英语 中的 interest 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 interest 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 interest 的说明。

英语 中的interest 表示兴趣 xìng qù, 关心 guān xīn, 利息 lì xī, 业余爱好 yè yú ài hào, 股份,权益 gǔ fèn,quán yì, 个人利益 gè rén lì yì, 利息 lì xī, 引起…的兴趣 yǐn qǐ … de xìng qù, 使…对…产生兴趣 shǐ duì chǎn shēng xìng qù, 应计利息 yīng jì lì xī, 最大利益, 复利, 利益冲突 lì yì chōng tū, 固定利率的,固定利息的, 总利息 zǒng lì xī, 使…保持兴趣, 充满人情味的新闻报道, 为了 wèi le, 利益集团 lì yì jí tuán, 利率 lì lǜ, 浓厚的兴趣 nóng hòu de xìng qù, 缺乏兴趣 quē fá xìng qù, 酷爱 kù ài, 失去兴趣 shī qù xìng qù, 对…丧失兴趣 duì … sàng shī xìng qù, 对…不再有兴趣, 恋爱对象,恋爱角色, 有趣的 yǒu qù de, 让...感兴趣, 嫌疑人, 景点, 公共利益 gōng gòng lì yì, 利己主义 lì jǐ zhǔ yì, 单利 dān lì, 激发兴趣, 特殊利益的, 特殊利益集团 tè shū lì yì jí tuán, 特殊利益集团 tè shū lì yì jí tuán, 有兴趣, 对…感兴趣 duì gǎn xìng qù, 对...感兴趣, 既得利益 jì dé lì yì, 既得受益者, 带利息 dài lì xī, 饶有兴致地 ráo yǒu xìng zhì de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 interest 的含义

兴趣 xìng qù

noun (curiosity, concern)

Some people have an interest in other cultures while others do not.

关心 guān xīn

noun (concern)

My interest in the dispute is based on care for both people.

利息 lì xī

noun (finance: earnings) (金融)

This bank account gives 3% interest per year.

业余爱好 yè yú ài hào

noun (hobby)

His interests include biking and studying languages.

股份,权益 gǔ fèn,quán yì

noun (finance: ownership) (金融)

He has a financial interest in this company and may lose all his money.

个人利益 gè rén lì yì

noun (personal benefit)

He did what was in his interest and didn't care for the feelings of the others.

利息 lì xī

noun (finance: loan) (金融:贷款)

He pays 7% interest on their car loan.

引起…的兴趣 yǐn qǐ … de xìng qù

transitive verb (engage attention)

Yes, other cultures really interest me.

使…对…产生兴趣 shǐ duì chǎn shēng xìng qù

(induce participation by [sb])

Can I interest you in some ice cream?

应计利息 yīng jì lì xī

noun (amount of interest accumulated)

The accrued interest for that account totals $100.


noun (greatest benefit)


noun (interest paid on top of previous) (金融)

利益冲突 lì yì chōng tū

noun (opposing obligations)

I couldn't use the attorney I wanted because of a conflict of interest.


adjective (loan, mortgage)

总利息 zǒng lì xī

noun (total interest accumulated)


verbal expression (stay interesting)

Speakers need to select stimulating topics to hold the listeners' interest.


noun (news item about people's lives)

It's a human interest story about a boy who successfully battled against cancer.

为了 wèi le

expression (for the sake or good: of [sth])

In the interest of good relations, it's important to get on with your neighbours. In the interest of safety, you should always buckle your seatbelt.

利益集团 lì yì jí tuán

noun (organization that puts pressure on government)

利率 lì lǜ

noun (amount added to money borrowed)

When interest rates are high, savers get a better return on their investments. I'm looking for a credit card with a lower interest rate.

浓厚的兴趣 nóng hòu de xìng qù

noun (passionate curiosity)

She takes a keen interest in the doings of her grandchildren - she has them visit her regularly, and is always asking about them.

缺乏兴趣 quē fá xìng qù

noun (apathy, disinterest)

The course was cancelled due to a lack of interest.

酷爱 kù ài

noun (keenness, passion)

Despite his depression, he still maintained a lively interest in word games.

失去兴趣 shī qù xìng qù

(become apathetic)

I'm not bothered who wins the World Cup; I've lost interest since France went out.

对…丧失兴趣 duì … sàng shī xìng qù

verbal expression (become apathetic about)

I've lost interest in politics; I really don't care who wins or loses.


verbal expression (no longer like, enjoy)

After I nearly drowned, I lost interest in swimming. Timmy lost interest in the toy after taking it away from his baby sister.


noun (romantic role in story) (电影或故事中)

The actor plays the love interest in the film.

有趣的 yǒu qù de

expression (interesting)

I'm sending you a link to a website that I think you'll find of interest.


expression (interesting to)

Simon's mother highlighted the passage in the newspaper article that she thought would be of interest to him.


noun (wanted for by police)


noun (landmark, interesting place)

There are many points of interest along the highway, especially for lovers of history and geology.

公共利益 gōng gòng lì yì

noun (public's well-being)

利己主义 lì jǐ zhǔ yì

noun (concern only for yourself)

Don't try to tell me that you were acting out of anything besides self-interest.

单利 dān lì

noun (sum payable on an investment)


verbal expression (prompt curiosity or enthusiasm)


adjective (group: lobbying for a specific cause)

Many people think the special interest groups buy candidates in U.S. elections. // The Senator did his best to avoid the special-interest groups.

特殊利益集团 tè shū lì yì jí tuán

plural noun (groups that influence policy)

There is a widespread belief that special interests influence politics through campaign contributions.

特殊利益集团 tè shū lì yì jí tuán

noun (team that lobbies for a cause)

All these special interest groups are making our job much harder.


verbal expression (show curiosity or concern)

When it comes to football I find it really hard to take an interest.

对…感兴趣 duì gǎn xìng qù

verbal expression (show curiosity or concern)

My mother never took any interest in my hobbies.


verbal expression (get involved, participate in)

Helena always takes an interest in the village fair.

既得利益 jì dé lì yì

noun (personal stake in an arrangement)


plural noun (people or groups who benefit)

带利息 dài lì xī

adverb (plus money owed)

You can pay in monthly instalments with interest.

饶有兴致地 ráo yǒu xìng zhì de

adverb (showing fascination)

I have been following the news about the scandal with interest.

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interest 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。