英语 中的 advancing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 advancing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 advancing 的说明。

英语 中的advancing 表示推动…前进 tuī dòng qián jìn, 促进 cù jìn, 前进,推进 qián jìn,tuī jìn, 出版发行前的 chū bǎn fā xíng qián de, 向前推进 xiàng qián tuī jìn, 进步,改进 jìn bù,gǎi jìn, 预付款 yù fù kuǎn, 靠前的 kào qián de, 前进 qián jìn, 上涨 shàng zhǎng, 主动示好 zhǔ dòng shì hǎo, 提高,增长 tí gāo,zēng zhǎng, 改进 gǎi jìn, 提出 tí chū, 加速 jiā sù, 预付 yù fù, 提高 tí gāo, 入侵 rù qīn, 预付费 yù fù fèi, 提前通知 tí qián tōng zhī, 预付款 yù fù kuǎn, 预购,预先购买,提前购买, 预付现金, 提早很多, 预先 yù xiān, 在…之前 zài … zhī qián, 提前支付 tí qián zhī fù, 提前感谢您,先说一声谢谢 tí qián gǎn xiè nín,xiān shuō yì shēng xiè xiè, 先谢为敬。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 advancing 的含义

推动…前进 tuī dòng qián jìn

transitive verb (move forward)

In the chess game, he advanced his pawn forward two spaces.

促进 cù jìn

transitive verb (further)

He advanced his career by winning clients.

前进,推进 qián jìn,tuī jìn

noun (movement forward) (具体)

The advance of the killer bees throughout the country can't be stopped.

出版发行前的 chū bǎn fā xíng qián de

adjective (issued ahead of schedule)

I have an advance copy of tomorrow's newspaper.

向前推进 xiàng qián tuī jìn

intransitive verb (move forward)

The invading army was advancing.

进步,改进 jìn bù,gǎi jìn

plural noun (progress)

You have made great advances in your English studies.

预付款 yù fù kuǎn

noun (loan)

His boss gave him a three-hundred-dollar advance on his wages.

靠前的 kào qián de

adjective (placed toward the front)

The advance train cars are all first class.

前进 qián jìn

noun (progress)

The advance of democracy is a slow one.

上涨 shàng zhǎng

noun (increase)

The advance in stock prices continued on strong earnings reports.

主动示好 zhǔ dòng shì hǎo

noun (attempts at romance) (对异性)

Linda made it clear that Don's advances were not welcome.

提高,增长 tí gāo,zēng zhǎng

intransitive verb (increase in value) (价值)

The stock price continued to advance to new highs.

改进 gǎi jìn

intransitive verb (improve, progress)

The child's reading skills are advancing.

提出 tí chū

transitive verb (propose)

I have a proposal that I want to advance to you.

加速 jiā sù

transitive verb (hasten)

Let's advance our departure because a hurricane is coming.

预付 yù fù

transitive verb (lend)

His boss advanced him three hundred dollars.

提高 tí gāo

transitive verb (increase)

You can advance the price, but you might lose sales.

入侵 rù qīn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (invade, move in to attack)

The swarm of killer bees advanced upon the unsuspecting cow that was grazing in the pasture.

预付费 yù fù fèi

noun (money paid upfront, deposit)

Be alert for scams requesting an advance fee.

提前通知 tí qián tōng zhī

noun (warning)

Please give advance notice if you have to cancel an appointment.

预付款 yù fù kuǎn

noun (sum paid before delivery)

The author received an advance payment before he completed his new book.


noun (booking ahead at cheap rate)

Airlines usually give you a cheaper fare for advance purchase.


noun (credit card service)


adverb (a long time beforehand)

预先 yù xiān

adverb (beforehand)

You'll need to get your tickets in advance: the band's very popular.

在…之前 zài … zhī qián

preposition (prior to)

I bought my tickets in advance of the concert.

提前支付 tí qián zhī fù

verbal expression (give money for [sth] to be obtained later)

Some cell phone companies require you to pay in advance for your service.

提前感谢您,先说一声谢谢 tí qián gǎn xiè nín,xiān shuō yì shēng xiè xiè

interjection (formal (expressing a polite request) (正式用语)


expression (gratitude for [sth] not done yet)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。