英语 中的 address 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 address 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 address 的说明。

英语 中的address 表示地点 dì diǎn, 地址 dì zhǐ, 称呼某人,用…来称呼某人, 向…发表演说 xiàng … fā biǎo yǎn shuō, 致力于,应对,处理 zhì lì yú ,yìng duì,chǔ lǐ, 在…上写收件人的姓名和地址, 在…上写…的地址, 向某人就某事发表讲话, 地址 dì zhǐ, 正式演讲, 技巧 jì qiǎo, 对…说话 duì shuō huà, 将...交付给, 把(数据)输入电脑的特定位置 bǎ shǔ jù shū rù diàn nǎo de tè dìng wèi zhì, 瞄准,准备击(球) miáo zhǔn,zhǔn bèi jī qiú, 地址本 dì zhǐ běn, 账单邮寄地址 zhàng dān yóu jì dì zhǐ, 办公地址, 交货地址, 电子邮件地址 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn dì zhǐ, 称呼 chēng hū, 转递地址, 住址 zhù zhǐ, 就职演讲 jiù zhí yǎn jiǎng, 信内地址,封内地址, 帐单地址, IP地址, 开幕词, 邮寄地址 yóu jì dì zhǐ, 姓名住址 xìng míng zhù zhǐ, 有线广播系统 yǒu xiàn guǎng bō xì tǒng, 扩音系统 kuò yīn xì tǒng, 回寄地址 huí jì dì zhǐ, 配送地址 pèi sòng dì zhǐ, 街道地址 jiē dào dì zhǐ, 学期住址。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 address 的含义

地点 dì diǎn

noun (house, premises: location)

The business had moved to a new address.

地址 dì zhǐ

noun (destination on mail) (信封、包裹上的)

The letter was returned, as the address was unreadable.


transitive verb (use a title) (头衔)

"Your Holiness" is the correct way to address the Pope.

向…发表演说 xiàng … fā biǎo yǎn shuō

transitive verb (give a speech)

The President will address the nation on Tuesday.

致力于,应对,处理 zhì lì yú ,yìng duì,chǔ lǐ

transitive verb (give attention to [sth])

We need to address the problem of absenteeism.


transitive verb (write destination on mail) (信件、包裹等)

You must address the package correctly if you expect it to be delivered.


transitive verb (indicate mail is intended for [sb])

Joyce addressed the letter to her sister.


transitive verb (remark: say to [sb])

O'Neill addressed his remarks to the business owners in the audience.

地址 dì zhǐ

noun (internet) (网络)

She set up a new web address.


noun (formal speech)

The King's address to the nation was moving.

技巧 jì qiǎo

noun (formal (skill)

He always handles problems with address.

对…说话 duì shuō huà

transitive verb (speak to)

The teacher addressed the cleverest boy in the class.


transitive verb (consign, entrust)

The cargo was addressed to the freight forwarder.

把(数据)输入电脑的特定位置 bǎ shǔ jù shū rù diàn nǎo de tè dìng wèi zhì

transitive verb (computers: direct data to)

The server addressed the data to the mainframe.

瞄准,准备击(球) miáo zhǔn,zhǔn bèi jī qiú

transitive verb (golf: take a stance) (高尔夫球)

A golfer must first address the ball.

地址本 dì zhǐ běn

noun (book of contact details)

My address book used to be an actual book, but now it's a file on my computer.

账单邮寄地址 zhàng dān yóu jì dì zhǐ

noun (address for invoices)

Shall we send the package to your billing address or to your office?


noun (official)


noun (package's destination)

电子邮件地址 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn dì zhǐ

noun (messaging: account name)

I made a typo in George's email address so he didn't receive my mail.

称呼 chēng hū

noun (title in writing, speaking to [sb])

In England, the correct form of address for a duke is "your Grace".


noun (address for mail to be sent on)

住址 zhù zhǐ

noun (address of where you live)

就职演讲 jiù zhí yǎn jiǎng

noun (speech on coming to power)

The new mayor made an inaugural address which lasted an hour.


noun (correspondence: address of recipient written on letter)

In a business letter, the inside address is on the left above the "Dear Sirs" salutation.


noun (customer's billing address)

The invoice address is not always the same as the shipping address.


noun (computer identifier)


noun (opening speech) (会议)

We've asked the President to give the keynote address at next year's conference. The general's keynote speech caused controversy amongst the conference delegates.

邮寄地址 yóu jì dì zhǐ

noun (postal or delivery address)

My mailing address has changed.

姓名住址 xìng míng zhù zhǐ

plural noun (personal details)

Please give me your name and address and I will add you to the mailing list.

有线广播系统 yǒu xiàn guǎng bō xì tǒng

noun (abbreviation (public address system) (public address system的缩写)

扩音系统 kuò yīn xì tǒng

noun (loudspeaker)

The lost child was found, thanks to the alert given over the public address system.

回寄地址 huí jì dì zhǐ

noun (postal address of sender)

Don't forget to put your return address on the back of the parcel.

配送地址 pèi sòng dì zhǐ

noun (delivery destination)

Customers may stipulate a billing address different from the shipping address.

街道地址 jiē dào dì zhǐ

noun (location: building number)

We need a street address, not a post office box.


noun (home during academic term)

让我们学习 英语

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address 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。