英语 中的 power 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 power 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 power 的说明。

英语 中的power 表示力 lì, 才能 cái néng, 能量 néng liàng, 电力 diàn lì, 放大率 fàng dà lǜ, 权力 quán lì, 政权 zhèng quán, 提供动力 tí gōng dòng lì, 使有力量 shǐ yǒu lì liàng, 法律规定的权利 fǎ lǜ guī dìng de quán lì, 力量 lì liàng, 能力 néng lì, 国家 guó jiā, 掌权的人或团体 zhǎng quán de rén huò tuán tǐ, 军事力量 jūn shì lì liàng, 功率 gōng lǜ, 机械能 jī xiè néng, 幂,乘方,次方 mì,chéng fāng, 神 shén, 关掉 guān diào, 关机 guān jī, 关闭...电源, 给…通电 gěi tōng diàn, 启动, 开启, 绝对权力 jué duì quán lì, 滥用权利, 原子能 yuán zǐ néng, 均势 jūn shì, 议价能力, 脑力 nǎo lì, 购买力 gòu mǎi lì, 购买力 gòu mǎi lì, 吸引力 xī yǐn lì, 持续委任书,持久授权书, 电力 diàn lì, 火力 huǒ lì, 实力 shí lì, 总功率 zǒng gōng lǜ, 全权 quán quán, 巨大的权力 jù dà de quán lì, 强国 qiáng guó, 控制 kòng zhì, 能够支配或控制, 有权(做某事) yǒu quán zuò mǒu shì, 水力 shuǐ lì, 水电 shuǐ diàn, 当权 dāng quán, 你势力范围内地 nǐ shì lì fàn wéi nèi de, 自然能力 zì rán néng lì, 固有权力 gù yǒu quán lì, 智力 zhì lì, 权力杠杆, 变虚弱 biàn xū ruò, 失去权力 shī qù quán lì, 停电 tíng diàn, 人力 rén lì, 劳动力数量 láo dòng lì shù liàng, 核动力 hé dòng lì, 核电站 hé diàn zhàn, 执政党 zhí zhèng dǎng, 人民力量, 电源适配器, 电力电缆 diàn lì diàn lǎn, 能耗 néng hào, 电源线 diàn yuán xiàn, 切断电源 qiē duàn diàn yuán, 电钻 diàn zuàn, 断电,停电 duàn diàn,tíng diàn, 电力线 diàn lì xiàn, 动力织布机, 委托书 wěi tuō shū, 委托书 wěi tuō shū, 催眠 cuī mián, 暗示的力量 àn shì de lì liàng, 电源插座 diàn yuán chā zuò, 电源机组 diàn yuán jī zǔ, 发电厂 fā diàn chǎng, 权力游戏,权术 quán shù, 电源插头 diàn yuán chā tóu, 电源插座 diàn yuán chā zuò, 液力驱动泵 yè lì qū dòng bèng, 动力反应堆 dòng lì fǎn yìng duī, 电锯 diàn jù, 用电锯锯..., 电源 diàn yuán, 发电站 fā diàn zhàn, 动力方向盘 dòng lì fāng xiàng pán, 电源板 diàn yuán bǎn, 权力斗争, 电力供应 diàn lì gōng yìng, 可进行干预或采取行动的合法权力 kě jìn xíng gān yù huò cǎi qǔ xíng dòng de hé fǎ quán lì, 授权采取行动 shòu quán cǎi qǔ xíng dòng, 权力属于人民!, 电动工具 diàn dòng gōng jù, 动力传动,动力传统系统, 电力变压器 diàn lì biàn yā qì, 炫耀权力, 功率单位 gōng lǜ dān wèi, 劲走, 强力清洗, 助力的, 机动的,电动的 jī dòng de ,diàn dòng de, 权利驱使的, 权力饥渴的,渴望权利的, (货币的)购买力 huò bì de gòu mǎi lì, (收入带来的)购买力 shōu rù dài lái de gòu mǎi lì, 掌权 zhǎng quán, 政府大楼 zhèng fǔ dà lóu, 掌权地位 zhǎng quán dì wèi, 夺取政权 duó qǔ zhèng quán, 太阳能 tài yáng néng, 消费力 xiāo fèi lì, 耐力,持久力 nài lì,chí jiǔ lì, 否决权 fǒu jué quán, 水力能源, 百人权力至上主义 bǎi rén quán lì zhì shàng zhǔ yì, 意志力 yì zhì lì, 风力 fēng lì, 世界强国。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 power 的含义

