英语 中的 points 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 points 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 points 的说明。

英语 中的points 表示指,指明,指示 zhǐ,zhǐ míng,zhǐ shì, 指着,指向 zhǐ xiàng, 指向 zhǐ xiàng, 尖 jiān, 中心 zhōng xīn, 主旨 zhǔ zhǐ, 点,小数点 diǎn,xiǎo shù diǎn, 细节 xì jié, 特点 tè diǎn, 点 diǎn, 点 diǎn, 地点 dì diǎn, 交叉点 jiāo chā diǎn, 一时,一刻 ,时刻,瞬间,刹那 yì shí,yí kè,shí kè,shùn jiān ,chà nà, 分, 基点,点 jī diǎn,diǎn, 点 diǎn, 点 diǎn, 电插座 diàn chā zuò, 尖形突出的部分,岬 jiǎ, 意义, 用处, 道岔 dào chà, 指向 zhǐ xiàng, 面向,面朝 miàn xiàng,miàn cháo, 对准,瞄准 duì zhǔn,miáo zhǔn, 表明 biǎo míng, 将...瞄准, 填充砖石的缝隙, 给...指出, 削尖 xiāo jiān, (用手指)指向 yòng shǒu zhǐ zhǐ xiàng, 指责 zhǐ zé, 指向 zhǐ xiàng, 集合地点 jí hé dì diǎn, 某一刻 mǒu yí kè, 某个时刻,某个时候 mǒu gè shí kè, 接近于 jiē jìn yú, 这时候,此时此刻 zhè shí hòu,cǐ shí cǐ kè, 此时此刻 cǐ shí cǐ kè, 不是重点, 沸点 fèi diǎn, 爆发点,(怒火等)一触即发 bào fā diǎn, 破发点, 转折点 zhuǎn zhé diǎn, 强度极限 qiáng dù jí xiàn, 关键时刻,爆发点 guān jiàn shí kè,bào fā diǎn, 品行分,嘉奖,认可 jiā jiǎng,rèn kě, (文件中)条目前的标记符号 wén jiàn zhōng tiáo mù qián de biāo jì fú hào, 方位基点,基本方位点, 例证 lì zhèng, 制扼点, 瓶颈路段,阻塞点 zǔ sè diǎn, 到了…的时候 dào le de shí hòu, 四个基本方位, 截止点 jié zhǐ diǎn, 截点,分界点, 小数点 xiǎo shù diǎn, 露点,露点温度 lù diǎn,lù diǎn wēn dù, 下客点,下车处, 销售点电子转帐, 端点 duān diǎn, 终点 zhōng diǎn, 入口点, 入境地点, 感叹号 gǎn tàn hào, 燃点 rán diǎn, 爆发地 bào fā de, 爆发点 bào fā diǎn, 焦点 jiāo diǎn, 注意(兴趣等的)焦点 zhù yì xìng qù děng de jiāo diǎn, 冰点,凝固点,冻结点 bīng diǎn,níng gù diǎn,dòng jié diǎn, 从这时开始 cóng zhè shí kāi shǐ, 从现在开始 cóng xiàn zài kāi shǐ, 脱离主题, 理解 lǐ jiě, 谈到正题, 别绕圈子!有话直说!, 好点子 hǎo diǎn zi, 有道理 yǒu dào lǐ, 优点 yōu diǎn, 平均学分积点 píng jūn xué fēn jī diǎn, 绩点, 平均成绩 píng jūn chéng jì, 说得对, 最精彩的时刻 zuì jīng cǎi de shí kè, 事实上,实际上 shì shí shàng ,shí jì shàng, 起点 qǐ diǎn, 起点 qǐ diǎn, 过分详尽地阐述, 最低点 zuì dī diǎn, 低潮,低谷 dī cháo,dī gǔ, 低谷 dī gǔ, 要点 yào diǎn, 阐述一个重要观点 chǎn shù yí gè zhòng yào guān diǎn, 强调 qiáng diào, 坚持做..., 说服他人同意自己的观点 shuō fú tā rén tóng yì zì jǐ de guān diǎn, 赛点 sài diǎn, 集合地点 jí hé dì diǎn, 熔点 róng diǎn, 没能理解 méi néng lǐ jiě, 有争议的问题 yǒu zhēng yì de wèn tí, 无实际意义所以不值得争辩的问题 wú shí jì yì yì suǒ yǐ bù zhí dé zhēng biàn de wèn tí, 近点 jìn diǎn, 没有用的 méi yǒu yòng de, 客观观点 kè guān guān diǎn, 观测点 guān cè diǎn, 面临,濒临 miàn lín,bīn lín, 正在…的时候 zhèng zài de shí hòu, 痛点, 百分点, 找出…的确切原因, 指出…的精准位置 zhǐ chū … de jīng zhǔn wèi zhì, 当前正在讨论的话题 dāng qián zhèng zài tǎo lùn de huà tí, 近距离射击, 直截了当地 zhí jié liǎo dàng de, 组织后卫, 当前正在讨论的问题 dāng qián zhèng zài tǎo lùn de wèn tí, 先遣兵, 打头阵者, 联络人, 争论焦点 zhēng lùn jiāo diǎn, 集中点 jí zhōng diǎn, 出发点 chū fā diǎn, 出发点 chū fā diǎn, 景点, 不能回头的地步 bù néng huí tóu de dì bù, 销售点, 销售点的, 观点 guān diǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 points 的含义

