What does söylemiş in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word söylemiş in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use söylemiş in Turkish.

The word söylemiş in Turkish means say, söylemek, okumak, söylemek, anlatmak, demek, bildirmek, söylemek, ısmarlamak, söylemek, söylemek, söylemek, söylemek, söylemek, bildirmek, söylemek, duyurmak, haber vermek, söylemek, söylemek, söz etmek, sözünü etmek, lafını etmek, istemek, bilgi vermek, söylemek, anlatmak, ilave etmek, demek, söylemek, demek, itiraf etmek, söylemek, bildirmek, söylemek, anlatmak, söylemek, açıklamak, bildirmek, bahsetmek, söz etmek, belirtmek, söylemek, söylemek, belirtmek, yazmak, söylemek, söylemek, doğrusu, doğrusunu söylemek gerekirse, gerçekten, aslına bakarsa(n), şaka yapmak, gülerek söylemek, yalan söylemek, ismini söylemek, tekrarlamak, alıntı yapmak, alıntılamak, iktibas etmek, selamlarını iletmek, selam söylemek, (emir anlamında) söylemek, olarak kabul etmek, işaret diliyle söylemek, (kelimenin) harflerini söylemek, yapmasını söylemek. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word söylemiş


söylemek, okumak

(perform a song) (şarkı)

Harika bir sesin var, daha sık şarkı söylemelisin.
You have a beautiful voice and should sing more.

söylemek, anlatmak

(inform, convey)

Tell me what he said. I finally told her what happened.



Dexter said, "I'm hungry." He said the book was blue.



We regret to inform you that your account has been suspended.


(informal (say, utter)

I couldn't believe she came out with that remark.

ısmarlamak, söylemek


Bir şişe daha şarap ısmarlayalım.
We should order another bottle of wine.



If someone is bullying you, tell the teacher.


(give an opinion) (fikir)

Size bunun kötü bir fikir olduğunu söylüyorum.
I say it's a bad idea.


(secret: tell) (sır)

Monica confided the truth to her best friend.


(perform: a song) (şarkı, marş, vb.)

They stood up and sang the national anthem.


(notify, tell)

The office isn't open today. Someone should make him aware.


(figurative, informal (bring yourself to say)

He knew she would spit out the truth sooner or later.

duyurmak, haber vermek

(with clause: announce)

He told the whole school that he was leaving to become a rock musician.


(usually passive (spread by rumor)

It is rumoured that a new housing development will be built on the outskirts of town next year.


(speak of) (bir şeyi birisine)

Did you mention the car problem to James?

söz etmek, sözünü etmek, lafını etmek

(tell sb sth)

During our conversation, Julia mentioned to me that she thought Kara had a new boyfriend.


(order to)

Dad says to come and eat dinner right now.

bilgi vermek

(figurative (inform)

I wonder if you could enlighten me as to the best way to get to Oxford Street?


(figurative (express, vent) (mecazlı)

The students went to the principal to air their grievances.


(recount sth to sb) (birisine bir şeyi)

He told the story to his daughter.

ilave etmek

(say, make: a comment)

"I've got a better idea," Abi put in.


(slang (say: expressing attitude)

He was like, "I don't want to do that".

söylemek, demek

(informal (say)

Boys will be boys, as the saying goes.

itiraf etmek


I interrogated him, but he would not tell.


(response on walkie talkie) (telsizde)

'Come in, Peter,' said Matt into his walkie talkie. The reply came: 'Go for Peter.'


(declare, assert)

Legend has it that the lakes are the footprints of a giant.


(identify) (kim olduğunu, vb.)

Can you tell who it is?


(esp UK (tell)

You have some news about her? Oh, do share it!



The guilty man decided to speak the truth.

açıklamak, bildirmek


She sprang the news on us.

bahsetmek, söz etmek


She let drop the fact that she was single.


(mention, say)

When he noted that the house needed repair, she agreed.


(formal, dated (direct, command) (yapmasını)

When your mother bids you tidy your room, do so.


(report to)

Oyuncak arabamı kırdın. Anneme söyleyeceğim.
You've broken my toy car. I'm telling Mum!



Peter indicated that he would like to go to the store.


(say, be written)

The sign read "Keep off the grass."



Fred jerked out breathlessly that someone had just tried to rob him.


(figurative (sth worrying: tell sb) (endişe verici bir şeyi birisine)

Angie offloaded her concerns onto her best friend.

doğrusu, doğrusunu söylemek gerekirse, gerçekten, aslına bakarsa(n)


Evet, aslına bakarsan, bu akşam dışarıda yemek yemeyi planlıyorum.
Yes, indeed, I do plan to eat out tonight.

şaka yapmak

(tell or make jokes)

We were joking all night.

gülerek söylemek

(say while laughing)

"Why are you wearing that ridiculous hat?" he laughed.

yalan söylemek

(not tell the truth)

Cuma gecesi nerede olduğuna dair anne ve babasına yalan söyledi.
She lied to her parents about where she was on Friday night.

ismini söylemek

(mention by name)

The police report named three witnesses.

tekrarlamak, alıntı yapmak, alıntılamak, iktibas etmek

(repeat sb's words)

Sözlerini tekrarlamış olmak için söylemiyorum, ama hani öyle partilere gitmezdin?
Anthony likes to quote Shakespeare.

selamlarını iletmek, selam söylemek

(pass on greetings)

Remember me to her, will you?

(emir anlamında) söylemek


Mom says stop arguing or you'll be grounded.

olarak kabul etmek


She is said to be the best painter of her generation.

işaret diliyle söylemek

(say in sign language)

Veronica's hearing-impaired friend signed that he would prefer to meet at seven o'clock that evening.

(kelimenin) harflerini söylemek

(word: write)

O kelime harf harf nasıl söylenir?
How do you spell that word? Nemanja always has to spell his name.

yapmasını söylemek

(command, order)

He told her to clean her room.

Let's learn Turkish

So now that you know more about the meaning of söylemiş in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.