英语 中的 turn into 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 turn into 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 turn into 的说明。

英语 中的turn into 表示回转 huí zhuǎn, 绕着轴心转动 rào zhe zhóu xīn zhuǎn dòng, 旋转 xuán zhuǎn, 转弯 zhuǎn wān, 将头转向, 使转向 shǐ zhuǎn xiàng, 成为 chéng wéi, 转弯 zhuǎn wān, 转向 zhuǎn xiàng, 旋转 xuán zhuǎn, 转圈 zhuàn quān, 翻转,翻动 fān zhuǎn ,fān dòng, 转机,机遇 zhuǎn jī,jī yù, (一)次机会 yí cì jī huì, (时间、日期的)转折点,转变时期 shí jiān rì qī de zhuǎn zhé diǎn,zhuǎn biàn shí qī, 一圈 yì quān, 翻动 fān dòng, 转动,改变,调整 zhuàn dòng,gǎi biàn,tiáo zhěng, 转变,转移 zhuǎn biàn,zhuǎn yí, 调整,改动 tiáo zhěng,gǎi dòng, 缠绕 chán rào, 风格,样式 fēng gé ,yàng shì, 兜一圈 dōu yì quān, 转折 zhuǎn zhé, 生病期, (有帮助或有危害的)举动 yǒu bāng zhù huò yǒu wēi hài de jǔ dòng, 惊吓,吓唬 jīng xià ,xià hu, 交易,买卖 jiāo yì,mǎi mài, 回音 huí yīn, 转,转弯走 zhuǎn wān zǒu, 改变…的形状 gǎi biàn de xíng zhuàng, 变酸,发酸 biàn suān,fā suān, 变化,变色 biàn huà ,biàn sè, 转向 zhuǎn xiàng, 改变路线 gǎi biàn lù xiàn, 翻来覆去 fān lái fù qù, 转弯 zhuǎn wān, 变成 biàn chéng, 改变形状 gǎi biàn xíng zhuàng, 转移 zhuǎn yí, 转弯进入, 翻转 fān zhuǎn, 使...成形, 结束 jié shù, 使心烦,使沮丧 shǐ xīn fán,shǐ jǔ sàng, 让...回心转意, 改变 gǎi biàn, 变得 biàn de, 卖 mài, 赚 zhuàn, 缠绕 chán rào, 超过,越过 chāo guò ,yuè guò, 削, 旋, 为...修辞, 使叛变, 使变节, 翻筋斗 fān jīn dǒu, 年满,满, 扭伤,扭,崴 niǔ shāng,niǔ, 改变 gǎi biàn, 使变成 shǐ biàn chéng, 翻译 fān yì, 把…完全改变 bǎ wán quán gǎi biàn, 交付 jiāo fù, 避开 bì kāi, 避开 bì kāi, 转过脸去 zhuǎn guò liǎn qù, 转过脸去不看, 离开 lí kāi, 转过脸去 zhuǎn guò liǎn qù, 转过脸去不看, 拒绝 jù jué, 折回 zhé huí, 拒绝 jù jué, 关小…的音量, 排斥 pái chì, 检举 jiǎn jǔ, 上床睡觉 shàng chuáng shuì jiào, 上交 shàng jiāo, 离开 lí kāi, 驶离,离开 shǐ lí,lí kāi, 使…反感, 打开 dǎ kāi, 使某人性奋, 与某人敌对, 出席 chū xí, 结果是(怎么样) jié guǒ shì zěn me yàng, 关,熄, 生产,制造 shēng chǎn,zhì zào, 倒出 dào chū, 赶走 gǎn zǒu, 翻滚 fān gǔn, 赚 zhuàn, 彻底转变 chè dǐ zhuǎn biàn, 向后转, 向后转!, 向后转, 大转变, 处处 chù chù, 天气转坏 tiān qì zhuǎn huài, 帮助某人, 头发变灰白, 变灰白, 变质 biàn zhì, 变坏 biàn huài, 做好事 zuò hǎo shì, (道路上)惊险的转弯 dào lù shàng jīng xiǎn de zhuǎn wān, 轻微的劳动, 依次 yī cì, 按顺序 àn shùn xù, 随后 suí hòu, 让...的棺材板快压不住了, 禁止 jìn zhǐ, 无路可走 wú lù kě zǒu, 顺序错误, 不适当地, 直角转弯,旋转90度, 急转弯 jí zhuǎn wān, 扭伤脚踝, 尝试 cháng shì, 发生变化, 恶化,变糟 è huà ,biàn zāo, 辗转反侧 zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè, 假装没看见, 视而不见, 对…视而不见,对…熟视无睹 duì … shì ér bú jiàn ,duì shóu shì wú dǔ / duì shú shì wú dǔ, 转弯,拐弯 zhuǎn wān,guǎi wān, 进入一个新的局面, 假装没听见,置若罔闻,充耳不闻 jiǎ zhuāng méi tīng jiàn,zhì ruò wǎng wén,chōng ěr bù wén, 对...置之不理, 获得盈利, 与…敌对 yǔ dí duì, 让...敌视, 使...与...敌对, 转身 zhuǎn shēn, 转动 zhuàn dòng, 围绕…转动, 偏离 piān lí, 拒绝接受 jù jué jiē shòu, 避免卷入, 避免卷入, 把…赶走 bǎ gǎn zǒu, 把…拒之门外 bǎ … jù zhī mén wài, 把钟拨慢 bǎ zhōng bō màn, 把钟拨慢 bǎ zhōng bō màn, 转动旋钮降低, 将...折过来, 翻折, 把…翻过来,把…翻面, 向左转 xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn, 释放 shì fàng, 新情况 xīn qíng kuàng, 性情,秉性 xìng qíng,bǐng xìng, 措辞 cuò cí, 世纪之交 shì jì zhī jiāo, 关闭 guān bì, 使某人对某物失去兴趣, 快速改变方向, 开灯 kāi dēng, 朝外转, 最后证明是正确的 zuì hòu zhèng míng shì zhèng què de, 原来是 yuán lái shì, 变成 biàn chéng, 把…翻过去 bǎ fān guò qù, 把…交给…。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 turn into 的含义

