What does vrolijke pasen in Dutch mean?

What is the meaning of the word vrolijke pasen in Dutch? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use vrolijke pasen in Dutch.

The word vrolijke pasen in Dutch means happy, cheerful, jolly, merry, nice, pleasing, lively, vivacious, imperturbable, happily, cheerfully, vivaciously, livelily, imperturbably, vrolijk, opgewekt, jolig, vrolijk, jolig, opgewekt, speels, vrolijk, blij, verheugd, vrolijk, blij, levendig, joviaal, vrolijk, opgewekt, vrolijk, vrolijk, blij, opgewekt, levenslustig, speels, dartel, energiek, blij, vrolijk, onstuimig, uitgelaten, vrolijk, opgewekt, opgeruimd, vrolijk, opgewekt, speels, dartel, opgewekt, monter, vrolijk, vrolijk, blij, blijmoedig, vrolijk, opgewekt, uitbundig, blij, vrolijk, vrolijk, vreugdevol, vrolijk, speels, opgewekt, vrolijk, stralend, plezierig, leuk, luchtig, opgewekt, vrolijk, vrolijk, vrolijk, vrolijk, blij, blij, vrolijk, levendig, vrolijk, levendig, vrolijk, opgewekt, onstuimig, uitgelaten, vrolijk, opgewekt, blij, opfleuren, opleven, fleurig, kleurig, blij maken, opvrolijken, vrolijk stemmen, Vrolijk Halloween, opbeuren, opvrolijken, opkikkeren, opmonteren. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word vrolijke pasen

happy, cheerful, jolly, merry

(blij, opgetogen)

nice, pleasing

(behaaglijk stemmend)

lively, vivacious

(druk, levendig)


(onverstoorbaar, onbewogen)

happily, cheerfully

(op blije wijze)

vivaciously, livelily

(op drukke wijze)


(op onbewogen wijze)

vrolijk, opgewekt, jolig

(person: cheerful)

Gerald is a jolly old man, and always has time for others.

vrolijk, jolig, opgewekt


Jen is always in a merry mood.

speels, vrolijk

(willing to play)

My neighbour's dog is very playful.

blij, verheugd

(person: full of joy)

Everyone was joyous at the news.

vrolijk, blij

(bright, cheerful)

The room was cheery in the early morning, with sunlight streaming through the large windows.


(person: lively)

Carla invited her pert friend Laura to a dinner party.

joviaal, vrolijk


The jovial old man always welcomed visitors to his home.

opgewekt, vrolijk


The politician seems sanguine about the state's future.

vrolijk, blij, opgewekt

(informal (cheerful)

The receptionist at the front desk is always chipper and friendly.


(friendly, sociable)

Henry's retirement party was a convivial event with much celebration.

speels, dartel, energiek

(playful, energetic)

The frisky kitten pounced on the ball of yarn.

blij, vrolijk

(joyous, joyful)

The students were gleeful when they found out classes were canceled due to the snowstorm.

onstuimig, uitgelaten

(boisterous or lively)

vrolijk, opgewekt, opgeruimd

(carefree, cheerful)

vrolijk, opgewekt

(informal (cheerful)

You're in a chirpy mood this morning! Did you win the lottery?

speels, dartel

(playful and lively)

opgewekt, monter, vrolijk

(dated (joyful)

vrolijk, blij, blijmoedig

(in a merry way)

Peter hummed cheerfully to himself as he left his office.

vrolijk, opgewekt

(cheerfully, happily)

The couple merrily celebrated their fifty-year anniversary.


(figurative (cheerfully)

"Let's look on the bright side," said my mother buoyantly.

blij, vrolijk


The children cheered gleefully when the hot air balloon took off.

vrolijk, vreugdevol

(in a cheerful or exuberant way)

The couple danced joyfully at their wedding reception.


(sth: sounding happy)

The cheerful birds sang in the trees.



I could play with those jaunty kittens for hours.

opgewekt, vrolijk

(figurative (person: cheerful)

Eric goes through life with a breezy attitude, caring little about money or success.


(figurative (cheerfully) (figuurlijk)

"What a lovely day!" said Helen brightly.

plezierig, leuk

(in a cheerful way)

I love my coffee shop because the baristas always greet me pleasantly.


(figurative (brightly, cheerfully)

'It's no problem,' Kate replied airily.

opgewekt, vrolijk

(figurative (disposition: cheerful)

He has the sunny disposition of someone who doesn't read the news.


(emotion: joyful)

Joyous singing could be heard from the party next door.



Marsha always has a bright attitude.

vrolijk, blij

(dated (joyous)

People like her company because she is always so gay.

blij, vrolijk


The family was joyful when they heard the news.

levendig, vrolijk

(happy, spirited)

levendig, vrolijk, opgewekt

(person: full of energy)

People like spending time with Adam; he's so vibrant, he somehow makes everyone else feel more alive.

onstuimig, uitgelaten

(informal (boisterously)

The children were having a rollicking good time, but the neighbors couldn't sleep.

vrolijk, opgewekt, blij

(in good spirits, happily)

'What a lovely morning!' Geoff said cheerily to his neighbour.

opfleuren, opleven

(become happier)

Mrs. Mills cheered up when the tea and cake were served.

fleurig, kleurig

(US (brightly-coloured)

The hikers wore colorful jackets so they would be visible to hunters.

blij maken, opvrolijken, vrolijk stemmen

(cheer, make happier)

Vrolijk Halloween

(31st October greeting)

opbeuren, opvrolijken, opkikkeren, opmonteren

(figurative (mood: make less serious)

Dave's jokes always lighten the atmosphere.

Let's learn Dutch

So now that you know more about the meaning of vrolijke pasen in Dutch, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Dutch.

Do you know about Dutch

Dutch (Nederlands) is a language of the Western branch of the Germanic languages, spoken daily as a mother tongue by about 23 million people in the European Union — mainly living in the Netherlands and Belgium — and second language of 5 million people. Dutch is one of the languages closely related to German and English and is considered a mixture of the two.