指,指明,指示 zhǐ,zhǐ míng,zhǐ shì

intransitive verb (indicate [sth], esp. with finger) (方向等)

She pointed to show where we should stand.

指着,指向 zhǐ xiàng

(indicate, esp. with finger) (用手指)

The little boy pointed at the sky, following a plane with his finger.

指向 zhǐ xiàng

(figurative (suggest, indicate)

All the signs point to Smith being the murderer.

尖 jiān

noun (tip)

There's a sharp point on this pencil.

中心 zhōng xīn

noun (objective)

We mustn't forget the point of the exercise.

主旨 zhǔ zhǐ

noun (reason, significance)

I didn't grasp the point of what he was saying.

点,小数点 diǎn,xiǎo shù diǎn

noun (mathematics: decimal point) (数学)

The value of pi is about three point one four.

细节 xì jié

noun (detail)

My speech is divided into three points.

特点 tè diǎn

noun (characteristic)

Plot is not the film's strong point.

点 diǎn

noun (UK (dot)

Finally, the travellers saw a point of light in the distance.

点 diǎn

noun (degree, level)

The water reached boiling point.

地点 dì diǎn

noun (geography: location)

This train serves Birmingham and all points south.

交叉点 jiāo chā diǎn

noun (intersection)

The line cuts the circle at two separate points.

一时,一刻 ,时刻,瞬间,刹那 yì shí,yí kè,shí kè,shùn jiān ,chà nà

noun (moment) (时间)

At that point I realized the danger of the situation.

noun (score)

The highest possible score in darts is 180 points.

基点,点 jī diǎn,diǎn

noun (finance: hundredth of a cent) (金融,汇率)

The dollar fell by eighty points against the yen.

点 diǎn

noun (finance: index measure) (金融指数)

The Dow Jones lost thirty-two points today.

点 diǎn

noun (printing: 1/72 inch)

The main text should be twelve point; titles should be sixteen point.

电插座 diàn chā zuò

noun (outlet) (电器)

There aren't enough power points for all our equipment.

尖形突出的部分,岬 jiǎ

noun (geography: headland) (地形)

Every morning, Nancy rows around the point and back again.

意义, 用处

noun (good, worth)

Every time I do the housework, the house just gets dirty again, so what's the point? What's the point of putting on your best clothes if no one is going to see you?

道岔 dào chà

plural noun (UK (railway junction) (铁轨交叉处的)

Points allow the train to pass from one track to another.

指向 zhǐ xiàng

intransitive verb (tend towards a given direction)

The road points southerly.

面向,面朝 miàn xiàng,miàn cháo

intransitive verb (face a given direction)

Their house points towards the sea.