回转 huí zhuǎn

intransitive verb (rotate)

The man's head turned and he spotted me.

绕着轴心转动 rào zhe zhóu xīn zhuǎn dòng

intransitive verb (rotate on an axis)

It is amazing how the world keeps on turning.

旋转 xuán zhuǎn

intransitive verb (revolve)

Vinyl records turn on a turntable.

转弯 zhuǎn wān

intransitive verb (right or left)

At the end of the block, turn left.


(move to face: a direction)

Everyone, turn to your screens. Please turn to the right to see the monument.

使转向 shǐ zhuǎn xiàng

transitive verb (change position of, rotate)

He turned the vase to make it face the room.

成为 chéng wéi


The leaves turned to mush underfoot.

转弯 zhuǎn wān

noun (bend, curve in a road) (道路)

The road made a sharp turn to the left.

转向 zhuǎn xiàng

noun (change of direction)

The car shook off its pursuers with a sudden turn to the right.

旋转 xuán zhuǎn

noun (rotation)

A few turns of the handle of the vice will give you a good grip.

转圈 zhuàn quān

noun (revolution)

Every turn of the wheel provides power to the mill.

翻转,翻动 fān zhuǎn ,fān dòng

noun (page: flip) (书页等)

The novel was over in a turn of the page.

转机,机遇 zhuǎn jī,jī yù

noun (figurative (opportunity, change) (比喻)

This is a fortunate turn, which I am not going to waste.

(一)次机会 yí cì jī huì

noun (game: go) (轮流)

It is your turn, so roll the dice.

(时间、日期的)转折点,转变时期 shí jiān rì qī de zhuǎn zhé diǎn,zhuǎn biàn shí qī

noun (figurative (time, date: change) (比喻)

That car is from the turn of the century.

一圈 yì quān

noun (single winding) (缠绕)

Another turn and the coil should be all wrapped around the reel.

翻动 fān dòng

noun (change of position)

For all her turns, she just couldn't get comfortable.

转动,改变,调整 zhuàn dòng,gǎi biàn,tiáo zhěng

noun (turned position) (位置)

A turn of that vase would allow us to see the pattern.

转变,转移 zhuǎn biàn,zhuǎn yí

noun (trend, direction) (趋势、倾向、话题等)

A turn in the conversation to political issues caught Dan's interest.

调整,改动 tiáo zhěng,gǎi dòng

noun (figurative (modification) (比喻)

The forecast is warning of a turn in the weather next week.

缠绕 chán rào

noun (twist)

Another two turns of the cable around the pole should be enough.

风格,样式 fēng gé ,yàng shì

noun (figurative (style) (比喻)

The stylist gave the dress a modern turn.

兜一圈 dōu yì quān

noun (short trip)

A turn around the block will give us a break from work.

转折 zhuǎn zhé

noun (shift)

Another strange turn in our lives was when Grandma started seeing fairies at the bottom of the garden.


noun (informal, figurative (period of illness)

The turn left him weak and disoriented.

