英语 中的 outing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 outing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 outing 的说明。

英语 中的outing 表示远足 yuǎn zú, 揭露,揭示,表露 jiē lù ,jiē shì,biǎo lù, 到外边 dào wài biān, 离开家 lí kāi jiā, 不在的 bú zài de, 关着的 guān zhe de, 熄灭的,扑灭的 xī miè de, 出来了 chū lái le, 出界 chū jiè, 离开 lí kāi, 不在考虑范围内的 bú zài kǎo lǜ fàn wéi nèi de, 不时髦的,过时的 bù shí máo de,guò shí de, 穿旧的,穿破的 chuān jiù de ,chuān pò de, 不正确的 bú zhèng què de, 缺少的 quē shǎo de, 不参加的 bù cān jiā de, 未在岗位上的,没上班的 wèi zài gǎng wèi shàng de, 失去知觉的,昏迷过去的 shī qù zhī jué de ,hūn mí guò qù de, 结束的 jié shù de, 开往外地的 kāi wǎng wài dì de, 前九洞的 qián jiǔ dòng de, 不在的 bú zài de, 出版的,发表的 chū bǎn de,fā biǎo de, 上映的,公映的, 开放的,盛开的,绽放的 kāi fàng de,shèng kāi de, 出柜的,公开性取向的, 出局的 chū jú de, 到最后 dào zuì hòu, 向外 xiàng wài, 泄露 xiè lù, 出狱 chū yù, 不在 bú zài, 产生 chǎn shēng, 挑出 tiǎo chū, 大声地 dà shēng de, 完全地 wán quán de, 去除 qù chú, 通话完毕,完毕 wán bì, 出界 chū jiè, 出局 chū jú, 托辞,逃脱的借口 tuō cí,táo tuō de jiè kǒu, 让球员出局, 短缺… duǎn quē, 出去 chū qù, 出柜,公开宣布同性恋身份 chū guì,gōng kāi xuān bù tóng xìng liàn shēn fèn, 泄露,透露 xiè lù ,tòu lù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 outing 的含义

远足 yuǎn zú

noun (trip, excursion)

I think it's too cold for an outing today.

揭露,揭示,表露 jiē lù ,jiē shì,biǎo lù

noun (revealing that [sb] is gay) (同性恋身份)

There have been a lot of outings of politicians in recent years.

到外边 dào wài biān

adverb (to the outside)

I'm just going out to the garage.

离开家 lí kāi jiā

adverb (away: from home, etc.)

He's gone out for a walk.

不在的 bú zài de

adjective (absent) (不在家,不在办公室)

I'm afraid the doctor is out.

关着的 guān zhe de

adjective (not switched on)

The lights are out.

熄灭的,扑灭的 xī miè de

adjective (fire: extinguished) (火焰)

Make sure the fire is out before you go to sleep.

出来了 chū lái le

adjective (visible)

The sun's out.

出界 chū jiè

adjective (racket sports: out of bounds) (挥拍运动)

The umpire called the ball out.

离开 lí kāi

preposition (mainly US (out of: movement away from)

She walked out the house.

不在考虑范围内的 bú zài kǎo lǜ fàn wéi nèi de

adjective (beyond consideration)

The trip to the beach is out, but we still have time for some shopping.

不时髦的,过时的 bù shí máo de,guò shí de

adjective (slang (not fashionable) (俚语)

Baggy jeans are out this year.

穿旧的,穿破的 chuān jiù de ,chuān pò de

adjective (informal (threadbare, worn through) (非正式用语)

All the knees of his jeans were out.

不正确的 bú zhèng què de

adjective (informal (inaccurate)

Your calculations are out by about a hundred pounds.

缺少的 quē shǎo de

adjective (informal (lacking)

You can't borrow any sugar, I'm afraid: we're out.

不参加的 bù cān jiā de

adjective (informal (unable to participate)

Maureen's out because of her bad leg.

未在岗位上的,没上班的 wèi zài gǎng wèi shàng de

adjective (not at work)

I'm afraid the manager is out at the moment.

失去知觉的,昏迷过去的 shī qù zhī jué de ,hūn mí guò qù de

adjective (informal (unconscious) (俚语)

He was out for a full five minutes after the accident.

结束的 jié shù de

adjective (UK (time period: ended)

I'll get this work back to you before the week is out.

开往外地的 kāi wǎng wài dì de

adjective (outbound)

The out train stops on the far platform.

前九洞的 qián jiǔ dòng de

adjective (golf: of the first nine holes) (高尔夫术语)

He played very well on the out holes.

不在的 bú zài de

adjective (unavailable)

You can't talk to him. He's out.

出版的,发表的 chū bǎn de,fā biǎo de

adjective (informal (published) (非正式用语)

Her new novel is out.


adjective (informal (film, etc.: released) (电影)

Is that new Spielberg film out yet?

开放的,盛开的,绽放的 kāi fàng de,shèng kāi de

adjective (flowers: in bloom) (花朵)

The daffodils are out early this year.


adjective (informal, figurative (openly gay) (同性恋)

She's not out to her parents yet.

出局的 chū jú de

adjective (ejected, disqualified)

You broke the rules; you're out!

到最后 dào zuì hòu

adverb (used in expressions (to the finish)

Please hear me out, at least.

向外 xiàng wài

adverb (used in expressions (outwards)

Let's spread out.

泄露 xiè lù

adverb (used in expressions (into public awareness)

They put the word out that the Senator was going to resign.

出狱 chū yù

adverb (used in expressions (into society)

He's been in jail for a year but gets out next week.

不在 bú zài

adverb (used in expressions (not present)

I'm afraid he's gone out for a moment.

产生 chǎn shēng

adverb (used in expressions (into existence)

A rash broke out on his neck.

挑出 tiǎo chū

adverb (used in expressions (from what is available)

Pick out your favourites and I'll buy them for you.

大声地 dà shēng de

adverb (aloud)

Please read the text out to the rest of the class.

完全地 wán quán de

adverb (used in expressions (thoroughly)

I'm tired out after all that shopping!

去除 qù chú

adverb (used in expressions (obliterating)

They scratched out the old number.

通话完毕,完毕 wán bì

adverb (radio: done) (无线电通话)

I'll talk to you again tomorrow. Over and out.

出界 chū jiè

adverb (sports: out of bounds)

She hit the ball out.

出局 chū jú

adverb (baseball, cricket: ending a turn) (体育比赛术语)

He was tagged out at first base.

托辞,逃脱的借口 tuō cí,táo tuō de jiè kǒu

noun (figurative, informal (excuse, escape) (比喻,非正式用语)

We should look for an out in case this plan fails.


noun (baseball: getting player out) (棒球)

In baseball, it's an out if the batter pitches with one foot outside the box.

短缺… duǎn quē

preposition (short by: an amount)

We're out thirty dollars and we've only just started.

出去 chū qù

preposition (US (movement from inside to outside)

She walked out the door.

出柜,公开宣布同性恋身份 chū guì,gōng kāi xuān bù tóng xìng liàn shēn fèn

transitive verb (slang (reveal as gay)

The famous actor was outed by the tabloids.

泄露,透露 xiè lù ,tòu lù

transitive verb (slang (reveal or expose: as [sth])

The speaker outed him as the author of the controversial report.

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outing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。