对准,瞄准 duì zhǔn,miáo zhǔn

intransitive verb (gun, camera: aim) (枪、镜头等)

Lift the gun, point and fire.

表明 biǎo míng

(show, indicate [sth])

The survey points to his deep unpopularity.


transitive verb (aim)

Don't point that knife at me.


transitive verb (fill gaps in mortar) (用水泥等)

He has pointed all the brickwork.


transitive verb (direct)

She pointed us to the door.

削尖 xiāo jiān

transitive verb (sharpen)

Could you point this pencil, please?

(用手指)指向 yòng shǒu zhǐ zhǐ xiàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (indicate with finger)

It was him, said the witness, pointing at the defendant.

指责 zhǐ zé

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (accuse)

指向 zhǐ xiàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (be evidence for) (证据等)

All the evidence points at Mr. Smith.

集合地点 jí hé dì diǎn

noun (place to gather)

If you hear the fire alarm, please make your way to the assembly point.

某一刻 mǒu yí kè

adverb (at a given moment)

At one point, I thought we might even get married.

某个时刻,某个时候 mǒu gè shí kè

adverb (at an unspecified moment)

At some point, we'll need to decide whether the project is worth continuing.

接近于 jiē jìn yú

expression (informal (about to)

Honestly, I am really at the point of showing him the door.

这时候,此时此刻 zhè shí hòu,cǐ shí cǐ kè

expression (at this moment, right now)

At this point, you have no choice but to find a job.

此时此刻 cǐ shí cǐ kè

expression (currently, now)


expression (figurative (unconnected, irrelevant)

Whether or not he's married is beside the point.

沸点 fèi diǎn

noun (temperature at which [sth] boils)

It is possible to change the boiling point of a liquid by changing the pressure around it.

爆发点,(怒火等)一触即发 bào fā diǎn

noun (figurative (point where [sb] becomes angry) (情绪的)

Tempers reached boiling point when the referee sent one of the players off.


noun (tennis)

转折点 zhuǎn zhé diǎn

noun (a point to make change)

强度极限 qiáng dù jí xiàn

noun (physics: pressure)

The physics students are testing the breaking points of different metals.

关键时刻,爆发点 guān jiàn shí kè,bào fā diǎn

noun (figurative (critical moment)

Tony was under a lot of stress and he eventually reached breaking point.

品行分,嘉奖,认可 jiā jiǎng,rèn kě

noun (figurative, informal (credit, recognition)

I'm cooking dinner tonight; that should earn me a few Brownie points with my mother.

(文件中)条目前的标记符号 wén jiàn zhōng tiáo mù qián de biāo jì fú hào

noun (dot before list item) (有圆点、正方形、菱形及其他图案)

The boss would prefer a simple list of items with bullet points, rather than long descriptions. To create a list of bullet points, click on the icon.


noun (usually plural (one of 4 main compass points)

North, south, east, and west are the cardinal points of the compass.

例证 lì zhèng

noun (helpful example)

Movies can encourage children to read. The Harry Potter series is a case in point.


noun (strait, pass obstructing an attack)

The valley was a choke point for the advancing army.

瓶颈路段,阻塞点 zǔ sè diǎn

noun (bottleneck, congested place)

The narrow bridge across the river is a choke point for traffic.

到了…的时候 dào le de shí hòu

verbal expression (informal (reach a situation) (非正式用语)

I have come to a point in my life where I do not like to party every night.


noun (North, South, East or West)

The teacher taught the students how to give directions using the compass points.

截止点 jié zhǐ diǎn

noun (limit)

She likes tequila, but two drinks is her cut-off point on work nights.


noun (limit)

The cutoff point for sending in applications is 1st November.

小数点 xiǎo shù diǎn

noun (dot in decimal figure) (数学)

You need a decimal point between those two figures; there's a big difference between 6.25 and 625.

露点,露点温度 lù diǎn,lù diǎn wēn dù

noun (temperature: condensation) (雾气凝结成水的温度)

It was so humid this morning that the dew point was above 10 degrees Celsius.


noun (vehicle: place to set [sb], [sth] down)

There is a warehouse at the port that serves as a drop-off point, we collect the merchandise there.


noun (acronym (payment system)

端点 duān diǎn

noun (extremity)

The end points are several hundred metres apart.

