英语 中的 training 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 training 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 training 的说明。

英语 中的training 表示训练 xùn liàn, 培训 péi xùn, 训练 xùn liàn, 列车,火车 liè chē ,huǒ chē, 教授某人, 训练,驯 xùn liàn, 训练 xùn liàn, 接受训练 jiē shòu xùn liàn, 教某人…, 教某人做某事, 训练…做某事, 车队 chē duì, 队列 duì liè, 一组(随行人员) yì zǔ suí xíng rén yuán, 拖裙,裙摆 tuō qún,qún bǎi, 齿轮组 chǐ lún zǔ, 训练 xùn liàn, 使...朝…生长, 瞄准 miáo zhǔn, 自律训练, 基本培训 jī běn péi xùn, 基本训练, (轮番进行多种体育锻炼的)循环训练 lún fān jìn xíng duō zhǒng tǐ yù duàn liàn de xún huán xùn liàn, 交叉训练, 交叉培训, 公民军事训练团, 毕业实习, 驯马 xùn mǎ, 在职培训 zài zhí péi xùn, 间歇训练 jiàn xiē xùn liàn, 职业培训 zhí yè péi xùn, 军事训练 jūn shì xùn liàn, 在职培训 zài zhí péi xùn, 军官训练团, 没有进行训练的 méi yǒu jìn xíng xùn liàn de, 健身,体育锻炼 jiàn shēn, 如厕训练,大小便训练, 预备军官训练团, 员工培训,人员培训,职工培训, 力量训练, 教师培训 jiào shī péi xùn, 上厕所训练 shàng cè suǒ xùn liàn, 训练营 xùn liàn yíng, 培训班 péi xùn bān, 培训课程 péi xùn kè chéng, 训练船, 支撑轮, 职业培训 zhí yè péi xùn, 举重训练 jǔ zhòng xùn liàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 training 的含义

训练 xùn liàn

noun (physical exercise: practice)

He went to training every day to regain use of his hand.

培训 péi xùn

noun (knowledge or skill learned)

His training as an electrician taught him to rewire the TV set.

训练 xùn liàn

noun (coaching process)

Bob is in charge of training now.

列车,火车 liè chē ,huǒ chē

noun (railway) (运输)

There are trains leaving for Paris every hour.


transitive verb (teach)

We have someone new starting at work on Monday and I have to train her.

训练,驯 xùn liàn

transitive verb (animal: teach to behave) (动物)

It is hard work training a dog.

训练 xùn liàn

intransitive verb (sports: practise, exercise)

The team trained daily at the beginning of the season.

接受训练 jiē shòu xùn liàn

intransitive verb (learn)

They trained to be mechanics. No, I can't do it yet; I am still training.


(teach about [sth]) (某方面的知识)

The instructor trained them in the use of the computer program.


(person: teach to do)

The coach trained her skaters to spin on one foot.


(animal: teach to do) (动物)

It is important to train your puppy not to bite.

车队 chē duì

noun (series of vehicles)

There was a long train of cars waiting to get onto the ferry.

队列 duì liè

noun (procession)

There was a long train of people in the funeral procession.

一组(随行人员) yì zǔ suí xíng rén yuán

noun (group of followers)

The film star was followed by a train of aides.

拖裙,裙摆 tuō qún,qún bǎi

noun (of a dress or robe)

The train on her wedding dress was two metres long.

齿轮组 chǐ lún zǔ

noun (connected machinery)

The gear train requires constant lubrication.

训练 xùn liàn

transitive verb (sports: coach) (体育运动)

The coaches train the football players.


transitive verb (guide a plant's growth)

I trained the ivy to grow up the wall.

瞄准 miáo zhǔn

transitive verb (aim)

The guns were all trained on the enemy soldiers.


noun (relaxation technique)

基本培训 jī běn péi xùn

noun (instruction in basic skills)

The basic training for mental health workers lasts 160 hours.


noun (military: initial training) (军队)

In basic training, we learned how to shoot and how to drive a tank.

(轮番进行多种体育锻炼的)循环训练 lún fān jìn xíng duō zhǒng tǐ yù duàn liàn de xún huán xùn liàn

noun (athletic exercise)

Circuit training is effective for building aerobic endurance and burning fat, but not so much so for adding muscle.


noun (combining types of exercise)


noun (business: employee training)


noun (initialism (Citizens Training Corps)


noun (practical study)

驯马 xùn mǎ

noun (teaching behaviour to horses)

在职培训 zài zhí péi xùn

noun (professional training while on the job)

We all had to attend an in-service training session before we could use the new computer system.

间歇训练 jiàn xiē xùn liàn

noun (athletics: alternating exercises)

The trainer at the gym suggested that I try interval training to increase my endurance.

职业培训 zhí yè péi xùn

noun (learning professional skills)

军事训练 jūn shì xùn liàn

noun (drilling in army discipline and techniques)

War journalists are now often required to undergo military training before being allowed to go into the field.

在职培训 zài zhí péi xùn

noun (apprenticeship, learning by doing)

I never took actual programming courses, but I had a lot of on-the-job training. Experience is not required; the company provides on-the-job training.


noun (UK, initialism (Officers' Training Corps)

没有进行训练的 méi yǒu jìn xíng xùn liàn de

adjective (become unfit)

The footballer was out of training after spending a month on vacation.

健身,体育锻炼 jiàn shēn

noun (fitness coaching)


noun (teaching an infant to use the toilet)


noun (US, initialism (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)


noun (development of skills)


noun (exercise with weights)

It is important for women to do strength training to maintain bone density.

教师培训 jiào shī péi xùn

noun (practical teaching course)

After I graduate I'm going to do teacher training because I want to work in a school.

上厕所训练 shàng cè suǒ xùn liàn

noun (child: process of learning to use toilet) (教孩子、宠物等上厕所)

Diana's toilet training is coming along nicely.

训练营 xùn liàn yíng

noun (for sports) (体育运动)

Training camp began today for the team.

培训班 péi xùn bān

noun (practical programme of study)

Dr.Watkins had to go on a training course to learn about the new drugs.

培训课程 péi xùn kè chéng

noun (sport, gym: exercise or practice period) (运动方面、健身场所的)


(ship for novice sailors)


plural noun (on a bicycle) (自行车的)

职业培训 zhí yè péi xùn

noun (practical study for a career)

Trade schools offer vocational training for people who want to be electricians, mechanics, and the like.

举重训练 jǔ zhòng xùn liàn

noun (lifting barbells for fitness)

He stays in shape by running and doing weight training.

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training 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。