(有帮助或有危害的)举动 yǒu bāng zhù huò yǒu wēi hài de jǔ dòng

noun (informal (service or disservice)

His former partner did him a bad turn.

惊吓,吓唬 jīng xià ,xià hu

noun (informal, dated (fright, shock)

It was such a turn to see Bill when we all thought he was dead.

交易,买卖 jiāo yì,mǎi mài

noun (finance: purchase and sale) (证券等)

The trader lives on quick turns of volatile equities.

回音 huí yīn

noun (music: embellishment) (音乐)

You are inserting too many turns. Try to keep it simple.

转,转弯走 zhuǎn wān zǒu

noun (military drill: change of position) (军事队列操练)

The squad executed a turn.

改变…的形状 gǎi biàn de xíng zhuàng

verbal expression (change shape)

With exercise, she turned herself from a couch potato into a honed running machine.

变酸,发酸 biàn suān,fā suān

intransitive verb (sour, ferment) (牛奶等)

The milk has turned.

变化,变色 biàn huà ,biàn sè

intransitive verb (change, become [sth] new) (树叶)

The leaves have all turned.

转向 zhuǎn xiàng

intransitive verb (set a course)

We will be heading north after we turn.

改变路线 gǎi biàn lù xiàn

intransitive verb (change course)

The boat is starting to turn.

翻来覆去 fān lái fù qù

intransitive verb (change position)

She is constantly turning in bed.

转弯 zhuǎn wān

intransitive verb (bend, curve)

The road turned.

变成 biàn chéng


She turned into a fine young woman.

改变形状 gǎi biàn xíng zhuàng

(change form)

The caterpillar will turn into a butterfly.

转移 zhuǎn yí

(direct attention toward) (注意力)

Let's turn to the agenda for next week's meeting.


(enter by turning)

At the end of the road, turn into the driveway.

翻转 fān zhuǎn

transitive verb (flip)

She turned the paper so that he couldn't see what was written on it.


transitive verb (shape)

That sculptor turns wood beautifully.

结束 jié shù

transitive verb (execute, finish)

You should be able to turn this job in two hours.

使心烦,使沮丧 shǐ xīn fán,shǐ jǔ sàng

transitive verb (upset)

His words turned her, and she began to cry.


transitive verb (influence)

Are you trying to turn me to your point of view?

改变 gǎi biàn

transitive verb (change colour) (颜色)

In autumn, the leaves turned brown.

变得 biàn de

transitive verb (change temperature) (指温度)

The day turned hot.

卖 mài

transitive verb (sell)

We can turn thirty cases of that item this week.

赚 zhuàn

transitive verb (profit: earn)

Our business hopes to turn a profit.

缠绕 chán rào

transitive verb (twist)

Turn the threads to make a rope.

超过,越过 chāo guò ,yuè guò

transitive verb (pass: a time) (时间等)

It's just turned twelve.

削, 旋

transitive verb (shape on a lathe) (在车床上)

The carpenter turned four table legs.


transitive verb (phrase well)

Shakespeare knew how to turn a phrase.

使叛变, 使变节

transitive verb (slang (cause to change allegiance)

A foreign government turned one of our agents.

翻筋斗 fān jīn dǒu

transitive verb (gymnastics: do, perform)

Marla turned somersaults across the lawn.


transitive verb (reach an age) (年龄)

My great-grandmother turned 99 last week.

扭伤,扭,崴 niǔ shāng,niǔ

transitive verb (ankle: twist)

I turned my ankle hurrying down some steps.

改变 gǎi biàn


You turn my sadness to joy.

使变成 shǐ biàn chéng


The brewer turns the grain and hops into beer.

翻译 fān yì


Please turn the English into French.

把…完全改变 bǎ wán quán gǎi biàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (transform, reform)

My sister has turned her life around.

交付 jiāo fù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (provide or do [sth])

The factory turns orders around within a week. The translator turned the project around in three days.

避开 bì kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (avert your gaze) (某人的目光)

She turned aside when their eyes met.

避开 bì kāi

(avert gaze from [sth])

转过脸去 zhuǎn guò liǎn qù

phrasal verb, intransitive (face opposite way)

Vicky turned away and counted to fifty while the rest of us hid.


(face opposite way)

Jane turned away from Peter after she told him to go to hell.

离开 lí kāi

(move further from [sth], [sb])

I turned away from the town and set my eyes on new horizons.

转过脸去 zhuǎn guò liǎn qù

phrasal verb, intransitive (avert your gaze)

Kiera turned away whenever there was a violent scene in the movie.


