What does tromma in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word tromma in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use tromma in Icelandic.

The word tromma in Icelandic means drum, beat a drum, drums, drum. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word tromma


verbnoun (musical instrument)

Hann skildi ekki ađ börn langar stundum bara ađ tromma.
Ah. He didn't get that children sometimes just want to drum.

beat a drum

verb (To produce sound with a drum.)



Hann skildi ekki ađ börn langar stundum bara ađ tromma.
Ah. He didn't get that children sometimes just want to drum.


verb noun (type of musical instrument of the percussion family)

Hann skildi ekki ađ börn langar stundum bara ađ tromma.
Ah. He didn't get that children sometimes just want to drum.

See more examples

Ef ūær sjá mig taka ūær mig aftur á Páskaeyju og ūá missi ég af ūví ađ tromma!
If they see me, they'll take me back to Easter Island and I'll never get my chance to drum!
Arnar Ingi er einnig að tromma með hljómsveitinni Future Future.
The X-Men must also deal with the next plot of the Inner Circle.
BENVOLIO Strike, tromma.
BENVOLlO Strike, drum.
Dũri tromma?
Animal drum?
Bremsa skór og bremsa tromma hafa enga úthreinsun, sem getur einnig gert bremsa tromma heitt.
Brake shoe and brake drum have no clearance, which can also make brake drum hot.
Þetta útrýma óstöðugleika við hemlun og beygju, sem er algengt vandamál þegar reynt er að meðhöndla tromma með hefðbundnum gafflum.
This eliminates instability during braking and cornering, which is a common problem when attempting to handle drum with conventional forks.
PACKING: stáltrommur, nettóþyngd á tromma: 200kg, heildarþyngd: 220kgs
PACKING:steel drum, Net weight per drum:200kg, Gross Weight:220kgs
Viđ höldum ekki takti án tromma.
We can't keep time without the drums, man!
Það framleiðir hágæða texta og grafík (og ljósmyndir með hæfileikaríkum gæðum) með því að endurtaka laser geisla fram og til baka yfir neikvætt hlaðinn strokka sem kallast "tromma" til að skilgreina mismunandi hlaðinn mynd.
It produces high-quality text and graphics (and moderate-quality photographs) by repeatedly passing a laser beam back and forth over a negatively charged cylinder called a "drum" to define a differentially charged image.
Skoða Lærðu hvernig á að tromma með uppáhalds spori þínum.
Learn how to drum your favourite grooves.
Til að njóta góðs af vélinni er nauðsynlegt að bera rafmagns tromma á 6 kg, 18 af ýmsum forritum, hágæða snúningur jafnvel við lágan snúningshraða.
To advantages of the machine it is necessary to carry a capacious drum on 6 kg, 18 of various programs, high-quality spinning even at low rpm.
Sérsniðið tromma rafmagnið eins og þú vilt og reyndu allar mögulegar samsetningar í trommusætinu.
Customize your drum electric as you wish and try all the possible combinations in the drum kit app.
Tromma setja – Leikir á Google Play Leit Myndir
Drum Set - Apps on Google Play Search Images
Bongo Besta MEME hnappurinn sem gerir þér kleift að búa til frábæra Afríku eða BONGO (tromma / tromma) Caribbean tónlist.
The best MEME button that with your BONGO (drum / drum) creates a wonderful African or Caribbean music.
Ekki tromma.
Drum! No drum!
Vinsamlegast athugið að: úthreinsun milli Steyr bremsa tromma og dekk felgu er of lítill, nákvæmni framleiðslu á innlendum bremsa tromma er lágt, efri heitu lofti slóð á ytri bremsa tromma er grunnt, og því, varmaleiðni er of léleg.
Please note that: the clearance between Steyr brake drum and tyre rim is too small, accuracy of manufacturing of domestic brake drum is low, the upper hot air path of the outer of brake drum is shallow, and therefore, heat dissipation is too poor.
Ég dũrka ađ tromma.
Look, I love drumming.
Lítil tromma frá Dóminíska Lýðveldinu
Dominican Republic Drum Small
Þrjár monosynths, tromma vél, hrærivél og sumir áhrif - hvað annað sem þú þarft í raun?
Three monosynths, a drum machine, a mixer and some effects - what else do you really need?
Gera það með alvöru tromma pads.
Do it with real drum pads.
The snerta svæðið á milli bremsa skot disk og bremsa tromma vera stærri en 70% af flatarmáli.
The touch area between brake shot plate and brake drum shall be larger than 70% of the total area.
Sing, Clap, tromma á borðinu!
Sing, clap, drum on your desk!
200L plast tromma, IBC (1000L), kröfur viðskiptavina.
200L plastic drum, IBC(1000L),customers’ requirement.
Lítil tromma frá Dóminíska Lýðveldinu | Sangitamiya: The Nectar Music
Dominican Republic Drum Small | Sangitamiya: The Nectar Music
Notkun Drum klemmu er viðeigandi til að meðhöndla og stafla farm tromma eins og járn trommu, olíu tromma og ruslatunnur...
Application Drum clamp is applicable to handle and stack drum cargoes such as iron drum, oil drum and trash can...

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of tromma in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.