Hvað þýðir at hand í Enska?

Hver er merking orðsins at hand í Enska? Greinin útskýrir alla merkingu, framburð ásamt tvítyngdum dæmum og leiðbeiningum um hvernig á að nota at hand í Enska.

Orðið at hand í Enska þýðir á , í, at, við , hjá, að , til, í, á, -, í, á, -, grípa í, gefa í skyn, ná til, fangar athyglina, gista, standa við, ráðast á, ráðast á, miða á, miða á, stefna að, reyna að láta höfða til, reiður út af , reiður yfir, reiður við, vera pirraður út í, fá, hvort sem er, vera afslappaður, í hvíldarstöðu, líða vel í kringum, til að byrja með, heima, á heimavelli, heima-, almennt, frjáls, í heild, loksins, að minnsta kosti, að minnsta kosti, að minnsta kosti, nákvæmlega, eftir nokkurn tíma, í mesta lagi, á nóttunni, ósammála, eins og er, í húfi, í upphafi, í byrjun, í upphafi, í lokin, í lokin, eins og er, á sömu stundu, þá, efst, á toppnum, á tindinum, stundum, blóta, skjóta á, horfa á , stara á , einblína á, góður í, skælbrosa til, skoða, skoða, gefa í skyn, lepja, hlæja að, alls ekki, ekkert mál, benda á, vera viðstaddur, skína á, skjóta á, brosa til, stökkva á, stara á , glápa á , góna á, slá til, slá til, líta á, skoða, henda í, vinka, öskra á. Til að fá frekari upplýsingar, vinsamlegast skoðaðu upplýsingarnar hér að neðan.

Hlustaðu á framburð

Merking orðsins at hand

á , í

preposition (event)

She's at a meeting.
Hún er á fundi.


preposition (spoken (in email address: @, at sign)

(forsetning: Smáorð sem stendur á undan nafnlið og stýrir falli á honum; lýsir sambandi í tíma eða rúmi.)
You can reach me at "Fred Smith at email dot com".
Þú getur náð í mig gegnum "Fred Smith hjá netfang punktur com".

við , hjá

preposition (in, near)

My dog always sits at my chair and begs for scraps.
Hundurinn minn situr alltaf við stólinn minn og biður um afganga.

að , til

preposition (toward)

There were hundreds of birds coming at us from all directions.
Það voru hundruðir fugla sem komu að okkur úr öllum áttum.


preposition (condition)

We don't burn many calories at rest.
Við brennum ekki margar kaloríur í hvíld.


preposition (manner)

We drove off at a good speed.
Við keyrðum af stað á miklum hraða.


preposition (age)

At 18 she moved in with her boyfriend.
ⓘÞessi setning er ekki þýðing á upprunalegu setningunni. Á tvítugsaldri gat hann drukkið alla nótt án þess að verða þunnur.


preposition (skill)

I'm no good at chess.
Ég er ekki góður í að tefla.


preposition (in exchange for)

Apples are on sale at a dollar per pound.
Epli eru á útsölu á dollar pundið.


preposition (habitual time)

Kevin works at night. The elderly couple always take a walk at 4 PM.
Kevin vinnur á næturna. Gömlu hjónin fara alltaf í gönguferð klukkan fjögur.

grípa í

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (reach for [sth])

Jane caught at Pete's arm and pulled him back onto the sidewalk as a car zoomed past.

gefa í skyn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (intend to say, imply)

I don't understand what you are getting at.

ná til

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slang (influence illegally)

All the evidence is against us; we'll have to see if we can get at the jury.

fangar athyglina

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (be noticeable)

It really jumps out at you.


