What does dagpeningar in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word dagpeningar in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use dagpeningar in Icelandic.

The word dagpeningar in Icelandic means per diem allowance, per diem. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word dagpeningar

per diem allowance


per diem

noun (An allowance provided to an employee who is traveling for business. The per diem usually covers lodging, meals and incidental expenses.)

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Dagpeningar í veikinda- og slysaforföllum í allt að 120 almanaksdaga samkv. grein 12.1 í reglugerð sjóðsins.
Per diem in absence for illness or accident for up to 120 calendar days pursuant to Article 12.1 in the Fund’s regulation.
Dagpeningar á Íslandi: 180 EUR
Daily subsistence in Iceland: 180 EUR
DAGPENINGAR dagpeningar eru ákveðin upphæð á dag sem fólk fær úr almannatryggingum eða frá tryggingafélagi eftir ákveðnum reglum, t.d. ef maður verður óvinnufær vegna veikinda eða slyss; dagpeningar geta líka verið greiðslur sem maður fær frá vinnuveitanda sínum til
Per diem payments (daily allowance). A sum of money which people receive each day from the social security system or an insurance company according to certain rules, e.g. if they become unfit for work due to an illness or accident.
Dagpeningar greiðast frá þeim tíma sem samnings-/lögbundinni launagreiðslu frá atvinnurekanda lýkur.
Sickness benefits are paid as of the time that contract-/statutory payment of wages from the employer ends.
Dagpeningar eru reiknaðir út frá fjölda daga við gestastofnun + einn til tveir ferðadagar, eftir því sem við á.
Per diem payments are calculated based on the number of days at the guest institution + one to two days of travel, as applicable.
Dagpeningar greiðast úr sjóðnum með eftirfarandi hætti:
Sickness benefits are paid from the fund as follows:
Dagpeningar greiðast þó aldrei lengur en í 48 vikur og ekki fyrir tímabil að loknum 3 árum frá slysdegi.
Per diem payments, however, will not be paid for more than 44 weeks and not for any periods following three years from the date of the accident.
The snjallt tól til að stjórna og stjórna kostnaði og dagpeningar fyrirtækisins.
The smart tool to manage and control expenses and per diem of your company.
Dagpeningar í veikinda- og slysaforföllum í allt að 120 almanaksdaga samkv. grein 12.1 í reglugerð sjóðsins.
Per diem in absence for illness or accident for up to 120 calendar days pursuant to Article 12.1 in the Fund’s regulation.
Dagpeningar vegna mjög alvarlegra veikinda maka í allt að 90 almanaksdaga, samkv. grein 12.3.
Per diem for serious illness of partner for up to 90 calendar days, pursuant to Article 12.3.
Hvenær eru dagpeningar ekki greiddir?
When are sickness benefits not paid?
6.3.4 Stafi starfsorkumissir slasaða að einhverju leyti af öðrum orsökum en slysinu lækka dagpeningar í beinu hlutfalli við það hvern þátt þessar orsakir eiga í missi starfsorkunnar. 6.3.5
6.3.4 If the loss of work capability of the injured is to some extent attributable to causes other than the accident, the per diem payment shall decrease in direct proportion to the part that these causes affect the loss of work capability.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.