What does brúnn in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word brúnn in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use brúnn in Icelandic.

The word brúnn in Icelandic means brown. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word brúnn


adjectivenoun (colour)

Ég verđ brúnn ūegar sveppurinn í feldinum ūornar.
I turn brown when the fungus in my fur dries.

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" Þú hefur bakað mér líka brúnn, ég verð að sykur hárið mitt. "
" You have baked me too brown, I must sugar my hair. "
" Þegar þeir hafa ekkert leyfi og útlit grár og brúnn og þurr, hvernig er hægt að segja til um hvort þeir eru dauðir eða lifandi? " spurði María.
" When they have no leaves and look gray and brown and dry, how can you tell whether they are dead or alive? " inquired Mary.
Hún er nefnd súkkulaði-lilja "chokolade lily" á ensku vegna þess að litur blómanna getur verið súkkulaði-brúnn, þó þau séu stundum dökk brún, grænfjólublá, eða gulgræn.
It is called "chocolate lily" because its flowers can resemble the color of chocolate, although sometimes they are dark brown, greenish purple, or yellowish green.
Hann lá á brynja- harður bak hans og sá, eins og hann hóf höfuðið upp litla, brúnn hans, bognar kvið skipt upp í hörðu boga- eins hluta.
He lay on his armour- hard back and saw, as he lifted his head up a little, his brown, arched abdomen divided up into rigid bow - like sections.
Ūú ert brúnn eftir ađ hafa leikiđ tennis viđ ríku vinina.
Got a nice tan playing tennis with all your rich friends.
Ég verđ brúnn ūegar sveppurinn í feldinum ūornar.
I turn brown when the fungus in my fur dries.
Hann bið smá, þá krjúpa í boga á prédikunarstól er, brjóta stór brúnn his höndum yfir brjóst hans, upplyftum lokaði augunum, og boðið upp á bæn svo djúpt guðrækinn að Hann virtist krjúpa og biðja neðst á sjó.
He paused a little; then kneeling in the pulpit's bows, folded his large brown hands across his chest, uplifted his closed eyes, and offered a prayer so deeply devout that he seemed kneeling and praying at the bottom of the sea.
A frayed efst hatt og dofna brúnn overcoat með wrinkled fjólubláum kraga setja á a stól við hliðina á honum.
A frayed top- hat and a faded brown overcoat with a wrinkled velvet collar lay upon a chair beside him.
Ūú ert of brúnn fyrir Toronto.
You seem kind of tan for Toronto.
Hún hafði jafnvel gert hvert börnunum doughcake með smá brúnn sykur í það.
She had even made each of the children a doughcake with a bit of brown sugar in it.
Brúnn er enn ūá eftirlætisliturinn minn.
Mm-hmm. Mine's still brown.
En ég hef tekiđ eftir ađ fiskimönnum... er sama um hvort ég er brúnn eđa hvítur, ríkur eđa fátækur... í kufli eđa vöđlum.
But fishermen, I have noticed, they don't care whether I'm brown or white, rich or poor, wearing robes or waders.
Himinninn er brúnn.
The sky is brown.
Andlit hans var mjög brúnn og brenndur, að hvítar tennur hans töfrandi í móti; en í djúpum skuggum augnanna flot sumir reminiscences sem ekki virðist gefa honum mikla gleði.
His face was deeply brown and burnt, making his white teeth dazzling by the contrast; while in the deep shadows of his eyes floated some reminiscences that did not seem to give him much joy.
Ég er að setja út brúnn föt, herra. "
I am putting out the brown suit, sir. "
Þú ert brúnn eftir að hafa leikið tennis við ríku vinina
Got a nice tan playing tennis with all your rich friends
Hann er brúnn og svartur Himalaja-köttur međ svart skott.
He's a brown-and-black Himalayan with an all-black tail.
Tillinn á mér er brúnn, heimski haus!
My dick is brown, you dumb motherfucker!
Ekki nķgu brúnn.
Not brown enough.
Þrír gilt bolta og brúnn borð við " JABEZ Wilson " í hvítum stöfum, á a horn hús, tilkynnti þeim stað þar sem rauð- headed Client fram viðskipti hans.
Three gilt balls and a brown board with " JABEZ WlLSON " in white letters, upon a corner house, announced the place where our red- headed client carried on his business.
Hún verður 8 til 25 m há, með þétta og ávala krónu, börkurinn er brúnn og sprunginn þegar hann er ungur.
It is 8 to 25 m tall, dense and round top, the bark is brown and fissured and smooth when young.
Er viđkomandi píslarhundur stķr, brúnn og græneygđur?
Uh, would this hound happen to be large and brown and, uh, with green eyes?
Hann tók ekki eftir að hann var greinilega inflicting nokkrum skemmdum á sjálfum sér, fyrir brúnn vökvi kom út úr munni hans, flæddi yfir takka og draup á gólfinu.
He didn't notice that he was obviously inflicting some damage on himself, for a brown fluid came out of his mouth, flowed over the key, and dripped onto the floor.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.