英语 中的 be born 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 be born 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 be born 的说明。

英语 中的be born 表示出生 chū shēng, 出生 chū shēng, 出生于…的, 开始,起始,诞生 kāi shǐ,qǐ shǐ,dàn shēng, 天生的 tiān shēng de, 生于, 出身于,生来具有, 天生的领袖 tiān shēng de lǐng xiù, 生来有福 shēng lái yǒu fú, 最后手段的 zuì hòu shǒu duàn de, 私生的 sī shēng de, 生来注定,天生要, 生在富贵之家, 再生基督徒 zài shēng jī dū tú, 由其他信仰转为基督徒的人 yóu qí tā xìn yǎng zhuǎn wéi jī dū tú de rén, 生在乡下的,生于乡村的, 头胎 tóu tāi, 头胎的 tóu tāi de, 出自名门的 chū zì míng mén de, 土生土长的, 本土出生的, 天生的,与生俱来的 tiān shēng de ,yǔ shēng jù lái de, 正统的,真正的 zhèng tǒng de ,zhēn zhèng de, 天生的 tiān shēng de, 出身名门的, 出身高贵的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 be born 的含义

出生 chū shēng

(come into existence)

Jane was born in March. Some people are born deaf.

出生 chū shēng

adjective (brought into existence)

Born in Scotland, Rory moved with his family to Germany at the age of nine.
罗里出生于苏格兰,9 岁时和家人一起搬到了德国。


adjective (as suffix (native to a place)

The Brazilian-born author now lives in New York.

开始,起始,诞生 kāi shǐ,qǐ shǐ,dàn shēng

adjective (figurative (originated)

Ours is a country born of the revolution.

天生的 tiān shēng de

adjective (innate)

Tim is a born athlete.


verbal expression (formal, literary (come from a family) (正式书面语)

The lady was born to a mother and father of modest means.


(having from birth)

天生的领袖 tiān shēng de lǐng xiù

noun (good manager)

A born leader is so charismatic that she can influence people to work harder and longer willingly.

生来有福 shēng lái yǒu fú

adjective (figurative (fortunate)

I've never had any major problems in life. I guess I was born lucky.

最后手段的 zuì hòu shǒu duàn de

adjective (done as a last resort)

His vegetable garden was born of desperation during tough economic times.

私生的 sī shēng de

adjective (dated (illegitimate)

"Bastard" is the legal term for a child born out of wedlock.


adjective (having natural talent for [sth])

She was born to sing.


adjective (figurative (have a wealthy upbringing)

She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

再生基督徒 zài shēng jī dū tú

noun (person: evangelical)

My sister is a born-again Christian at the Alliance Church in our town.

由其他信仰转为基督徒的人 yóu qí tā xìn yǎng zhuǎn wéi jī dū tú de rén

noun (person: converted)

Sarah is a born-again Christian since she joined the Pentecostal church.


adjective (born in countryside)

头胎 tóu tāi

noun (eldest child in family)

Are you your parents' first-born?

头胎的 tóu tāi de

adjective (child: eldest in family)

Their first-born child is a boy.

出自名门的 chū zì míng mén de

adjective (born into the aristocracy)

土生土长的, 本土出生的

adjective (born in the place indicated)

天生的,与生俱来的 tiān shēng de ,yǔ shēng jù lái de

adjective (showing ability from the beginning)

正统的,真正的 zhèng tǒng de ,zhēn zhèng de

adjective (since birth)

Ben was born in South Carolina; he's a true-born Southerner.

天生的 tiān shēng de

adjective (figurative (natural)

Malcolm is a true-born pianist; he can play any piece by ear.

出身名门的, 出身高贵的

adjective (born into a noble family)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。