What does jökull in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word jökull in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use jökull in Icelandic.

The word jökull in Icelandic means glacier, glacer. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word jökull


noun (a large body of ice which flows under its own mass, usually downhill)



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Varađu ūig, Jökull.
Jack, look out!
Stafinn, Jökull.
The staff, Jack!
Gleđilega páska, Jökull.
Happy Easter, Jack.
Þeir urðu til með því að lítil jökull lá í langan tíma í dæld.
The result meant that very few dances took place in the Rainbow for a few years.
Til að sýna fram á hve auðveldlega gerlar berast með lofti gerði Pasteur sér ferð upp á Mer de Glace sem er jökull í frönsku Ölpunum.
To show the importance of air as a transporter of microbes, Pasteur went to the Mer de Glace, a glacier in the French Alps.
Við heimskautsbaug er til dæmis hægt að sjá Svartisen sem er annar stærsti jökull Noregs, um 370 ferkílómetra að stærð.
At the Arctic Circle, for example, one can see the mighty Svartisen ice sheet, which covers about 140 square miles [370 sq km].
Varlega, Jökull.
Be careful, Jack.
Hver er Jökull Frosti?
Hey! " Who's Jack Frost? "
Hvar varstu, Jökull?
Jack, where were you?
Hvađ hefurđu gert, Jökull?
Jack, what have you done?
Vatnajökull er stærsti jökull Evrópu.
Vatnajökull is the largest glacier in Europe.
Mýrdalsjökull er syðsti jökull á Íslandi og sá fjórði stæðsti að flatarmáli, hann þekur um það bil 600 km2 eða um 130 km3 af ís.
In the South part of Iceland, we have the glacier Mýrdalsjökull, the fourth largest glacier in Iceland, laying over the second biggest caldera in Iceland.
Enginn jökull á landinu hefur verið rannsakaður betur en Vatnajökull.
No glacier in the country has been researched more thoroughly than Vatnajökull.
Samkvæmt úrdráttarhyggjunni er það að segja „Setningin ‚2 + 2 = 4‘ er sönn“ ekkert annað en að segja „2 + 2 = 4“ og á sama hátt er það að segja „Setningin ‚Vatnajökull er stærsti jökull í Evrópu‘ er sönn“ í raun ekkert annað en að segja „Vatnajökull er stærsti jökull í Evrópu“.
From this point of view, to assert that "'2 + 2 = 4' is true" is logically equivalent to asserting that "2 + 2 = 4", and the phrase "is true" is completely dispensable in this and every other context.
Meirihluti og stærsti jökull er á Íslandi og í Noregi, vegna þess að það er minni úrkoma en í Svíþjóð og í Finnlandi.
The majority and the largest glacier is in Iceland and in Norway, because there is less rainfall than in Sweden and in Finland.
Takk fyrir ađ vera hér, Jökull.
Thanks for being here, Jack.
Nokkuru síðar kómu menn af Vallandi til móts við Þorstein, þeir er Jökull sendi.
Some time later there came men from Valland to meet Thorstein.
Jökull vildi draga Allsterk frá bekknum ok togast við fast, en Þorsteinn helt honum.
Jokull wanted to drag Allsterk from the bench and held fast to him, but Thorsteinn held on to him.
Við sögulok er Jökull sonur Fríðar og Búa mættur til landsins og Búi vill glíma við drenginn til að kanna skyldleikann.
At the end of the story, Jökull, son of Fríður and Búi, arrives in Iceland, and Búi wants to wrestle with him, to make sure the boy is really his.
JÖKULL Jökull eru óður til jökla á Íslandi, myndræn lofgjörð eftir Ragnar Axelsson.
Glacier is an ode to Iceland’s glaciers by renowned documentary photographer, Ragnar Axelsson.
Jökull Frosti er ũmislegt en hann er ekki Verndari.
Jack Frost is many things, but he is not a Guardian.
Jökull úti á leikvelli á köldum degi.
Jökull in the playground on a cold day.
Það var allgóður gripur. Hún mælti þá: "Sverð þetta átti Jökull föðurfaðir minn og hinir fyrri Vatnsdælir og var þeim sigursælt.
She said: "This was the sword of Jokull, my father's father and of the ancient Vatnsdal men, in whose hands it was blessed with victory.
Enginn jökull er á allra nyrsta hluta Grænlands, Peary-landi, þar er loftslagið of þurrt til þess að jökull geti myndast.
The extreme north of Greenland, Peary Land, is not covered by an ice sheet, because the air there is too dry to produce snow, which is essential in the production and maintenance of an ice sheet.
Þá mælti Jökull: "Það er nú ráð Víglundur að hvika eigi undan og höfum vér það fyrir satt að þú sért eigi fullröskur karlmaður nema þú farir ofan af heyinu og berjumst svo til þrautar."
"Thou wert well counselled, Viglund, not to slink away; and we shall hold for certain that thou art no good man and true, but if thou come down from the hay there, and try the matter to its end."

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.