力 lì

noun (force)

He used the sledgehammer with great power, splitting the log with a single blow.

才能 cái néng

plural noun (faculties, esp. mental)

Although he was a great writer, towards the end his powers waned.

能量 néng liàng

noun (energy)

This battery still has power.

电力 diàn lì

noun (electricity)

The house lost power for three hours last night. We had to use candles and couldn't watch TV.

放大率 fàng dà lǜ

noun (lens)

That lens has a power of 10x.

权力 quán lì

noun (authority)

The owner of the company has the power to fire any workers if he needs to.

政权 zhèng quán

noun (political control)

After winning the election, the democrats took power.

提供动力 tí gōng dòng lì

transitive verb (supply energy to)

The wind powers the electrical generator.

使有力量 shǐ yǒu lì liàng

transitive verb (figurative (drive, give energy to)

The midfielder powered the winning football team to victory.

法律规定的权利 fǎ lǜ guī dìng de quán lì

noun (law: right)

The law says that the landlord has the power to evict you from the house if you don't pay the rent.

力量 lì liàng

noun (physical ability)

He doesn't have the power to lift his arm over his head.

能力 néng lì

noun (faculty, ability)

She seems to have the power to make everyone fall in love with her.

国家 guó jiā

noun (nation)

France was once a great power, and remains highly influential in world affairs.

掌权的人或团体 zhǎng quán de rén huò tuán tǐ

noun (figurative (powerful person, group)

He is the real power in that government, not the prime minister.

军事力量 jūn shì lì liàng

noun (military force)

The army used overwhelming power to defeat the enemy.

功率 gōng lǜ

noun (physics: energy transfer) (物理学用语)

In physics, power is a measure of energy transfer during a time period.

机械能 jī xiè néng

noun (mechanical energy)

The internal combustion engine creates power for cars.

幂,乘方,次方 mì,chéng fāng

noun (math) (数学用语)

Two to the power of three (2³) is eight.

神 shén

plural noun (divinity, deity)

May the celestial powers grant you long life!

关掉 guān diào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (computer: switch off) (电脑电源)

At the end of the working week, the computer should be powered down; you should also power it down during holidays.

关机 guān jī

phrasal verb, intransitive (computer: be switched off) (电脑等)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (computer: shut down) (电脑等)

Before leaving the office, I always power off my computer. Never forget to power your computer off before you go home for the night.

给…通电 gěi tōng diàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (computer, etc.: switch on)

启动, 开启

phrasal verb, intransitive (computer: be switched on) (电脑)

绝对权力 jué duì quán lì

noun (total control, authoritarianism)

Hitler maintained absolute power in Nazi Germany.


noun (using authority for own benefit)

Violence against children is an abuse of power.

原子能 yuán zǐ néng

noun (nuclear energy)

Atomic power is usually called nuclear power.

均势 jūn shì

noun (between nations)

The balance of power shifted when the king became ill, with parliament becoming more independent.


noun (influence in negotiating deals)

脑力 nǎo lì

noun (intellectual or mental capacity)

Eating fish is supposed to increase one's brain power.

购买力 gòu mǎi lì

noun (spending money) (人群)

购买力 gòu mǎi lì

noun (value of money) (货币价值)

吸引力 xī yǐn lì

noun (ability to attract people)

We use celebrities in the ads because they have great drawing power.


noun (legal right: act for [sb])

电力 diàn lì

noun (electricity used as power)

火力 huǒ lì

noun (weapons capability)

实力 shí lì

noun (figurative (power, influence)

总功率 zǒng gōng lǜ

noun (heat, etc.: highest setting)

Microwave your soup at full power for 1 minute to re-warm it.

