英语 中的 information 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 information 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 information 的说明。
英语 中的information 表示知识 zhī shí, 数据 shù jù, 知晓 zhī xiǎo, 信息,证据 xìn xī,zhèng jù, 查号台 chá hào tái, 消息 xiāo xī, 消息,信息,情报 xiāo xī,xìn xī,qíng bào, 背景资料 bèi jǐng zī liào, 基本信息, 机密情报 jī mì qíng bào, 保密情报 bǎo mì qíng bào, 联系信息 lián xì xìn xī, 数据处理 shù jù chǔ lǐ, 信息自由法案, 供你了解 gōng nǐ liǎo jiě, 更多信息,进一步的信息, 给…指导 gěi zhǐ dǎo, 向...提供信息, 有…的消息 yǒu de xiāo xī, 信息中心 xìn xī zhōng xīn, 信息中心 xìn xī zhōng xīn, 问讯处 wèn xùn chù, 信息过载, 信息恢复 xìn xī huī fù, 信息科学 xìn xī kē xué, 宣讲会, 说明书 shuō míng shū, 信息存储 xìn xī cún chǔ, 信息技术 xìn xī jì shù, 信息学理论 xìn xī xué lǐ lùn, 内部信息 nèi bù xìn xī, 信息技术 xìn xī jì shù, 关键信息, 缺乏信息,未得到消息,不明情况 quē fá xìn xī,wèi dé dào xiāo xī,bù míng qíng kuàng, 信息宝库 xìn xī bǎo kù, 个人基本信息,个人身份信息, 个人敏感信息, 专利信息, 信息发布, 限制性信息, 游客信息中心。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 information 的含义
知识 zhī shínoun (knowledge) She tried to gather as much information as possible about her illness before talking with the doctor. 在和医生谈话前,她尽力了解了有关她病情的知识。 |
数据 shù jùnoun (data) We keep all that information on these computer disks. 我们把那些数据全都储存在这些电脑磁盘里。 |
知晓 zhī xiǎonoun (awareness) For your information, I have already spoken to her. 请你知晓,我已经和她谈过了。 |
信息,证据 xìn xī,zhèng jùnoun (incriminating knowledge) (显示某人有罪的) The police are seeking information which could lead to his capture. 警方正在查找能将他绳之以法的证据。 |
查号台 chá hào táinoun (US, dated (service that lists phone numbers) Call Information to find the phone number of that company. |
消息 xiāo xīnoun (news) Considering the latest weather information, we have decided to delay the plane's departure. 考虑到最新的天气信息,我们决定延迟飞机起飞。 |
消息,信息,情报 xiāo xī,xìn xī,qíng bàonoun (informal, abbreviation (information) (information的缩略形式,非正式用语) I'm trying to collect some info for my survey; can I ask you a few questions? |
背景资料 bèi jǐng zī liàonoun (context, history) Helen needed a lot of background information before she was able to write her article. 海伦需要大量背景资料,才能撰写文章。 |
基本信息noun (knowledge: elementary) The pharmacy will provide you with a printout giving you the basic information on the drug. |
机密情报 jī mì qíng bàonoun (data: restricted access) I would like to be able to discuss this student's medical history, but that's classified information. For reasons of national security, the photos are considered classified information and will not be released to the public. 出于国家安全,这些照片属于机密情报,将不会向大众公开。 |
保密情报 bǎo mì qíng bàonoun (information: private, sensitive) Medical records are confidential information. |
联系信息 lián xì xìn xīnoun (name, address, etc.) I gave my contact information when I left a message with the secretary. |
数据处理 shù jù chǔ lǐnoun (computing) |
信息自由法案noun (US, initialism (Freedom of Information Act) |
供你了解 gōng nǐ liǎo jiěadverb (so that you know) For your information, this is a genuine designer purse. |
更多信息,进一步的信息noun (additional details) For further information click on the link above. |
给…指导 gěi zhǐ dǎotransitive verb (guide, advise) The doctor gave information about the outbreak to all the patients who came to see him. |
向...提供信息transitive verb (tell: the police) (警察) Anyone who can give information to the police on the recent robberies, please contact us right away. |
有…的消息 yǒu de xiāo xītransitive verb (know [sth] important about) Anybody who has information about the accident should report it to the police. 任何了解事故的人都应向警方报告。 |
信息中心 xìn xī zhōng xīnnoun (help desk, office) |
信息中心 xìn xī zhōng xīnnoun (computing: for storage of data) |
问讯处 wèn xùn chùnoun (helpdesk, information point) If you lose something in the mall, just go to the information desk to report it. |
信息过载(psychology) (心理学) |
信息恢复 xìn xī huī fùnoun (computing: data recovery) |
信息科学 xìn xī kē xuénoun (science of computing) A degree in information science can be a foundation for an interesting career. |
宣讲会noun (educational meeting) |
说明书 shuō míng shūnoun (informative document, factsheet) The information sheet tells you how you should use the medicine. |
信息存储 xìn xī cún chǔnoun (computing: storing of data) |
信息技术 xìn xī jì shùnoun (field of computing) (计算机领域) The programmer works in information technology. 那位程序员从事信息技术领域的工作。 |
信息学理论 xìn xī xué lǐ lùnnoun (science of data processing) |
内部信息 nèi bù xìn xīnoun (confidential details) The company should limit the number of employees with access to inside information. |
信息技术 xìn xī jì shùnoun (initialism (information technology) (information technology 首字母缩写) There were no IT lessons at school when I was a boy. 当我还是个孩子的时候,学校可没有开设信息技术课程。 |
关键信息noun (essential or important knowledge) The time the crime was committed was key information for the investigators. |
缺乏信息,未得到消息,不明情况 quē fá xìn xī,wèi dé dào xiāo xī,bù míng qíng kuàngnoun (ignorance, not being informed about [sth]) Back in the 1980s, there was a lack of information about AIDS. There is no lack of information about global warming, but some people choose to ignore it anyway. |
信息宝库 xìn xī bǎo kùnoun (source of great knowledge) The Internet is a mine of information, some good and some totally incorrect. |
个人基本信息,个人身份信息noun ([sb]'s name, address, etc.) |
个人敏感信息noun (intimate details about [sb]) |
专利信息noun (trade secret) |
信息发布noun (document: permission) The hospital requires patients to sign a release of information in order for relatives to be notified about their condition. |
限制性信息noun ([sth] top secret or confidential) I can't give you the boss's home phone number – it's restricted information. |
游客信息中心noun (tourist information office) |
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information 的相关词
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你知道 英语
英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。