英语 中的 breath 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 breath 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 breath 的说明。

英语 中的breath 表示呼出的气 hū chū de qì, 吸入的气 xī rù de qì, (一次)呼吸 yí cì hū xī, 歇口气,歇息 xiē kǒu qì,xiē xī, 口气 kǒu qì, 迹象 jì xiàng, 口臭 kǒu chòu, 吸入的空气 xī rù de kōng qì, 令人耳目一新的创意,使人耳目一新的东西 lìng rén ěr mù yì xīn de chuàng yì,shǐ rén ěr mù yì xīn de dōng xī, 呼气检测, 对…进行呼气检测, 断气 duàn qì, 喘过气来, 松一口气 sōng yì kǒu qì, 深吸气, 别期望太高, 临终最后一口气 lín zhōng zuì hòu yì kǒu qì, 屏住呼吸, 但同时,但紧接着 dàn tóng shí,dàn jǐn jiē zhe, 上气不接下气的 shàng qì bù jiē xià qì de, 气喘吁吁 qì chuǎn xū xū, 别说别的废话, 不要白费唇舌 bú yào bái fèi chún shé, 呼吸短促 hū xī duǎn cù, 呼吸短促 hū xī duǎn cù, 吸一口气, 使震惊 shǐ zhèn jīng, 小声说话, 屏息以待 bǐng xī yǐ dài。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 breath 的含义

呼出的气 hū chū de qì

noun (exhaled air)

His breath looked like smoke in the cold air.

吸入的气 xī rù de qì

noun (inhalation)

The doctor told him to take in a breath and hold it.

(一次)呼吸 yí cì hū xī

noun (breathing)

His breath was rapid due to all the excitement.

歇口气,歇息 xiē kǒu qì,xiē xī

noun (rest)

He paused for a breath and then started running again.

口气 kǒu qì

noun (bad breath)

His breath smelled awful.

迹象 jì xiàng

noun (figurative (hint)

Before we found out that Principal Simon had lied on his CV, there hadn't been a breath of suspicion about his credentials.

口臭 kǒu chòu

noun (halitosis)

The dentist will find the cause of your bad breath.

吸入的空气 xī rù de kōng qì

noun (inhalation)

The paramedics administered oxygen because Sara was fighting for every breath of air.

令人耳目一新的创意,使人耳目一新的东西 lìng rén ěr mù yì xīn de chuàng yì,shǐ rén ěr mù yì xīn de dōng xī

noun (figurative ([sth] new)

The new manager came as a breath of fresh air.


noun (law: to check alcohol level) (测试酒精含量)


transitive verb (law: test alcohol level) (测试酒精含量)

断气 duàn qì

verbal expression (die)

After she received extreme unction, she breathed her last breath.


verbal expression (pause to breathe)

I had to take 20 flights of stairs. It took me several minutes to catch my breath.

松一口气 sōng yì kǒu qì

verbal expression (figurative (take a break)

Now that we're done with most of the rush jobs, we can catch our breath.


noun (big inhalation)

I like to take deep breaths to help calm myself down.


interjection (informal ([sth] is unlikely to happen soon)

Neil promised that he would have everything ready; don't hold your breath, though!

临终最后一口气 lín zhōng zuì hòu yì kǒu qì

noun (last moments of life)

With his dying breath he wished her a happy life.


verbal expression (purposely stop breathing)

但同时,但紧接着 dàn tóng shí,dàn jǐn jiē zhe

adverb (figurative (at same moment) (转折)

The Prime Minister denies climate change and advocates carbon tax in the same breath.

上气不接下气的 shàng qì bù jiē xià qì de

adjective (panting, breathless)

After sprinting round the track I was out of breath and could barely speak.

气喘吁吁 qì chuǎn xū xū

verbal expression (gasp, breathe with difficulty)

I was panting for breath as I reached the top stair.


interjection (don't bother saying anything)

Unless you're here to apologize to me, save your breath! Oh save your breath, I don't want to hear your excuses.

不要白费唇舌 bú yào bái fèi chún shé

interjection (discussing it is useless)

Save your breath – he's already made his mind up.

呼吸短促 hū xī duǎn cù

adjective (having difficulty breathing)

呼吸短促 hū xī duǎn cù

noun (respiratory difficulty)

Shortness of breath may be a sign of lung disease or emphysema.


verbal expression (inhale)

I always take a deep breath before I begin.

使震惊 shǐ zhèn jīng

verbal expression (figurative (astonish, stun)


adverb (spoken quietly)

屏息以待 bǐng xī yǐ dài

adverb (with great anticipation)

I was waiting with bated breath for the outcome of my job interview.

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breath 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。