What does skjaldkirtill in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word skjaldkirtill in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use skjaldkirtill in Icelandic.

The word skjaldkirtill in Icelandic means thyroid gland, thyroid, thyroid gland. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word skjaldkirtill

thyroid gland

noun (large butterfly-shaped endocrine gland)


noun (A large endocrine gland present in all vertebrates and located in the neck of humans.)

Örfáir blóðdropar, sem teknir eru úr nýfæddu barni, geta leitt í ljós hvort skjaldkirtill þess starfar óeðlilega.
A few drops of blood taken from a newborn can show whether the baby has a thyroid abnormality.

thyroid gland

noun (endocrine gland)

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Ef skjaldkirtill er ofvirkur er hægt með lyfjum að draga úr einkennum, svo sem hröðum hjartslætti, vöðvaskjálfta og kvíða.
Medication can ease the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, such as accelerated heartbeat, muscle tremors, and anxiety.
Vanvirkur skjaldkirtill: Líkamlegt og andlegt þróttleysi, hármissir, hægðatregða, kulsækni, óreglulegar tíðablæðingar, þunglyndi, minnisleysi, þreyta, röddin breytist (verður hás eða dýpkar) og sjúklingur þyngist án sýnilegra orsaka.
Hypothyroidism: Physical and mental sluggishness, unexplained weight gain, hair loss, constipation, exaggerated sensitivity to cold, irregular menstrual periods, depression, voice change (hoarseness or low voice), memory loss, and tiredness.
Ef skjaldkirtill er vanvirkur eða hefur verið fjarlægður ávísar læknir að jafnaði T4 sem taka þarf daglega.
For patients with hypothyroidism or who have had their thyroid removed, doctors usually prescribe daily doses of the hormone T4.
Hvað er jákvætt skjaldkirtill peroxidasa próf meina?
What does a positive thyroid peroxidase test mean?
- ef skjaldkirtill þinn virkar ekki eðlilega skaltu segja lækninum frá því, þar sem nauðsynlegt gæti verið að aðlaga fyrsta skammtinn af Plenadren.
- if your thyroid gland is not working normally tell your doctor since your dose of Plenadren may need to be adjusted.
Hvað er skjaldkirtill peroxidasa?
What is thyroid peroxidase?
Á bakhlið yfirborðs skjaldkirtilsins eru litlar kirtlar, sem einnig eru kallaðir skjaldkirtill.
On the posterior surface of the thyroid gland are located small glands, which are also called parathyroid.
Þrátt fyrir að skjaldkirtill skjaldkirtils, eða eins og það er einnig kallað „ichthyx,“ „semolina“ eða „white point sjúkdómur,“ er kannski algengasti sjúkdómurinn meðal fiskabúrs fiskanna.
Although ichthyophthyroidism, or as it is also called “ichthyx”, “semolina” or “white point disease”, is perhaps the most common disease among aquarium fish.
Blóð próf mega vera skipað að kanna magn í eggjastokkum, heiladingli, og skjaldkirtill hormón.
Blood tests may be ordered to examine the levels of ovarian, pituitary, and thyroid hormones.
Dæmigert mótefni sem finnast í flestum, en ekki öllum sjúklingum, eru SS-A og SS-B mótefni (Sjögrens heilkenni A og B mótefni), liðagigt þáttur, skjaldkirtill mótefna, og aðrir.
Typical antibodies that are found in most, but not all patients, are SS-A and SS-B antibodies (Sjogren’s syndrome A and B antibodies), rheumatoid factor, thyroid antibodies, and others.
Örfáir blóðdropar, sem teknir eru úr nýfæddu barni, geta leitt í ljós hvort skjaldkirtill þess starfar óeðlilega.
A few drops of blood taken from a newborn can show whether the baby has a thyroid abnormality.
Hvað er skjaldkirtill peroxidasa próf?
What is the thyroid peroxidase test?
Ofvirkur skjaldkirtill: Óróleiki, ör hjartsláttur, tíðar hægðir, óreglulegar tíðablæðingar, skapstyggð, kvíði, skapsveiflur, útstæð augu, máttleysi í vöðvum, svefnleysi, hárið verður fíngert og stökkt og sjúklingur léttist án sýnilegra orsaka.
Hyperthyroidism: Excessive agitation, unexplained weight loss, rapid heartbeat, increase in bowel movements, irregular menstrual periods, irritability, anxiety, mood swings, protruding eyeballs, muscular weakness, insomnia, and thin, brittle hair.

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Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.