What does silungur in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word silungur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use silungur in Icelandic.
The word silungur in Icelandic means trout, brown trout. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word silungur
troutnoun (fish) Ég hef beđiđ eftir ūér, Silungur. I've been waiting for you, Trout. |
brown troutnoun |
See more examples
Þú getur ekki fundið hákarl á köldum vettvangi né gróft fiskur sem silungur, lax eða bassa með litlum stöng. You can't find a shark in cold arenas nor catch a big fish as trout, salmon or bass using a small rod. |
Silungur með spínati og kókosmjólk Premium Soy kotlety with spinach |
Flóar og firðir eru fullir af lífi, selur á steini og lax og silungur í ám og vötnum. Bays and fjords are full of life; seals on rocks, salmon and trout in rivers and waters. |
Það felur í sér omega-3 fitu, sem er venjulega staðsett í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, og síld. It consists of omega-3 fats, which is normally discovered in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and also Herring. |
Þriggja rétta máltíð þar sem aðalréttur er annað hvort ferskur íslenskur silungur eða fjallalamb borið fram með heimaræktuðu grænmeti og salati. Dinner available upon request a three-course meal with a main course of either fresh Icelandic salmon or mountain lamb served with home-grown vegetables and salad. |
Steiktur silungur með soðnum kartöflum og smjöri. Fried char with boiled potatoes and butter. |
SIlungur með spínat- og kryddjurta byggotto, grilluðu grænmeti og sítrónusósu Trout with spinach and herb byggotto, grilled vegetables and lemon sauce |
Pönnusteiktur silungur með rótargrænmeti, borin fram með heimabökuðu brauði og salati Pan-fried trout with root vegetables, served with locally grown, mixed salad, and home-baked bread |
Lóðrétt (9 silungur), í lárétta (9 silung), (Massi 3x3) kassi, hreinsa sviðið og fylla allar svo austur stafir skarast ekki. Vertical (9 trout), in the horizontal (9 trout), (Mass of 3x3) box, clear the stage and fill all so east characters do not overlap. |
Það hefur omega-3 fitusýrur, sem er venjulega staðsett í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, sem og Herring. It has omega-3 fats, which is naturally located in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and also Herring. |
Silungur gengur í ána og þar finnst einnig áll. Trout and eel are also found in the river. |
Það felur í sér omega-3 fitu, sem er venjulega staðsett í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, og einnig Herring. It includes omega-3 fats, which is normally located in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and also Herring. |
Pönnusteiktur silungur með rótargrænmeti, borin fram með heimabökuðu brauði og salati Yndislega ljúfeng Skyrkaka Skúffukaka Pan-fried trout with root vegetables, served with locally grown, mixed salad, and home-baked bread |
Það samanstendur af omega-3 fitusýrur, sem er náttúrulega fannst í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, og einnig síld. It consists of omega-3 fats, which is naturally found in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, as well as Herring. |
Það inniheldur omega-3 fitusýrur, sem er venjulega staðsett í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, sem og Herring. It consists of omega-3 fats, which is naturally located in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and Herring. |
Það samanstendur af omega-3 fitu, sem er að öllu jöfnu staðsett í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, og síld. It has omega-3 fats, which is normally located in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and also Herring. |
Pönnusteiktur silungur með rótargrænmeti, borin fram með heimabökuðu brauði og salati Yndislega ljúfeng Skyrkaka Pan-fried trout with root vegetables, served with locally grown, mixed salad, and home-baked bread |
Það felur í sér omega-3 fitusýrur, sem er venjulega uppgötvað í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, sem og Herring. It contains omega-3 fats, which is normally found in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and also Herring. |
Það felur í sér omega-3 fitusýrum, sem er náttúrulega uppgötvað í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, og einnig síld. It contains omega-3 fats, which is normally located in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and also Herring. |
Það inniheldur omega-3 fitu, sem er náttúrulega uppgötvað í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, og síld. It contains omega-3 fats, which is naturally discovered in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and Herring. |
Það samanstendur af omega-3 fitusýrur, sem er náttúrulega staðsett í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, og síld. It has omega-3 fats, which is normally found in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, as well as Herring. |
Það felur í sér omega-3 fitu, sem er náttúrulega staðsett í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, og síld. It includes omega-3 fats, which is naturally discovered in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, as well as Herring. |
Það felur í sér omega-3 fitu, sem er venjulega staðsett í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, og einnig Herring. It includes omega-3 fats, which is naturally discovered in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and also Herring. |
Veiðar eru leyfðar á tjörninni og gestum er heimilt að halda aflanum og elda hann á grillinu - fiskur í tjörninni er regnbogasilungur og lækjar silungur. Fishing is permitted on the pond, and guests are allowed to keep their catch and cook it on the grill – fish in the pond include rainbow trout and brook trout. |
Það felur í sér omega-3 fitu, sem er náttúrulega staðsett í fiski eins og lax, makríl, silungur, og síld. It includes omega-3 fats, which is naturally located in fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, and Herring. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.