终点 zhōng diǎn

noun (where [sth] ends)

The proposed diversion alters the end point of the footpath.


noun (bullet wound) (枪伤)

The entry point of the bullet is below the exit wound suggesting that a short person fired the gun at Mr. Jones.


noun (US (port)

The easiest way to get a visa is on arrival, either at airports or at entry points to the country.

感叹号 gǎn tàn hào

noun (US (punctuation)

It is considered poor style to use too many exclamation points when writing.

燃点 rán diǎn

noun (temperature at which vapor burns)

爆发地 bào fā de

noun (figurative (point at which violence occurs)

Police were quickly dispatched to the flashpoint.

爆发点 bào fā diǎn

noun (figurative (volatile area, situation)

Holiday gatherings can be a flashpoint for some families.

焦点 jiāo diǎn

noun (perspective: where lines converge)

Drawings of 3D objects have to have a single focal point to look realistic.

注意(兴趣等的)焦点 zhù yì xìng qù děng de jiāo diǎn

noun (focus of attention)

The Monet painting was the focal point of the room.

冰点,凝固点,冻结点 bīng diǎn,níng gù diǎn,dòng jié diǎn

noun (temperature: liquid turns solid) (液体变成固体的临界温度)

Every liquid has a different freezing point; that of pure water is zero Celsius.

从这时开始 cóng zhè shí kāi shǐ

adverb (starting now)

The rest of the climb will be much easier from this point.

从现在开始 cóng xiàn zài kāi shǐ

adverb (starting from now)

From this point forward I won't smoke in the house any more.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (digress)

The lecturer was getting off the point and some of the students had stopped paying attention.

理解 lǐ jiě

verbal expression (understand)


verbal expression (informal (speak directly)

It took Natalie a long time to get to the point.


interjection (informal (say what you mean)

Get to the point! We haven't got all day, you know.

好点子 hǎo diǎn zi

noun (insightful comment)

Miriam raised several good points during the discussion.

有道理 yǒu dào lǐ

interjection (insightful comment)

"Some people won't be able to attend the meeting if we hold it on Friday." "Good point!"

优点 yōu diǎn

noun (often plural (positive trait)

One of Hugh's good points is his generosity.

平均学分积点 píng jūn xué fēn jī diǎn

noun (US, initialism (grade point average) (grade point average的缩写形式)

Molly has the highest GPA in the 9th grade.



平均成绩 píng jūn chéng jì

noun (US (numerical value of average grade)

She'd gotten straight A's all through high school so she had a 4.0 grade point average.


verbal expression (be right about [sth])

Gudrun has a point; we should leave early tomorrow in order to avoid the traffic.

最精彩的时刻 zuì jīng cǎi de shí kè

noun (greatest moment)

The high point of my holiday was the whale-watching trip.

事实上,实际上 shì shí shàng ,shí jì shàng

expression (actually)

起点 qǐ diǎn

noun (figurative (starting point)

Learning the alphabet is a good jumping off point for children who wish to learn how to read.

起点 qǐ diǎn

noun (figurative (starting point)


verbal expression (figurative (belabor)

The lawyer labored the point excessively.

最低点 zuì dī diǎn

noun (least happy time)

The low point in the athlete's career was when a leg injury forced him to miss the Olympic Games.

低潮,低谷 dī cháo,dī gǔ

noun (informal (unhappy moment, time)

James was at a low point at that time because he had just split up with his girlfriend.

低谷 dī gǔ

noun (worst or most miserable situation)

I reached my lowest point just after my wife left me.

要点 yào diǎn

noun (most significant idea)

The chairman presented the main points of the report to the meeting.

阐述一个重要观点 chǎn shù yí gè zhòng yào guān diǎn

verbal expression (say [sth] significant)

Will you stop interrupting me? I'm trying to make a point here!

强调 qiáng diào

verbal expression (emphasize)

This chef makes a point of cooking with locally sourced ingredients.


verbal expression (insist on doing)

I make a point of donating to a charity every Christmas.

