What does blindur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word blindur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use blindur in Icelandic.

The word blindur in Icelandic means blind. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word blindur


adjective (unable to see)

Hann er blindur á öðru auganu.
He is blind in one eye.

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17 Einhverju sinni læknaði Jesús mann sem var haldinn illum anda og var bæði blindur og mállaus.
17 Consider the occasion when Jesus healed a demon-possessed man who was blind and unable to speak.
Blindur bókstafstrúarmaður og múslimi Husein Ali Al Habsyie var árið 1991 dæmdur í lífstíðarfangelsi fyrir að hafa lagt á ráðin um sprengjutilræði, þar á meðal sprengjurnar í hofinu.
In 1991, a blind Muslim preacher, Husein Ali Al Habsyie, was sentenced to life imprisonment for masterminding a series of bombings in the mid-1980s, including the temple attack.
Þar sem hann er blindur biður hann hana um að lesa blöðin fyrir sig.
Since he is blind, he asks her to read the magazines to him.
FORELDRAR betlarans, sem verið hafði blindur, verða skelkaðir þegar þeir eru kallaðir fyrir faríseana.
THE parents of the once blind beggar are afraid when they are called before the Pharisees.
Hann stundaði ritstörf alla tíð á meðan hann hélt sjón og eftir að hann varð blindur lét hann skrifa fyrir sig.
He put aquafortis on all the raw places, and when it was finished he himself doubted the wisdom of printing it.
Kerew er blindur
Kerew is blind
12:9) Því miður er meirihluti mannkyns blindur fyrir áhrifum illu andanna. — 2. Kor.
12:9) Sadly, the majority of mankind remain blind to demonic influence. —2 Cor.
Ég er blindur í alvörunni.
I'm really blind.
En þjóð Jehóva, Ísrael, hefur verið ótrúr þjónn, andlega daufur og blindur.
Jehovah’s people Israel, though, prove to be an unfaithful servant, deaf and blind in a spiritual sense.
Hann er blindur.
He's blind, sir.
Ertu blindur eđa hvađ?
Are you blind?
Annar er blindur, hinn heyrnarlaus.
One's blind, one's deaf.
Blindur af metnaði og treysti röngum aðilum.
Blind ambition, displaced trust...
Af pví ég er blindur?
Because I' m blind?
Nokkuō gott miōaō viō aō hann er blindur.
That's pretty good considering he's blind.
Hvernig var manni, sem hafði verið blindur, umbunað fyrir að segja óhræddur sannleikann?
How was a once blind man blessed for his courageous truthfulness?
Maðurinn hafði verið blindur alla ævi og var vanur að vera í myrkri. Með því að fá sjónina hægt gat hann ef til vill lagað sig að björtu sólarljósinu.
The gradual restoration of sight to a man who had been accustomed to darkness for a long time may have allowed him to adjust to the brilliance of the sunlight.
Martin Tanley, þú skilur eftir þig slóð sem blindur getur fylgt
Martin Tanley, you have Ieft a traiI a sloth could foIlow
Young Archie Harker frægur sig með því að fara upp garðinn og reyna að peep undir glugga- blindur.
Young Archie Harker distinguished himself by going up the yard and trying to peep under the window- blinds.
Einn blindur, einn með bólginn blöðruhálskinil, ríður í hliðarsöðli.
One blind, one with enlarged prostate, riding sidesaddle.
(Lúkas 6:22) Maður, sem fæðst hafði blindur og Jesús læknaði, trúði að Jesús væri Messías og þess vegna gerðu þeir hann samkundurækan.
(Luke 6:22) Because the man born blind and healed by Christ believed that Jesus was the Messiah, they expelled him from the synagogue.
Eins og blindur
Like a blind man
Og þú veist ekki, að þú ert vesalingur og aumingi og fátækur og blindur og nakinn.“
It was not their wealth that brought the Laodiceans to such a pitiable spiritual situation.
Svaraðu mér, ertu blindur?
Answer me, are you blind?
Gallađur og blindur á margt en hann vildi læra, ūroskast, lesa, mála.
A flawed and blinkered guy, but he wanted to learn, to grow to read, to paint.

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Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.