What does spor in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word spor in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use spor in Icelandic.

The word spor in Icelandic means trace, footprint, stitch. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word spor


noun (mathematics) sum of the diagonal elements of a square matrix)

Allir skilja eftir sig spor.
All leave traces of themselves.



En ūú skildir eftir ansi mörg spor.
You left a few footprints, though, didn't you?



Ađ lenda í svona slysi og fá nokkur spor.
An accident like this, only stitches.

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Settu ūig í hans spor.
Put yourself in his place.
Reyndu að setja þig í spor hins aðilans.
Try to gain insight into his or her feelings and viewpoint.
16. (a) Hvers vegna geta margir vottar Jehóva sett sig í spor Páls í þrengingum hans?
16. (a) Why can many of Jehovah’s Witnesses identify with the tribulations suffered by Paul?
Þá geturðu sett þig í spor systur Opal Betler sem lét skírast 4. október 1914.
If so, you will relate to the comments of Sister Opal Betler, who was baptized on October 4, 1914.
Það er því mikilvægt að reyna að setja sig í spor einstaklingsins og komast að því hvað hann vilji helst að þú gerir og hvers hann þarfnist.
So the overriding need is for you to try to put yourself in the individual’s place and find out what he or she really wants and needs from you.
Ég kunni vel við hið nána samband sem myndaðist við sjúklingana og gat sett mig í spor þeirra.“
I liked the intimacy of connecting with and relating to patients.”
Ef við setjum okkur í spor annarra og reynum að sjá fyrir hvaða áhrif orð okkar hafa á þá getum við líkt eftir gæsku Jehóva í orðum og verkum. – Lestu Orðskviðina 15:28.
By putting ourselves in the place of others and trying to anticipate how our words might affect them, we can discern how to speak and act in ways that imitate Jehovah’s kindness. —Read Proverbs 15:28.
Ef sú var raunin hefur Jesús líklega getað sett sig í spor þeirra.
If so, Jesus could likely relate to their situation.
GETURÐU sett þig í spor Lindu sem var miður sín þegar trúsystir bar hana röngum sökum?
CAN you relate to Linda, who was deeply hurt by the actions of a fellow believer?
Með því að gefa þannig gætur hver að öðrum byggjum við upp ósvikna samkennd og setjum okkur í spor annarra. — Filippíbréfið 2:4; 1. Pétursbréf 3:8.
Considering one another in such ways will help us to develop genuine fellow feeling, or empathy. —Philippians 2:4; 1 Peter 3:8.
Hvernig hjálpar það ykkur að skilja námsefnið betur að setja ykkur í spor annars einstaklings?
How does putting yourself in that person’s shoes help you better understand what you’re studying?
En hefðum við getað sett okkur í spor fullkominna andavera sem standa okkur miklu framar að þekkingu, reynslu og krafti? — Hebreabréfið 2:6, 7.
But would we really have been able to identify with the perspective of perfect spirit creatures, whose knowledge, experience, and strength are far superior to our own? —Hebrews 2:6, 7.
(Sálmur 51:7) Við getum ekki hugsað eða hegðað okkur fullkomlega rétt frekar en nokkur annar, þannig að við ættum tvímælalaust að geta sett okkur í spor annarra og komið fram við þá eins og við viljum láta koma fram við okkur.
(Psalm 51:5) We cannot think or act perfectly, any more than other people can, so we should surely have empathy and treat them as we would like to be treated.
Hefur hann séđ svona spor áđur?
Has he ever seen a tread pattern like this before?
▪ Settu þig í spor vinarins.
▪ Put yourself in your friend’s shoes.
„Fyrstu skrefin . . . eru óþekkt, . . . engin spor eru eftir.“ — Red Giants and White Dwarfs d
“The initial steps . . . are not known; . . . no trace of them remains.” —Red Giants and White Dwarfsd
Setjiđ ykkur í mín spor.
Put yourself in my position.
Hann setti sig í spor annarra og tók með í reikninginn bakgrunn þeirra í lífinu.
He identified with them and their background.
svo djörf í spor meistarans.
and all his commandments keep.
14 Við ættum að líkja eftir Jesú og leitast við að setja okkur í spor annarra.
14 Like Jesus, then, we seek to empathize with people.
Spor í bókmenntafræði 20. aldar: Frá Shklovskíj til Foucault.
Music in the 20th Century: From Debussy through Stravinsky.
Þeir reyna öllu heldur að setja sig í spor hvers og eins svo að fagnaðarerindið geti náð til hjartans.
Rather, they seek to understand each individual in order to reach his heart with the Kingdom message.
JEHÓVA gaf okkur hæfileikann að geta sett okkur í spor annarra.
JEHOVAH has given us the ability to put ourselves in the place of others.
Margir kristnir menn nú á dögum hafa gengið í gegnum sambærilegar raunir og geta því sett sig í spor hans.
Many Christians today can easily relate to his experience.
„Augu Guðs hvíla á vegferð mannsins, hann horfir á hvert hans spor.“ – JOBSBÓK 34:21.
“God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man, and He sees all his steps.” —JOB 34:21.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.