What does þjónustuverk in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word þjónustuverk in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use þjónustuverk in Icelandic.

The word þjónustuverk in Icelandic means service task. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word þjónustuverk

service task

(An action to be taken by a service technician as part of a service order.)

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Hún lauk með því að láta sérhvert barn minnast móður sinnar með því að skrifa henni þakkarbréf, þar sem þau þökkuðu fyrir ótal kærleiksrík þjónustuverk sem þau hlutu daglega.
She finished by having the children remember their mothers by writing thank-you notes expressing gratitude for the many loving acts of service they received daily.
Með þjónustu minni hef ég vegsamað Guð, hvort sem verkin eru umfangsmikil þjónustuverk eða einföld kærleiksverk (sjá Matt 5:16).
The purpose of my service, whether in big service projects or through small acts of kindness, has been to glorify God (see Matthew 5:16).
Þið sem hlýðið á í kvöld gætuð verið meðal hinna þúsunda barna sem gerðu ástúðlegt þjónustuverk og senduð inn úrklippu.10
Many of you listening tonight might be some of the thousands of children who did a loving service and sent it in.10
Þessi einföldu, daglegu þjónustuverk kunna að sýnast lítils virði ein og sér, en metin sameiginlega verða þau líkt og einn tólfti hluti úr teskeið af hunangi, sem ein einstök býfluga leggur af mörkum til býkúpunnar.
These simple, daily acts of service may not seem like much in and of themselves, but when considered collectively they become just like the one-twelfth teaspoon of honey contributed by a single bee to the hive.
Bræður og systur, Drottinn er mjög þakklátur fyrir hvert og eitt ykkar, fyrir þær óteljandi klukkustundir og þau þjónustuverk sem þið veitið svo örlátlega og náðarsamlegast á hverjum degi, hvort heldur stór verk eða lítil.
Brothers and sisters, how grateful the Lord is for each and every one of you, for the countless hours and acts of service, whether large or small, you so generously and graciously give each day.
Gerið eitthvað þjónustuverk dag hvern í þessum mánuði, til að sýna kærleika ykkar til einhvers.
Each day this month, perform an act of service to show your love for someone.
Svo dásamleg sem þjónustuverk hans voru, þá voru þau og eru ekki bundin við hann einan.
Wonderful as His ministerial acts were, they were not and are still not unique to Him.
Ef við tökumst á við kallanir okkar sem tækifæri til að þjóna Guði og öðrum, af trú og auðmýkt, þá mun sérhvert þjónustuverk vera skref áfram á vegi lærisveinsins.
If we approach our callings as opportunities to serve God and minister to others with faith and humility, every act of service will be a step on the path of discipleship.
Þótt þjónustuverk okkar kunni að sýnast lítil, hógvær eða ómerkileg, þá mun að því koma að þeir sem liðsinna öðrum af góðvild og samúð munu átta sig á gildi þjónustu sinnar, fyrir eilífa og blessaða náð almáttugs Guðs.13
Even though our acts of service may seem lowly, modest, or of little value, those who reach out in kindness and compassion to others will one day know the value of their service by the eternal and blessed grace of Almighty God.13
Hljóðlega og óbeðin framkvæmdi hún einföld þjónustuverk, vegna þess að hún sá þörfina og vildi hjálpa.
She quietly performed this simple act of service without being asked because she saw a need and desired to help.
Thomas S. Monson forseti hefur sagt, að í mörgum tilvikum svari himneskur faðir bænum annarrar manneskju í gegnum okkur — í gegnum ykkur og mig – í gegnum ljúf orð okkar og gjörðir – í gegnum einföld þjónustuverk okkar og ást.
President Thomas S. Monson has taught that in many instances Heavenly Father answers another person’s prayers through us—through you and me—through our kind words and deeds, through our simple acts of service and love.
Börnunum var boðið að gera þjónustuverk – stór og smá.
Children were invited to perform acts of service—large and small.

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So now that you know more about the meaning of þjónustuverk in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.