What does skata in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word skata in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use skata in Icelandic.
The word skata in Icelandic means skate, ray. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word skata
skatenoun (fish of family Rajidae) |
raynoun (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail) Ūetta er bara skata. It's just a manta ray. |
See more examples
Þegar ég fór Pond Flint er, eftir að það var þakið snjó, þótt ég hefði oft paddled um og skata yfir það, það var svo óvænt breiður og svo skrítið að ég gæti hugsað ekkert nema Bay Baffin er. When I crossed Flint's Pond, after it was covered with snow, though I had often paddled about and skated over it, it was so unexpectedly wide and so strange that I could think of nothing but Baffin's Bay. |
Þar langt frá þorpinu götu, og nema á mjög löngum hléum, frá Jingle of sleða- bjalla, rann ég og skata, eins og í miklum vel troðin Moose- garð, overhung af eik holt og hátíðlega Pines beygði sig niður með snjó eða mikinn með grýlukerti. There, far from the village street, and except at very long intervals, from the jingle of sleigh- bells, I slid and skated, as in a vast moose- yard well trodden, overhung by oak woods and solemn pines bent down with snow or bristling with icicles. |
Ūetta er bara skata. It's just a manta ray. |
Hafa gaman að spila með skrímsli þín og breyta formi þeirra í rauntíma á meðan þeir dansa, skata, borða eða sofa! Have fun playing with your monsters and change their form in real-time while they dance, skate, eat or sleep! CREATE & MUTATE |
Using a þétt brustu skata hjálm sem veitir höfuðkúpu vörn er mælt með því. Using a firmly buckled skate helmet that provides cranial protection is recommended. |
Everest í sekúndum, skata yfir Icy vötn, elta yaks, uppgötva bita af upplýsingum, ríða jetpack, spila Himalayan hljóðfæri og fleira. Everest in seconds, skate across icy lakes, chase yaks, discover bits of information, ride a jetpack, play Himalayan instruments, and more. |
Ef raunverulegur skata verður of hægur, í stað þess fallega stökk fellur móðgandi. If the virtual skate will be too slow, instead of beautiful jump will fall offensive. |
Fyrir rafmagns skateboarder, myndi ég mæla með að fá hjálm sem nær aftur á höfuðið eins og hefðbundinn skata hjálm gerir. For an electric skateboarder, I would recommend getting a helmet that covers the back of your head like a traditional skate helmet does. |
Á þessari stundu er hægt að velja mótorhjól, ATVs, báta, vörubíla, reiðhjól, Hlaupahjól, skateboards, Roller skata og jafnvel töfrandi flutningatæki - Sópar, fljúgandi teppi, stupas og aðrir. At the present moment, you can choose motorcycles, ATVs, boats, trucks, bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller skates and even magical means of transport - brooms, flying carpets, stupas and others. |
Win a kapp á vörubíla, jeppa, mótorhjól, leigubíla, reiðhjólum, Roller skata, þyrlur. Win a race in trucks, jeeps, motorcycles, taxis, bicycles, roller skates, helicopters. |
Roller skata er mjög gamall. Roller skates are very old. |
Care - þetta er helsta skata leikur. Care - this is the main skate game. |
Áreynslulaust slétt inline skata hjól Effortlessly smooth inline skate wheels |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.