What does 义卖会 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 义卖会 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 义卖会 in Chinese.
The word 义卖会 in Chinese means fair, bazaar. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 义卖会
fairnoun (market) |
bazaarnoun |
See more examples
天知道 他 怎麼 會 這麼 想. I wonder what makes him think that. |
ollmann先生(丹麦观察员)说,丹麦代表团认为,第 # 条草案不应包含新公约取代现有内陆单一方式公约,因为那会破坏公约草案的适用性。 Mr. Mollmann (Observer for Denmark) said that his delegation did not think that draft article # should encompass new conventions replacing existing inland unimodal conventions, for that would undermine the application of the draft convention |
工会代表应由属于某个企业的工人和多企业临时工会会员以及至少有八名工会会员组成但尚未选举出工会主席的会员们选举产生。 The trade union representative shall be elected by workers who belong to an enterprise and who are members of a provisional multi-enterprise trade union and who, numbering at least eight, have not elected a director in their particular union |
最后,虽然秘书长呼吁的会议可为讨论搭建有益的平台,但巴基斯坦与许多其他国家建议的裁军问题第四届特别联大,其实可以更好地促进振兴裁谈会,推动多边裁军措施的切实努力。 Last, while the meeting called by the Secretary-General could provide a useful platform for discussions, substantive efforts to revitalize the Conference and take forward multilateral disarmament measures would be better served by convening a fourth special session on disarmament, as proposed by Pakistan along with a number of other countries. |
实际上在距离明天还有一个月时间, 关于这个问题 在华盛顿特区会有一个会议 由美国国家科学院举办的, 就我们应该做什么 这个问题做一个细致的讨论。 There's actually going to be a meeting a month from tomorrow in Washington, D.C. by the US National Academy of Sciences to tackle that exact question. |
联大第1995(XIX)号决议第14段规定,会议不举行届会时,理事会应行使属于会议职权范围之职务。 Paragraph 14 of General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) provides that, when the Conference is not in session, the Board shall carry out the functions that fall within the competence of the Conference. |
在国家一级缺乏协调,而且各国际组织要求多个机构和各国家实体负责向不同的组织提供类似的数据,这样的情况可能会导致所报告的国家数据不一致。 The lack of coordination at the national level and the requests from international organizations requiring input from multiple institutions and various national entities responsible for reporting similar data to different organizations may lead to inconsistency in the national data reported. |
2004至2005年在环境事件应急防灾、备灾、减灾和预警系统方面的活动为环境署提供了宝贵的经验,这些经验将会在日后的工作中得到反映。 Activities during 2004 and 2005 in environmental emergency response, disaster prevention, preparedness, mitigation and early-warning systems have given UNEP valuable experience which will be reflected in future work. |
我們會針對在拯救人命上 做創新的公司及企業創立一個網路, 協助他們連結像姆索這樣的工作者, 讓她能為她的社區做更好的服務。 And we'll create a network of companies and entrepreneurs who've created innovations that can save lives and help them connect to workers like Musu, so she can help better serve her community. |
违背这类承诺可能会造成转让人对受让人的赔偿责任(见第 # 段)。 The breach of such an undertaking may give rise to liability of the assignor as against the assignee (see para |
不过在两种情况下证券可能会受指南草案的建议影响。 However, securities may be affected by the recommendations of the draft Guide in two instances |
他提到文件A/57/402第41段时问非法开采刚果民主共和国自然资源和其他形式财富问题专家小组是否会发表一份报告。 Referring to document A/57/402, paragraph 41, he asked if the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo would be issuing a report. |
如果希伯来语词“纳萨”表达的意思是赦免或宽恕,那么希腊语《七十子译本》有时会用a·phiʹe·mi(阿菲埃米)一词去翻。“ In its basic sense, a·phiʹe·mi denotes “let go off.” |
我会 一直 恨 他 I've always hated him. |
另一位发言者鼓励儿基会考虑如何共享综合报告的内容,供2014年11月营养问题国际会议进一步讨论和跟进。 Another speaker encouraged UNICEF to consider how the content of the synthesis report could be shared for further discussion and follow-up at the international conference on nutrition in November 2014. |
大会第五十六届会议续会第一期会议期间第五委员会的文件编制状况 Status of preparedness of documentation for the Fifth Committee during the first part of the resumed fifty-sixth session of the General Assembly |
你也会愉快地记起这节经文:「王要回答说:『我实在告诉你们,这些事你们既做在我这弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是做在我身上了』(马太福音25:40)。 You will also smile as you remember this verse: “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40). |
在这方面,行预咨委会注意到2010/11年期间的执行情况报告表明在预期成绩3.1“提高维持和平行动的效率和效益”项下,由于与Inspira有关的技术问题,七个计划产出没有完成(见A/66/610/Add.1)。 The Committee notes, in this connection, that the performance report for the 2010/11 period indicates that, under expected accomplishment 3.1, increased efficiency and effectiveness of peacekeeping operations, seven planned outputs were not completed owing to technical issues relating to Inspira (see A/66/610/Add.1). |
但這只種說法只是部分正確,因為那些人們可能會起身對抗其他非民主國家,投票要求政府發動戰爭,例如美西戰爭。 But this is only partly correct, for the people can get aroused against nondemocracies and push their leaders toward war, as in the Spanish–American War. |
我们确信,在民主的南斯拉夫加入联合国会员国大家庭之后,它将会更积极地参与重返其它国际组织和机构的进程。 We are sure that after the admission of democratic Yugoslavia to membership of the United Nations, the process of its rehabilitation in other international organizations and institutions will be more actively pursued |
这特征意味着没有任何孤立、自私的个人会有动机付钱购买这些货物:因此必须集体购买。 These characteristics imply that no isolated, self-interested individual will have an incentive to pay for these goods: collective purchase is necessary |
但是需指出,100%的被掩埋弹药会被扰动(在找到该弹药的过程中),而布设在地面上的弹药受扰动的比例则较少。 However, it is noted that it is likely that 100% of buried items will be disturbed (in the action of finding), compared to a lesser amount of surface distributed items. |
赞赏地注意到儿基会努力将联合国系统发展方面的业务活动四年期全面政策审查(四年期全面政策审查)的任务规定列入儿基会的下一个战略计划(2014-2017年),请儿基会将下一个战略计划(2014-2017年)与这些任务规定保持完全一致,还请儿基会继续推动与其他基金和方案的讨论,为跟踪四年期全面政策审查的执行情况制订一项共同办法; Takes note with appreciation of the efforts by UNICEF to include the mandates of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system in the next UNICEF strategic plan, 2014-2017, and requests UNICEF to fully align the next strategic plan, 2014-2017, with these mandates, and further requests UNICEF to continue contributing to discussions with other funds and programmes towards developing a common approach to tracking implementation of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review; |
此外,定于2008年和2009年举行的两届常会之一也将为平行分组会议。 Moreover, one of two regular sessions scheduled for 2008 and 2009 would also be held in parallel chambers. |
她重申,欧洲联盟会选择多年期直接摊款作为该项目供资的最简单的手段,希望摊款同各阶段所需数额大致对应,以免缴纳不必要的预付款。 She reiterated that the European Union would prefer multi-year direct assessments as the simplest means of financing the project and was interested in making the assessments broadly proportional to the amount needed in the different phases in order to avoid unnecessary payments in advance |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.