英语 中的 scaled 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 scaled 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 scaled 的说明。

英语 中的scaled 表示有鳞的 yǒu lín de, 磅秤 bàng chèng, 秤,磅秤 chèng,bàng chèng, 比例 bǐ lì, 等级体系 děng jí tǐ xì, 规模 guī mó, 比例尺 bǐ lì chǐ, 音阶 yīn jiē, 鱼鳞 yú lín, 越过 yuè guò, 皮屑 pí xiè, 水污, 水锈,水垢 shuǐ xiù,shuǐ gòu, 牙垢 yá gòu, (花朵下面)鳞苞 huā duǒ xià miàn lín bāo, 金属鳞片 jīn shǔ lín piàn, 天平的盘 tiān píng de pán, 缩放的, 天秤座 tiān chèng zuò, 蜕皮 tuì pí, 有水垢 yǒu shuǐ gòu, 调整…的尺寸 tiáo zhěng de chǐ cùn, 给…刮鳞 gěi guā lín, 为…去牙垢 wèi qù yá gòu, 在…上面形成一层片状沉淀物 zài shàng miàn xíng chéng yì céng piàn zhuàng chén diàn wù, 数量减少的, 缩短的,规模变小的, 减弱的 jiǎn ruò de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 scaled 的含义

有鳞的 yǒu lín de

adjective (animal: scaly) (动物)

The lizard was scaled.

磅秤 bàng chèng

noun (US (weighing device)

The boxer stepped onto the scale.

秤,磅秤 chèng,bàng chèng

plural noun (UK (weighing device)

I put the onions on the supermarket scales and weighed them.

比例 bǐ lì

noun (mathematical ratio)

The map is drawn on a 1:1,000 scale.

等级体系 děng jí tǐ xì

noun (system of measurement)

Please rate the class on a scale of one to ten.

规模 guī mó

noun (size, dimension)

The dam project was conceived on a grand scale.

比例尺 bǐ lì chǐ

noun (map: distance line) (地图)

The scale was shown at the bottom of the map.

音阶 yīn jiē

noun (music: sequence of notes) (音乐)

The pianist played scales to warm up.

鱼鳞 yú lín

noun (usually plural (fish, snake: skin plaque)

Most fish are covered in scales.

越过 yuè guò

transitive verb (climb: fence, mountain)

The boys scaled the fence.

皮屑 pí xiè

noun (often plural (flake of skin)

There were scales of dandruff on the shirt.


noun (often plural (flake)

There were scales of rust on the pipe.

水锈,水垢 shuǐ xiù,shuǐ gòu

noun (calcium in kettles, etc.) (金属容器里的)

The inside of the pot was covered with a calcium scale.

牙垢 yá gòu

noun (build-up on teeth)

The molars were covered with plaque scale.

(花朵下面)鳞苞 huā duǒ xià miàn lín bāo

noun (bract)

The scale is often found just below a plant's flower.

金属鳞片 jīn shǔ lín piàn

noun (armour: metal plate) (盔甲)

The soldier's armour was made up of many small scales of bronze.

天平的盘 tiān píng de pán

noun (pan of weighing device)

The jeweller put gold on the scale.


noun as adjective (to a certain scale)

We looked at scale drawings of the new building.

天秤座 tiān chèng zuò

plural noun (rare (sign of the zodiac: Libra) (星座)

Jim's astrological sign is the scales.

蜕皮 tuì pí

intransitive verb (snake: shed skin plaques) (蛇)

The snake is ready to scale.

有水垢 yǒu shuǐ gòu

intransitive verb (become encrusted)

The taps became scaled.

调整…的尺寸 tiáo zhěng de chǐ cùn

transitive verb (adjust dimensions)

He scaled the model to one tenth of the final size.

给…刮鳞 gěi guā lín

transitive verb (remove scales from: a fish)

The fisherman scaled the fish he caught.

为…去牙垢 wèi qù yá gòu

transitive verb (remove plaque from: teeth)

The dentist scaled the patient's teeth.

在…上面形成一层片状沉淀物 zài shàng miàn xíng chéng yì céng piàn zhuàng chén diàn wù

transitive verb (form scale on)

Calcium scaled the bathtub.


adjective (reduced in number)


adjective (reduced in reach)

减弱的 jiǎn ruò de

adjective (reduced in intensity)

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scaled 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。