(stay, be accommodated at)

We put up at a lovely hotel just outside of town.

standa við

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (not vary or deviate from)

If I stick with this diet, I should be able to wear my favorite pants again by Christmas.

ráðast á

(hit, attack)

A coiled snake will strike out at anything that threatens it.

ráðast á

(figurative (criticize)

When he was a candidate for mayor, Bob would strike out at all his opponents.

miða á

(try to hit)

Although he aimed the arrow at the bull's eye, he hit the outside ring every time.

miða á

(try to hit)

Nathan was aiming at the target with his .40-caliber pistol.

stefna að

(figurative (have as a goal)

Jack's aiming at becoming the president of the company someday.
Jack hefur það markmið að verða forseti fyrirtækisins einhvern tímann.

reyna að láta höfða til

(figurative, often passive (have as intended audience)

The movie is aimed at a younger audience.

reiður út af , reiður yfir

(cross about [sth])

He was angry about his son's failure.

reiður við

(cross with [sb])

Doris is angry with her lazy husband.
Doris er reið við lata eiginmann sinn.

vera pirraður út í

(irritated, angry)

(orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.)
I'm annoyed at my brother for leaving the room in such a mess.

(figurative (conclusion, etc.: reach)

The mathematician worked to arrive at the answer.

hvort sem er

adverb (anyway, in any case)

I didn't want to go to the party at all, but it's over now, at any rate.

vera afslappaður

verbal expression (relaxed)

I am more at ease when my boss is not in the office.

í hvíldarstöðu

adverb (stand: not at attention)

The captain ordered the soldiers to stand at ease.

líða vel í kringum

adjective (comfortable)

Chris was very friendly, and I instantly felt at ease with him.

til að byrja með

adverb (to begin with, in the beginning)

At first, it was just pitch black, then his eyes got used to the darkness and he began to see some features of the cave.


adverb (in own house)

I left my wallet at home.

á heimavelli

adverb (sport: in own ground)

The team have never lost at home.


adjective (in own house)

Josie is hoping to have an at-home birth.


adverb (as a whole, in general)

Proceeds from the fundraiser will benefit the population at large.


adjective (escaped)

The murderer is still at large.

í heild

adjective (role: free-ranging)

Besides the chair and treasurer, the board also includes five members at large.


adverb (finally)

At last, I've finished writing that report!

að minnsta kosti

adverb (no less or fewer than)

Mary needs at least £1,000 to pay for her holiday.

að minnsta kosti

adverb (if nothing else)

He lost his job, but at least he still has a home. His wife left him, but at least she left him the furniture.

að minnsta kosti

adverb (at the minimum)

Please at least wash the dishes!


adverb (extensively, in detail)

He explained his financial situation to me at length.

eftir nokkurn tíma

adverb (after a long while)

At length, Joyce looked up from her book.

í mesta lagi

adverb (and no more, not more than)

A newly imported vehicle may be used for three months at most before it becomes liable to tax. It will take 10 minutes at the most.

á nóttunni

adverb (during the nighttime)

Bats only feed at night. My cat is often the most alert and playful at night.


adverb (in disagreement)

The couple were at odds over which car to buy.

eins og er

adverb (currently)

At present, there are six students enrolled in the phonetics course.

í húfi

adverb (at risk)

You need to make sure you do the job correctly because your professional reputation is at stake!

í upphafi

expression (at the starting point)

A sentence should have a capital letter at the beginning.

í byrjun

expression (at the starting point of)

In the old days, most of the credits were shown at the beginning of a movie.

í upphafi

expression (initially, to start with)

At the beginning, I was mistrustful of John, but I have grown to like and respect him.

í lokin

adverb (at [sth]'s conclusion)

I haven't seen the film yet; don't tell me what happens at the end.

í lokin

adverb (just before death)

At the end, she just sighed and let go of my hand.

eins og er

adverb (now)

I'm busy at the moment, but we can talk later.

á sömu stundu

adverb (in unison)

We all screamed for more ice cream at the same time.


adverb (back then)

At the time, I didn't fully understand what she meant, but I caught on later.


adverb (at the highest part or point)

When he arrived at the top of the ladder he was able to see the damaged roof.

á toppnum

adverb (figurative, informal (among the greatest achievers)

He enjoyed his success to begin with, but is now finding out that life can be tough at the top.