全权 quán quán

noun (complete authority)

巨大的权力 jù dà de quán lì

noun (authority and influence)

The Church had great power over the population in the past.

强国 qiáng guó

plural noun (politics: leading states)

The great powers will take up the question at the UN next week.

控制 kòng zhì

intransitive verb (have control or influence)

The army may have power right now, but they cannot govern forever without the consent of the people.


transitive verb (be able to control or influence)

His wife has power over him because she is the family's breadwinner.

有权(做某事) yǒu quán zuò mǒu shì

intransitive verb (be authorized: to do [sth])

You are a policeman and you have the power to arrest him.

水力 shuǐ lì

noun (energy generated by water)

水电 shuǐ diàn

noun (electricity generated by water)

Hydroelectric power is a clean way of producing energy as it does not use fossil fuels.

当权 dāng quán

expression (holding office, having authority)

你势力范围内地 nǐ shì lì fàn wéi nèi de

adverb (within your control)

It is in your power to help me get a job.

自然能力 zì rán néng lì

noun (natural ability)

固有权力 gù yǒu quán lì

noun (formal (authority not derived from another) (正式用语)

Only Parliament has the inherent power to make laws.

智力 zhì lì

noun (intelligence, brainpower)


plural noun (figurative (control) (比喻义)

The party now has its hands on the levers of power.

变虚弱 biàn xū ruò

(grow weaker)

The car engine began to lose power as we climbed the hill.

失去权力 shī qù quán lì

(lose authority)

You can be sure this government will lose power in the next election.

停电 tíng diàn

(lose electricity supply)

Thousands of homes lost power as a result of the storm.

人力 rén lì

noun (workforce)

The company is restructuring in order to use its manpower more efficiently.

劳动力数量 láo dòng lì shù liàng

noun (number of workers)

We need more manpower if we're going to finish construction on time.

核动力 hé dòng lì

noun (atomic energy)

Nuclear power is another alternative energy source to consider.

核电站 hé diàn zhàn

noun (factory that generates atomic energy)

执政党 zhí zhèng dǎng

noun (political party that is in government)

In Britain, the Conservative Party was the party in power at the outbreak of the Second World War.


noun (community action)


noun (power plug for an electrical device)

电力电缆 diàn lì diàn lǎn

noun (electricity supply line)

As there was no mains supply on the camp site, we had to run a power cable from a generator.

能耗 néng hào

noun (energy use)

Power consumption in big cities is generally much higher that in smaller towns. These days, I try to control my power consumption by switching off lights I'm not using.

电源线 diàn yuán xiàn

noun (electrical cable)

切断电源 qiē duàn diàn yuán

noun (break in electricity supply)

I lost the file I was working on when there was a sudden power cut. After the power cut to that part of the city, many people went into a panic.

电钻 diàn zuàn

noun (electrically-operated tool for making holes)

A power drill is much more efficient than a hand drill. It's not a bad idea to wear goggles whenever you're working with tools like power drills.

断电,停电 duàn diàn,tíng diàn

noun (electricity outage)

We had no air conditioning for four hours due to the power failure.

电力线 diàn lì xiàn

noun (electricity supply cable)

When lightning struck a nearby power line, our neighbourhood suffered a blackout for several days. Hundreds of homes were without electricity last night after a storm took down power lines.


noun (machine for weaving textiles)

委托书 wěi tuō shū

noun (legal right to act for [sb])

Jones had given his wife power of attorney.

委托书 wěi tuō shū

noun (document granting power of attorney)

The siblings signed the power of attorney so that any of them could handle their father's financial affairs.

催眠 cuī mián

noun (hypnosis)

The hypnotist was able to make participants do funny things by using the power of suggestion.

暗示的力量 àn shì de lì liàng

noun (influence on thoughts)

Sexy TV ads are designed to make you want to buy things through the power of suggestion.

