What does -a in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word -a in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use -a in Icelandic.
The word -a in Icelandic means to. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word -a
toparticle (infinitive-marker) |
See more examples
13, 14. (a) Hvernig sýnir Jehóva sanngirni? 13, 14. (a) How does Jehovah demonstrate reasonableness? |
7, 8. (a) Á hverju sést að fólk Guðs hefur ‚gert tjaldstög sín löng‘? 7, 8. (a) What evidence is there that God’s people have ‘lengthened their tent cords’? |
Tupac gaf út aðra plötu sína, Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z., í febrúar 1993. His second studio album, Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z..., was released in February 1993. |
8. (a) Hvaða undirstöðuaðferð var notuð við kennsluna í Ísrael en hvað einkenndi hana? 8. (a) What basic teaching method was used in Israel, but with what important characteristic? |
Ég fór a? fyrirm? lum? ínum, fr? ndi I did what you said, Uncle |
5, 6. (a) Hvaða helgiþjónusta var unnin í Ísrael og með hvaða árangri? 5, 6. (a) What public service was performed in Israel, with what benefits? |
18. (a) Hvað hjálpaði ungum votti að standast freistingar í skólanum? 18. (a) What helped one young Christian to resist temptation in school? |
passa við a a a kassi passa við This will match a single character from a predefined range. When you insert this widget a dialog box will appear, which lets you specify which characters this regexp item will match |
'A glampi af dofna eldingar darted í gegnum svarta ramma glugga og ebbed út án hávaða. 'A flash of faded lightning darted in through the black framework of the windows and ebbed out without any noise. |
1, 2. (a) Hvernig mun það illa heimskerfi, sem nú er, líða undir lok? 1, 2. (a) How will the present wicked system of things end? |
Fannstu eitthvađ aftur a ūér? You have one of your feelings again? |
A ūeim lenda afleiđingarnar af ykkar akvörđunum. They are the ones who will inherit the consequences of your actions. |
2. (a) Hvað hlýtur að hafa gerst þegar fyrsti maðurinn vaknaði til meðvitundar? 2. (a) What must have happened when the first man became conscious? |
" Það bragðast gott í dag, " sagði Mary, tilfinning a lítill á óvart sjálf hennar. " It tastes nice today, " said Mary, feeling a little surprised her self. |
17, 18. (a) Við hvað líkir sálmaritarinn óguðlegum mönnum? 17, 18. (a) To what does the psalmist liken the wicked? |
12. (a) Hvaða leið til að boða trúna meðal almennings finnst þér skemmtilegust? 12. (a) What features of public witnessing do you enjoy most? |
16, 17. (a) Hvaða önnur takmörk eru Satan og illu öndunum sett? 16, 17. (a) What other limitations do Satan and the demons have? |
Get ég taka a líta á það? Can I take a look at it? |
8. (a) Hvernig getur farið fyrir þeim sem veldur metingi og þrætu í söfnuðinum? 8. (a) What may happen to one who causes jealousy and strife in the congregation? |
2, 3.(a) Hver voru viðbrögð Eþíópíumannsins við fagnaðarerindinu? 2, 3. (a) How did the Ethiopian respond to the good news? |
Sjalf yrdi ég fyrr hengd en ég færi a grimuball Myself, I' d sooner be hung than attend a fancy ball |
3, 4. (a) Hvernig líður þér þegar þú færð gjöf? 3, 4. (a) How do you feel when someone gives you a gift? |
18, 19. (a) Hvernig geturðu einbeitt þér að andlegum markmiðum? 18, 19. (a) How can you keep your focus on spiritual goals? |
Ef? ú reynir? etta aftur, vitum vi? a? um galdra? ína er a? r?? a If you try that again, we know it' s your witchcraft |
2, 3. (a) Hvaða öfluga kraft notaði Jehóva fyrir óralöngu? 2, 3. (a) What powerful force did Jehovah use aeons ago? |
Let's learn Icelandic
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.