á tindinum

adverb (mountain: at the summit)

The air was thin at the top of the hill.


adverb (sometimes, on occasion)

At times, I just want to quit my job.


(US, informal (swear at: use obscene language)

Perry cursed at the driver who swerved in front of him.

skjóta á

(shoot a weapon at)

The soldiers were firing at the enemy.

horfa á , stara á , einblína á

(look intently at)

(smáorðasögn með forsetningu: Sagnorð ásamt einu eða fleiri smáorðum, með sérstaka merkingu. Andlagið tengist forsetningunni.)
We lay on our backs and gazed at the stars.

góður í

verbal expression (be skilled, talented)

He is good at anything related to numbers.

skælbrosa til

(smile broadly at)

(orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.)
After I tripped on the stairs, I noticed a really cute boy grinning at me.


verbal expression (look at)

These family photos are great. Have a look.


verbal expression (examine, inspect)

Let the doctor have a look at your rash.

gefa í skyn

(imply, suggest)

Roger Daltrey hinted at the possibility of a new Who album.


(drink by licking)

Tom's cat lapped at the water in the bowl.

hlæja að

(find amusing)

We all laughed at the film. My boyfriend laughs at my jokes, even when they're not funny.

alls ekki

adverb (in no way, to no extent)

My boss was not at all pleased with my work, so he fired me.

ekkert mál

interjection (don't mention it)

"Thank you; that's so kind of you!" "Not at all!"

benda á

(indicate, esp. with finger)

The little boy pointed at the sky, following a plane with his finger.

vera viðstaddur

verbal expression (attend)

It is essential that the entire team be present at this meeting.

skína á

transitive verb (direct light)

Shine the light on the corner.

skjóta á

(fire a gun at)

The soldiers shot at the enemy.

brosa til

(give [sb] a smile)

It's magical when your baby smiles at you for the first time.

stökkva á

(seize: opportunity)

The dancer snapped at the chance of auditioning for the Royal Ballet.

stara á , glápa á , góna á

(gaze fixedly at)

(smáorðasögn með forsetningu: Sagnorð ásamt einu eða fleiri smáorðum, með sérstaka merkingu. Andlagið tengist forsetningunni.)
Agnes stared at the phone, willing it to ring.

slá til

(attempt to hit)

The man swung at Harry, who ducked to avoid the punch.

slá til

(attempt to hit with punch, blow)

The drunk man swung a punch at me.

líta á

verbal expression (informal (look casually at [sth/sb])

Zoe took a look at the clock and was surprised to see that it was already 5 p.m.


verbal expression (informal (inspect, investigate [sth/sb])

You should get a doctor to take a look at that rash.

henda í

(hurl in the direction of)

Johnny was told off for throwing a book at his brother.


(gesture in greeting)

Brent waved at his sons as he approached the house.

öskra á

(shout angrily at)

Susan yelled at her dog but the barking continued.

Við skulum læra Enska

Þannig að nú þegar þú veist meira um merkingu at hand í Enska geturðu lært hvernig á að nota þau með völdum dæmum og hvernig á að lestu þau. Og mundu að læra tengd orð sem við mælum með. Vefsíðan okkar er stöðugt að uppfæra með nýjum orðum og nýjum dæmum svo þú getir flett upp merkingu annarra orða sem þú þekkir ekki í Enska.

Veistu um Enska

Enska kemur frá germönskum ættbálkum sem fluttu til Englands og hefur þróast á meira en 1.400 ára tímabili. Enska er þriðja mest talaða tungumál í heimi, á eftir kínversku og spænsku. Það er mest lærða annað tungumálið og opinbert tungumál næstum 60 fullvalda ríkja. Þetta tungumál hefur fleiri málara sem annað og erlent tungumál en móðurmál. Enska er einnig sameiginlegt tungumál Sameinuðu þjóðanna, Evrópusambandsins og margra annarra alþjóðlegra tungumála og svæðisbundin samtök. Nú á dögum geta enskumælandi um allan heim átt samskipti með tiltölulega auðveldum hætti.