电源插座 diàn yuán chā zuò

noun (electrical socket)

The room was built with power outlets on every wall.

电源机组 diàn yuán jī zǔ

noun (electrical adaptor, converter)

This power pack's losing its charge: I'll be needing a new one soon.

发电厂 fā diàn chǎng

noun (factory where energy is generated)

John works at the power plant. The local power plant was fined for emitting too much pollution.

权力游戏,权术 quán shù

noun (move aimed at taking control)

电源插头 diàn yuán chā tóu

noun (electrical adaptor, converter)

A power plug is something you plug into an electrical outlet.

电源插座 diàn yuán chā zuò

noun (electrical socket)

液力驱动泵 yè lì qū dòng bèng

noun (pump powered by hydraulics)

动力反应堆 dòng lì fǎn yìng duī

noun (nuclear generator that produces electricity)

France produces most of its electricity with power reactors.

电锯 diàn jù

noun (electrically-powered saw)

I can't cut straight with a hand saw, but a power saw makes it easy.


transitive verb (cut with power saw)

电源 diàn yuán

noun ([sth] that supplies energy)

Given that oil supplies are finite, we need to find alternative power sources.

发电站 fā diàn zhàn

noun (factory where energy is generated)

In 1900 the town had its own power station to provide electricity for some businesses and homes.

动力方向盘 dòng lì fāng xiàng pán

noun (engine-assisted steering system)

I can't even remember what driving was like before power steering was invented.

电源板 diàn yuán bǎn

noun (electrical extension lead)

You can plug your PC, monitor, and so on into a power strip.


noun (fight to take control)

电力供应 diàn lì gōng yìng

noun (source of energy)

可进行干预或采取行动的合法权力 kě jìn xíng gān yù huò cǎi qǔ xíng dòng de hé fǎ quán lì

noun (law: right to intervene)

授权采取行动 shòu quán cǎi qǔ xíng dòng

noun (authority to take action)


interjection (left-wing slogan)

电动工具 diàn dòng gōng jù

noun (electric tool for woodworking, etc.)

That wood is too hard to carve by hand, you'll need a power tool.


(machinery) (机械)

电力变压器 diàn lì biàn yā qì

noun (electrical converter)


noun (informal (egotistical use of authority)

功率单位 gōng lǜ dān wèi

noun (measurement of energy)


intransitive verb (exercise: walk fast) (运动)


noun (pressure cleaning)


adjective (bicycle, steering)

机动的,电动的 jī dòng de ,diàn dòng de

adjective (operated by a motor)


adjective (person: wants to be in power) (人)


adjective (person: wants power excessively)

(货币的)购买力 huò bì de gòu mǎi lì

noun (value of a currency)

(收入带来的)购买力 shōu rù dài lái de gòu mǎi lì

noun (income available for spending)

掌权 zhǎng quán

noun (process of gaining political power)

政府大楼 zhèng fǔ dà lóu

noun (government building)

The Kremlin is the seat of power in Russia.

掌权地位 zhǎng quán dì wèi

noun (figurative (position of control) (比喻)

The general election brought the politician to the seat of power.

夺取政权 duó qǔ zhèng quán

noun (coup)

Their seizure of power was swift, overturning the government in a matter of hours.

太阳能 tài yáng néng

noun (energy generated by the sun)

消费力 xiāo fèi lì

noun (income available for spending)

耐力,持久力 nài lì,chí jiǔ lì

noun (informal (stamina, ability to endure)

否决权 fǒu jué quán

noun (right to overrule decision or vote)


noun (energy generated by moving water)

百人权力至上主义 bǎi rén quán lì zhì shàng zhǔ yì

noun (belief that white race is superior)

Skinheads generally belong to the white power movement.

意志力 yì zhì lì

noun (determination)

I'd like to give up smoking but unfortunately don't have the will power.

风力 fēng lì

noun (energy generated by the wind)

Wind power is a viable alternative to energy from fossil fuels.


noun (nation with economic and military strength)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。