What does hrefna in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word hrefna in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use hrefna in Icelandic.

The word hrefna in Icelandic means minke whale, Minke Whale, minke whale. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word hrefna

minke whale

noun (common/northern)

Minke Whale

noun (Hrefna (hvalur)

minke whale

noun (species of mammal)

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En eg tel það þó síðast er mér þykir mest vert að Hrefna mun eigi ganga hlæjandi að sænginni í kveld."
But before that we wanted to find out if Europe is able to laugh at itself."
Elsta hrefna sem hefur verið aldursgreind við Ísland var 43 ára tarfur.
The longest recorded life span in captivity was 43 years.
Hrefna Lind Lárusdóttir og Rebecca Scott Lord eru sviðslistamenn og búa og starfa í Reykjavík.
Hrefna Lind Lárusdóttir and Rebecca Scott Lord are performance artists based in Reykjavík.
Fjöldi hrefna sýndi marktækt samband við hlutfall eldri sandsíla (eins árs eða eldri) í stofninum.
Minke whale abundance showed a significant correlation to the proportion of older sandeels (one year old and older).
Hvaða líkur eru á að Hrefna hafi ekki dregið karamellu?
What is the probability that Helen did not get a caramel?
En um morguninn er konur skyldu taka búnað sinn þá leitar Hrefna að motrinum og var þá í brottu þaðan sem hún hafði varðveitt og var þá víða leitað og fannst eigi.
But in the morning, when the women would take their array, Hrefna seeks the wimple, and it was gone from where she had laid it for safety; it was sought for far and wide but was not found.
Hrefna sagði nú Kjartani að moturinn var horfinn.
Now Hrefna tells Kjartan that the wimple was lost.
Hrefna starfaði sem sjóðstjóri hjá Arev verðbréfafyrirtæki frá árinu 2007 þar til hún gekk til liðs við Landsbankann. Þá starfaði Hrefna sem forstöðumaður skráningarsviðs og sérfræðingur á því sviði hjá Kauphöll Íslands frá 1998-2006.
She is also a licensed securities broker. Hrefna worked as a fund manager for Arev Securites from 2007 before joining Landsbankinn. Hrefna was an analyst and headed the Listing division at the Iceland Stock Exchange from 1998-2006.
Með Oversharing Tours trufla Rebecca Scott Lord og Hrefna Lind Lárusdóttir þann veruleika sem við teljum eðlilegan með leiðsögn um Reykjavík.
In Oversharing Tours Rebecca Scott Lord and Hrefna Lind Lárusdóttir subtly disturb the normalcy of reality on a guided tour around Reykjavík.
Þætti oss það ráðlegast að þú kvongaðist eftir því sem þú mæltir í fyrra sumar þótt þér sé eigi þar með öllu jafnræði sem Hrefna er því að þú mátt eigi það finna innanlands. Ásgeir faðir hennar er göfugur maður og stórættaður. Hann skortir og eigi fé að fríða þetta ráð.
Most redeful to us seems this, that thou take thee a wife according to thy speech of last summer, though it be not altogether an even match for thee whereas Hrefna is: for such canst thou not meet with in the land. Asgeir her father is a man of might and of good stock: he has no lack of wealth moreover to gladden this rede: and another daughter of his is wedded to a valiant man.
Baldur G. Jónsson mannauðsstjóri Landsbankans, Hildur Betty Kristjánsdóttir sérfræðingur hjá Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins, Sveinn Aðalsteinsson framkvæmdastjóri Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins, Auður Hrefna Guðmundsdóttir sérfræðingur í fræðsludeild og ábyrgðaraðili gæðavottunar, Klara Steinarsdóttir sérfræðingur í fræðsludeild.
The team at Training and Education Baldur G. Jónsson, Director of Human Resources at Landsbankinn, Hildur Betty Kristjánsdóttir, expert with the Icelandic Industrial Educational Centre, Sveinn Aðalsteinsson, Managing Director of the Icelandic Industrial Educational Centre, Auður Hrefna Guðmundsdóttir, expert with Training and Education and Quality Controller, Klara Steinarsdóttir, expert with Training and Education.
Þá hætti Hrefna þessu tali.
Thereat Hrefna dropped the talk.
Birta og Hrefna stofnuðu Fléttu fyrir rúmu ári en hafa frá 2014 unnið saman að fjölbreyttum verkefnum.
Birta and Hrefna founded Flétta over a year ago, but have worked together since 2014 on various projects.
Jóhannsdóttir, Hrefna Kristín 1 Results for Jóhannsdóttir, Hrefna Kristín
Authors (A-Z) Ehrbar, Kristin 1 Results for Ehrbar, Kristin
Editorial design and cover design done by Thorleifur Gunnar Gíslason, Geir Ólafsson and Hrefna Sigurðardóttir. Read Less
Editorial design and cover design done by Thorleifur Gunnar Gíslason, Geir Ólafsson and Hrefna Si... Read More
Hrefna Sætran spjallaði við þau.
Hrefna Sætran spoke to them.
Engan tók Hrefna mann eftir Kjartan.
Hrefna took no other husband after Kjartan.
Hrefna: Vöruhönnuður.
Hrefna: Product design.
Hrefna starfar nú á leikskóla en tekur einstaka vaktir á Café Roma.
Hrefna works in a kindergarten and once in a while takes shifts in Café Roma.
Hrefna Ösp Sigfinnsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri Markaða hjá Landsbankanum, er stjórnarformaður samtakanna sem voru stofnuð árið 2017.
Hrefna Ösp Sigfinnsdóttir, Managing Director of Markets, chairs the Board of Directors of the association, established in 2017.
Þetta erindi ræmdist vel og þótti stórmannlega boðið. Kálfur Ásgeirsson var þar kominn og var einkar kært með þeim Kjartani. Þar var og Hrefna systir hans og hélt allmjög til skarts.
This message was well hailed, and it was deemed to be bidden in great-hearted wise. Kalf Asgeir-son was come thither, and there was no lack of love betwixt him and Kjartan: Hrefna his sister was also there, and was full gloriously arrayed.
Hrefna Róbertsdóttir, sviðsstjóri skjalasviðs Þjóðskjalasafnsins, fór yfir hlutverk Þjóðskjalasafns og héraðsskjalasafna og reglur um skjalavörslu.
Hrefna Róbertsdóttir, Director of the Archieve department of the National Archives, disscused the role of the Nationall Archives and the District Archives and the rules regarding archiving.
Hrefna Haraldsdóttir, formaður, skipuð af mennta- og menningarmálaráðherra.
Hrefna Haraldsdóttir, chairman, appointed by the Minister of Education, Science and Culture.
Næsti sjávarútvegsráðherra afturkallaði ekki ákvörðunina og hvalveiðar í atvinnuskyni hófust á ný í stórum stíl, sem leiddi til þess að 125 langreyðar og 81 hrefna voru veiddar árið 2009.
The incoming fisheries minister did not overturn the decision, and large-scale commercial whale hunting resumed, resulting in the killing of 125 fin whales and 81 minkes in 2009.
Hrefna er stjórnarformaður í samtökunum IcelandSIF, samtökum um ábyrgar fjárfestingar.
Hrefna is Chairman of the Board of Directors of IcelandSIF, an organisation for responsible investment in Iceland.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.