 count 的说明。

英语 中的count 表示数数, 计算 jì suàn, 算出…的总数 suàn chū … de zǒng shù, 算出…的总数,数出…的总数 suàn chū … de zǒng shù, 总数 zǒng shù, 裁判对被打倒的选手数十秒(给予拳击手再次站起来比赛的宽限时间) cái pàn duì bèi dǎ dǎo de xuǎn shǒu shǔ shí miǎo gěi yǔ quán jī shǒu zài cì zhàn qǐ lái bǐ sài de kuān xiàn shí jiān, 罪状,起诉理由 zuì zhuàng,qǐ sù lǐ yóu, 投票 tóu piào, 伯爵 bó jué, 有重要性 yǒu zhòng yào xìng, 值 zhí, 包括 bāo kuò, 看作 kàn zuò, 为…作最后的准备 wèi zuò zuì hòu de zhǔn bèi, 倒计时 dào jì shí, 倒计, 算上…, 依靠 yī kào, 指望某人做某事, 料想 liào xiǎng, 除开,不把…算在内 bù bǎ suàn zài nèi, 除却, 清点数目 qīng diǎn shù mù, 计入…总数, 信赖 xìn lài, 血球计数, 死亡人数 sǐ wáng rén shù, 全血细胞计数, (被)认为对…不利 bèi rèn wéi duì bú lì, 计算卡路里,计算热量, 算我一个, 别把我算在内,除了我,把我除外 bié bǎ wǒ suàn zài nèi,chú le wǒ,bǎ wǒ chú wài, 可数名词, 数绵羊 shǔ mián yáng, 合计 hé jì, 知足常乐, 过早下定论, 数到三 shǔ dào sān, 计数 jì shù, 总人数 zǒng rén shù, 无价值的 wú jià zhí de, 不中用的人,无价值的人 bù zhōng yòng de rén, 数到三下后, 被击倒读秒的, 被打晕的, 睡着的 shuì zháo de, 重新数 chóng xīn shǔ, 重数 chóng shǔ, 跳跃计数, 织物经纬密度 zhī wù jīng wěi mì dù, 浏览次数, 字数 zì shù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 count 的含义


intransitive verb (recite numbers)

The children are learning to count.

计算 jì suàn

transitive verb (enumerate)

She counted the candies.

算出…的总数 suàn chū … de zǒng shù

(add, total)

The teacher counted up the scripts she had collected at the end of the exam.

算出…的总数,数出…的总数 suàn chū … de zǒng shù

(add, total)

The tour guide counted up the tourists as they got back on the bus.

总数 zǒng shù

noun (sum total)

Are you done? What's the total count? All the patients showed an increase in their white cell counts.

裁判对被打倒的选手数十秒(给予拳击手再次站起来比赛的宽限时间) cái pàn duì bèi dǎ dǎo de xuǎn shǒu shǔ shí miǎo gěi yǔ quán jī shǒu zài cì zhàn qǐ lái bǐ sài de kuān xiàn shí jiān

noun (boxing) (拳击)

He was down for the count.

罪状,起诉理由 zuì zhuàng,qǐ sù lǐ yóu

noun (law: crime) (法律:犯罪)

He was charged for 3 counts of assault.

投票 tóu piào

noun (voting)

The counts are in and the Democrats have won.

伯爵 bó jué

noun (nobleman)

Don Juan was the Count of Barcelona.

有重要性 yǒu zhòng yào xìng

intransitive verb (have importance)

Does my work experience count?

值 zhí

intransitive verb (be worth)

Your honesty counts a lot to me.

包括 bāo kuò

transitive verb (include)

It's an eight-hour drive, not counting any stops.

看作 kàn zuò

transitive verb (consider)

I count you among my best friends.

为…作最后的准备 wèi zuò zuì hòu de zhǔn bèi

(figurative (prepare for, anticipate [sth])

As soon as one birthday is over, Tommy starts counting down to the next one.

倒计时 dào jì shí

phrasal verb, intransitive (count back to zero)


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (count backwards to event)

It was almost midnight on New Year's Eve; the crowd in Times Square was counting down the seconds.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (include)

依靠 yī kào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (trust, rely on)

I included Sheila in the team because I know I can count on her.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (trust, rely on)

You can count on her to be on time.

料想 liào xiǎng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (expect, be confident of)

The fans were counting on victory today after the Manchester United's recent successes.

除开,不把…算在内 bù bǎ suàn zài nèi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (exclude) (非正式用语)

I'm busy on Saturday so you can count me out of the football game.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (exclude)

清点数目 qīng diǎn shù mù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (distribute)

He counted out the ten euros he owed me in one euro coins.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (contribute to total)

Holly's German class doesn't count toward graduation credits; she's simply taking the class for fun.

信赖 xìn lài

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (depend on, rely on)

I should like to thank you for your help, and assure you that you may count upon my support at any time.


noun (number of cells in [sb]'s blood)

死亡人数 sǐ wáng rén shù

noun (number of fatalities)

After the earthquake, the body count rose to the thousands.


noun (initialism (complete blood count)

(被)认为对…不利 bèi rèn wéi duì bú lì

(be detrimental)

His criminal record will count against him when he starts applying for jobs.


(be on weight-loss diet) (控制饮食)


interjection (informal (include me)

I'd love to go camping with you. Count me in!

别把我算在内,除了我,把我除外 bié bǎ wǒ suàn zài nèi,chú le wǒ,bǎ wǒ chú wài

interjection (informal (exclude me) (非正式用语)

Count me out! There's no way I can afford to eat there.


noun (noun that is countable)

数绵羊 shǔ mián yáng

verbal expression (try to fall asleep)

One of the best ways to fall asleep is to count sheep.

合计 hé jì

verbal expression (recite numbers)

I can count up to ten in Chinese.


verbal expression (be grateful for what you have)


expression (figurative (rely on [sth] prematurely)

数到三 shǔ dào sān

adverb (while counting to 3)

Abigail paused for a count of three before telling her husband why she was angry.

计数 jì shù

noun (tally)

The teacher did a quick head count before dividing the class into two groups.

总人数 zǒng rén shù

noun (number of people)

无价值的 wú jià zhí de

adjective (US, informal (of little worth)

不中用的人,无价值的人 bù zhōng yòng de rén

noun (US, informal (worthless person)


adverb (after counting to 3)

The race will start on the count of three.

被击倒读秒的, 被打晕的

adjective (boxer: unconscious)

睡着的 shuì zháo de

adjective (informal, figurative (asleep)

He's out for the count.

重新数 chóng xīn shǔ

transitive verb (count again)

Ballots were recounted but the result was the same.

重数 chóng shǔ

noun (counting again)

Opposition candidates are demanding a recount.


intransitive verb (recite numbers by twos)

织物经纬密度 zhī wù jīng wěi mì dù

noun (thread density of a woven fabric)

Expensive sheets and pillowcases usually have a very high thread count.


noun (times viewed online)

字数 zì shù

noun (number of words in a text)

Write the word count at the end of your essay.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 count 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

count 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。