说服他人同意自己的观点 shuō fú tā rén tóng yì zì jǐ de guān diǎn

verbal expression (give opinion)

Dale was struggling to make his point during the debate.

赛点 sài diǎn

noun (tennis, etc.: point that wins a match) (一方还差一分赢得比赛的情况)

Federer only needed one match point to win the game with Nadal.

集合地点 jí hé dì diǎn

noun (designated place to meet)

They settled on the library as a meeting point because it was near both their houses.

熔点 róng diǎn

noun (temperature at which a solid turns to liquid)

Bronze has a lower melting point than iron.

没能理解 méi néng lǐ jiě

verbal expression (fail to understand)

You're missing the point: this isn't about pay - it's about conditions.

有争议的问题 yǒu zhēng yì de wèn tí

noun ([sth] debatable)

It is a moot point whether sex education among teenagers leads to fewer unwanted pregnancies.

无实际意义所以不值得争辩的问题 wú shí jì yì yì suǒ yǐ bù zhí dé zhēng biàn de wèn tí

noun (academic, of no practical significance)

Wondering about how things were before the birth of the universe is a moot point.

近点 jìn diǎn

noun (of eye's focus)

The near point for someone with normal vision is 25 cm.

没有用的 méi yǒu yòng de

expression (it is pointless)

There's no point in asking Jake if you can borrow his car; he'll say no. There's no use in telling me now that I shouldn't put that vase there; you should have mentioned it before I knocked it over and broke it.

客观观点 kè guān guān diǎn

noun (impartial opinion, perspective)

People go before a judge because they want an objective point of view.

观测点 guān cè diǎn

noun (lookout, observation post)

Along the coastal road are various observation points, at which drivers may stop and admire the view.

面临,濒临 miàn lín,bīn lín

expression (close to [sth])

The country's largest bank is on the point of collapse.

正在…的时候 zhèng zài de shí hòu

expression (about to do [sth])

She was on the point of leaving when he finally arrived.


noun (commerce: problem)

This app's limited functionality on certain operating systems is a pain point with customers.


noun (difference: one per cent)

I scored 88%; two percentage points away from getting an A.


transitive verb (figurative (show exact cause)

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly why this problem has occurred.

指出…的精准位置 zhǐ chū … de jīng zhǔn wèi zhì

transitive verb (figurative (show exact place)

We know our agent is in this area, but we can't pinpoint his location at the moment.

当前正在讨论的话题 dāng qián zhèng zài tǎo lùn de huà tí

noun (matter being discussed)

Global warming was the main point at issue of the conference.


adverb (shoot: from close range)

She shot him point blank, killing him instantly.

直截了当地 zhí jié liǎo dàng de

adverb (figurative (directly, bluntly) (比喻)

Amanda rejected David's proposal point blank.


noun (basketball position) (篮球)

当前正在讨论的问题 dāng qián zhèng zài tǎo lùn de wèn tí

noun (issue being discussed)

Could we please return to the point in question?


noun (soldier who leads a group forward)


noun (figurative (in political program)


noun (person, department)

争论焦点 zhēng lùn jiāo diǎn

noun (disputed matter, [sth] controversial)

集中点 jí zhōng diǎn

noun (central or meeting point)

出发点 chū fā diǎn

noun (starting point of a journey) (行程)

Our point of departure for the journey will be the Port of Los Angeles.

出发点 chū fā diǎn

noun (starting point for argument) (比喻)

We're not going to discuss the presentation itself, but we will take it as our point of departure.


noun (landmark, interesting place)

There are many points of interest along the highway, especially for lovers of history and geology.

不能回头的地步 bù néng huí tóu de dì bù

noun (point when one becomes committed to [sth])

As he got into the car he realised he'd passed the point of no return.


noun (place where [sth] is sold)


noun as adjective (relating to place where [sth] is sold)

Retailers are paying increasing attention to their point-of-sale displays.

观点 guān diǎn

noun (opinion)

That's my own point of view; you may well disagree with me!

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