What does þór in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word þór in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use þór in Icelandic.
The word þór in Icelandic means thor, Thor, Þór. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word þór
thorpronoun adverb |
Thorproper (thunder god) |
Þórproper |
See more examples
Fljótlega eftir stofnun Týs árið 1921 tóku Týrarar höndum saman við leikmenn úr Þór og reyndu fyrir sér undir sameinuðu merki KV, þegar leikið var við lið utan Eyjanna. When efforts began to try to create a territory-based organisation in the mid-1950s, they initially tried to have Queanbeyan included inside the ACT as the two are very close geographically, with teams from the area competing against each other. |
Guðlaugur Þór vék ekki sæti þrátt fyrir harðvítug átök innan Sjálfstæðisflokksins vegna styrkjamálsins. His department really does nothing besides siding with Ip Long in MODES power struggle. |
Þór var m.a. kallaður almáttugur sem þýðir mjög sterkur. He was also nicknamed derstarkeJörg meaning Strong George. |
Þór - í Heljargreipum. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell. |
Willum Þór Þórsson varð fyrsti þjálfarinn til að vinna allar fjórar deildir á Íslandi. At Vassar, Moller became the first coach to lead the program to four consecutive winning seasons. |
Árið 2007 keyptu síðan Októ Einarsson og Andri Þór Guðmundsson Ölgerðina ásamt Kaupþingi sem síðar seldi sinn hluta til nokkurra stjórnenda fyrirtækisins. In 2007, Októ Einarsson and Andri Þór Guðmundsson acquired Ölgerðin with Kaupthing bank, which later sold its shares to several bank executives. |
Leikstjóri Friðrik Þór Friðriksson. Director: Friðrik Þór Friðriksson. |
Kristján Þór hefur gegnt fjölmörgum trúnaðarstörfum og átt sæti í stjórn margra fyrirtækja og stofnana. Outside of politics he has held and continues to hold many positions including Chairman of several corporate boards. |
□ Þann evrópska jólasið að brenna stóran viðardrumb í arninum má rekja til Skandinava sem héldu stórar brennur til heiðurs þrumuguðinum Þór. □ The European Christmas custom of burning a huge . . . log in the fireplace can be traced back to the Scandinavians who kindled enormous bonfires in honor of their god of thunder, Thor. |
Hann spilar með fótboltaliðinu Þór Akureyri og hefur hann gert það allan sinn feril. He played his club rugby with Eastwood and maintained his association with the club throughout his career. |
11:8 Þór Ak. hafnaði í neðsta sæti. 3: 18 points deducted for violence acts. |
Á myndum þessum var Þór því sýndur gapandi og skeggið látið standa beint út. Later issues of the album feature both the toilet and the bathtub cropped out entirely. |
Til dæmis „Þór gúgglaði uppskriftum“. "Useful Recipes". |
Formaður skipulags- og bygginganefndar var Árni Þór Sigurðsson. Training and patrol operations were the order of the day. |
Þór tekur hamarinn og drepur Þrym og alla ættingja hans og lýkur þar Þrymskviðu. The Kree then simply destroyed him, his wife, and all trace of his work. |
Það er nefnt eftir norræna guð Þór og ég veit að göfugt Baroness verður ánægð að vita að það er dimorphic og það eru alls konar aðrar staðreyndir sem hún getur fundið í Wikipedia, eins og reyndar gerði ég. It is named after the Norse god Thor and I know the noble baroness will be pleased to know that it's dimorphic and there are all sorts of other facts that she can find in Wikipedia, as indeed, I did. |
Hann hóf ferilinn hjá Þór Akureyri þar til hann fór til KR árið 2011. She remained with the Atlético Madrid team until the series folded in 2011. |
Féll Þór þar dauður til jarðar. He then collapses to the ground, dead. |
Næsti biskup var Þór Bokki sem kom til Garða 1289 og snéri aftur til Noregs 1309. The next bishop was Þórdr who stayed in Garðar from 1289 until his return to Norway in 1309. |
Ég spurði hvort hann vildi þá ekki breyta kirkjunni í hof handa þeim Þór, Óðni og Frey. I asked if he did not then want to change the church into a temple dedicated Thor, Odin, and Frey. |
Þór/KA varð Íslandsmeistari í annað sinn 28. september 2017 er það sigraði FH, 2-0, í síðasta leik tímabilsins með mörkum frá Söndru Maríu Jessen og Söndru Mayor. On September 28, 2017, she won the Icelandic championship with Þór/KA after defeating FH, in the last game of the season, 2-0 with goals from Sandra Jessen and herself. |
Þór er mest dýrkaður allra Ása að fornu og nýju. They are always early adopters of the latest and greatest thing. |
Hann laumaðist inn í svefnherbergi Sifjar, en Þór eiginmaður hennar var í burtu að berja tröll. She survived by hiding in a closet but now jumps into the personalities of others to escape her own tortured mind. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.