(avert your gaze from [sth])

Witnesses had to turn away from the grisly sight.

拒绝 jù jué

(figurative (reject)

Don't turn away from my love. You must turn away from a life of crime if you want to stay out of jail.

折回 zhé huí

phrasal verb, intransitive (retrace one's route)

The mountain climber was exhausted, but he refused to turn back.

拒绝 jù jué

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (decline, refuse)

The bank turned down my application for a loan.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (sound: reduce volume)

I wish you'd turn down that music!

排斥 pái chì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (reject)

检举 jiǎn jǔ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (inform on to the police)

She knew her brother had committed a crime, but she refused to turn him in.

上床睡觉 shàng chuáng shuì jiào

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (go to bed)

It's getting very late, I'm going to turn in.

上交 shàng jiāo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (submit, hand in)

Emma lost marks for turning in her homework a day late.

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (exit: a road)

We turned off the main road and drove into the country.

驶离,离开 shǐ lí,lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (exit a road) (一条路)

Evie's satnav told her to turn off at the next exit.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (disgust)

Men who smoke really turn me off.

打开 dǎ kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (switch on) (开关等)

Carl turned on the radio to listen to the news.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang (excite sexually)

He turned me on and I just couldn't resist.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (become hostile to)

We were getting along well and then suddenly he turned on me.

出席 chū xí

phrasal verb, intransitive (be present, attend [sth])

Not many people turned out to vote on election day.

结果是(怎么样) jié guǒ shì zěn me yàng

phrasal verb, intransitive (conclude: well, badly)

The forecast is good, but it is too soon to say how it will turn out.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (light: switch off) (灯)

Ana put down her book and turned out the bedside light.

生产,制造 shēng chǎn,zhì zào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (company, etc.: produce) (公司等)

This factory turns out 20,000 toothbrushes every day.

倒出 dào chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (tip out contents of)

Gina turned out her handbag and rummaged through her things for the car keys.

赶走 gǎn zǒu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (evict)

Eva's parents turned her out after she stole money from them.

翻滚 fān gǔn

phrasal verb, intransitive (roll, flip over)

If you can't sleep turn over onto your other side and try again.

赚 zhuàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (earn)

The company turns over 3 million dollars a year.

彻底转变 chè dǐ zhuǎn biàn

noun (figurative (policy, opinion: reversal) (观点、政策的)

Following a strong public outcry, the politician did an about-face regarding his position on global warming.


noun (military: turn)


interjection (military: turn) (军事)

Company halt! About-face! Forward march!


intransitive verb (military: perform a turn)


intransitive verb (turn in opposite direction)

处处 chù chù

adverb (constantly, repeatedly)

天气转坏 tiān qì zhuǎn huài

noun (change to unpleasant weather)

The meteorologists are predicting a bad turn in the weather this weekend.


verbal expression (perform a kind act)


(person: have graying hair) (人)

He began to turn grey in his early 40s.


(hair: be graying) (头发)

变质 biàn zhì

(milk, etc.: turn bad) (牛奶等)

If you leave milk out in a warm place, it will go sour.

变坏 biàn huài

(figurative (friendship, etc: turn bad) (友情等)

Their relationship quickly turned sour.

做好事 zuò hǎo shì

noun (favor, kind act)

(道路上)惊险的转弯 dào lù shàng jīng xiǎn de zhuǎn wān

noun (road: sharp bend)

That mountain road is full of hairpin turns next to sheer cliffs.


noun (UK, regional, informal (stroke of work)

依次 yī cì

adverb (one at a time, in rotation)

He looked at all the horses in turn until he found one he wanted to ride.

按顺序 àn shùn xù

adverb (by turns, alternately)

The two of us drank from the bottle in turn until it was empty.

随后 suí hòu

adverb (connector: subsequently)

John gave me the book and I, in turn, gave it to Sandy.


verbal expression (figurative (would offend: dead person) (比喻)

禁止 jìn zhǐ

adjective (forbidding [sth])

There are signs saying "No smoking" all over the construction site.

无路可走 wú lù kě zǒu

noun (no help or support available)

When he lost his job, his insurance, and his wife, he had nowhere to turn.


adverb (in incorrect order)

The player was disqualified for playing out of turn.


adverb (inappropriately)

Julie admitted she had spoken out of turn and apologised.


noun (90-degree rotation)

急转弯 jí zhuǎn wān

noun (abrupt curve in a road)

The house is located just past the sharp turn in the road.


verbal expression (suffer injury: twisted ankle)

尝试 cháng shì

verbal expression (have one's chance, have a go)

The teacher said the kids had to wait if they wanted to take a turn on the rides.


verbal expression (change)

恶化,变糟 è huà ,biàn zāo

verbal expression (deteriorate)

His condition remained stable for three days, then suddenly he took a turn for the worse.

辗转反侧 zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè

verbal expression (lie in bed awake and agitated)

假装没看见, 视而不见

verbal expression (figurative (pretend not to see [sth]) (比喻)

I knew exactly what she was up to but decided to turn a blind eye.

对…视而不见,对…熟视无睹 duì … shì ér bú jiàn ,duì shóu shì wú dǔ / duì shú shì wú dǔ

verbal expression (figurative (pretend not to see)

The corrupt inspector agreed to turn a blind eye to the safety violations.

转弯,拐弯 zhuǎn wān,guǎi wān

verbal expression (turn into next road) (本义)


verbal expression (figurative (enter a new phase) (比喻)

Scientists believe they have turned a corner in their search for a cure for cancer.

假装没听见,置若罔闻,充耳不闻 jiǎ zhuāng méi tīng jiàn,zhì ruò wǎng wén,chōng ěr bù wén

verbal expression (figurative (be unwilling to listen) (比喻)


verbal expression (figurative (be unwilling to listen to)

He needs to believe in himself and turn a deaf ear to his critics.


verbal expression (make money, generate income)

与…敌对 yǔ dí duì

(figurative (become hostile to)

The dog inexplicably turned against his owner and had to be put down.

让...敌视, 使...与...敌对

(prejudice [sb] against [sb])

The family turned her against me.

转身 zhuǎn shēn

(move to face away)

If you turn around, you'll see a beautiful sunset.

转动 zhuàn dòng

(spin, rotate, revolve)

The record turns around at 33 rpm.


(rotate around [sth])

The Earth turns around its axis.

偏离 piān lí

(deflect) (轨道、道路)

拒绝接受 jù jué jiē shòu

(figurative (reject)

The judge turned aside the company's argument that the court had no jurisdiction over the case.


verbal expression (figurative (avoid involvement in)


verbal expression (figurative (avoid involvement)

He turns away from dealing with beggars.

把…赶走 bǎ gǎn zǒu

(cause to move away)

It was hard to turn the cattle away from the broken fence.

把…拒之门外 bǎ … jù zhī mén wài

(deny entry)

Turn them away at the gate.

把钟拨慢 bǎ zhōng bō màn

verbal expression (figurative (restore youth)

When she reached the age of 80 she became desperate to turn back the clock. Nora hoped that plastic surgery would turn back the clock for her.

把钟拨慢 bǎ zhōng bō màn

verbal expression (figurative (revert)

The restore function in my computer turns back the clock to reset the software.


(reduce by turning a knob)

The chef turned the heat down under the pan and let it simmer.

将...折过来, 翻折

(fold back: blankets on bed) (毛毯、床单等)

The hotel cleaner had turned down the sheets and left a chocolate on the pillow.


verbal expression (reverse or invert)

向左转 xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn

intransitive verb (go round a left-hand corner)

释放 shì fàng

(release, set free)

The dogs were making such a noise that I turned them loose in the paddock.

新情况 xīn qíng kuàng

noun (new occurrence)

性情,秉性 xìng qíng,bǐng xìng

noun (inclination, bent)

He's of a generally pessimistic turn of mind.

措辞 cuò cí

noun (expression, wording)

He read over the letter, savouring every turn of phrase.

世纪之交 shì jì zhī jiāo

noun (point when one century becomes another)

At the turn of the century Queen Victoria was still on the throne.

关闭 guān bì

(switch off, extinguish) (开关等)

Before I go to sleep I turn off the T.V.


verbal expression (informal (cause to dislike)

Getting drunk on whisky turned Ben off alcohol completely.


verbal expression (US, informal, figurative (change direction quickly)

开灯 kāi dēng

verbal expression (switch the light on)

I always turn on the light when I walk into the room.


(move to face outward)

Stand with your legs hip-width apart and turn your feet out.

最后证明是正确的 zuì hòu zhèng míng shì zhèng què de

verbal expression (informal (end well)

Annie hoped her project would turn out right so she'd get a good grade.

原来是 yuán lái shì

verbal expression (be discovered to be)

The man convicted of the crime turned out to be innocent.

变成 biàn chéng

verbal expression (become)

Your son has turned out to be a hardworking young man; you must be proud of him.

把…翻过去 bǎ fān guò qù

(roll, flip over)

The chef turned the omelet over to gently brown the other side.


verbal expression (deliver, surrender [sth])

She turned the money over to her boss.

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