What does ter hand stellen in Dutch mean?

What is the meaning of the word ter hand stellen in Dutch? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ter hand stellen in Dutch.

The word ter hand stellen in Dutch means suppose, beweren, stellen, beargumenteren, stellen, vaststellen, stellen, gaan, geven, stellen, vragen, stellen, voorleggen, zeggen, stellen, stellen, noemen, verwoorden, uitdrukken, stellen, instellen, streven naar, mogelijk maken, in staat stellen tot, bedelven onder, kort samenvatten, beperken, zich kandidaat stellen in een stad waar men niet vandaan komt, compenseren, deactiveren, op non-actief stellen, beschuldigen, openlijke beschuldiging, een diagnose stellen, niet tevreden stellen, machtigen, in staat stellen, in staat stellen, bevredigen, tevreden stellen, niet vast te stellen, een verkeerde diagnose stellen, verbijsteren, verwarren, zich ontvankelijk stellen voor, open staan voor, perfectioneren, vervolmaken, onder politiebewaking stellen, iets stellen, prioriteiten stellen, waarderen, op prijs stellen, nieuwsgierige/indiscrete vragen stellen, op zijn gemak stellen, betwijfelen, betwisten, vragen, rantsoeneren, opnieuw op de hoogte stellen, zich kandidaat stellen, kandidaat stellen, zich verzekeren van, zich kandidaat stellen, beëindigen, op de proef stellen, ondertekenen, de show stelen van. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word ter hand stellen



Stel dat we morgen de Lotto winnen.

beweren, stellen


Roger claims that he has seen aliens.

beargumenteren, stellen

(give reasons for)

He argued that he should not have to pay for his meal.

vaststellen, stellen

(price: set)

We fixed the price at nineteen dollars each.


(informal (be in a stated condition)

Stelt ze het beter dan gisteren?
Is she doing any better than yesterday?

geven, stellen

(example) (voorbeeld)

You should set a good example to your younger brother!

vragen, stellen, voorleggen

(a question)

Let me put this to you: How did birds evolve?

zeggen, stellen


Zij wordt de beste schilder van haar generatie genoemd.
She is said to be the best painter of her generation.


(maintain) (wetenschappelijk)

Many physicists argue that black holes exist.

noemen, verwoorden, uitdrukken, stellen


It all depends on how you want to term it. Is it cheap or is it inexpensive?


(military: organize to action)

The National Guard is activating two units to help with the flooding.

streven naar

(figurative (to have as a goal)

Aim at the moon, and you'll surely hit the stars!

mogelijk maken, in staat stellen tot

(make possible by neglect)

By not applying the handbrake, he allowed the car to roll down the hill.

bedelven onder

(with questions) (met vragen)

kort samenvatten

(give a summary talk)

The Chief Inspector briefed her officers prior to the raid.


(set an upper limit on)

The manager capped spending at a low level.

zich kandidaat stellen in een stad waar men niet vandaan komt

(figurative, slang (politics: relocate) (politiek)


(reimburse sb for sth)

The company will compensate you for business expenses.


(mechanism: make inactive)

All of my credit cards have mysteriously been deactivated.

op non-actief stellen

(take out of action)

As a part of the treaty, the nation had to decommission its nuclear enrichment facilities.



openlijke beschuldiging

(public accusation)

The denunciation of the two men as communist spies led to their arrest and imprisonment.

een diagnose stellen

(make a diagnosis)

Medical students spend many months learning to diagnose.

niet tevreden stellen

(displease, disappoint)

machtigen, in staat stellen

(figurative (give power to) (figuurlijk)

in staat stellen

(empower, make able, sb)

The knife enabled him to cut open the box.

bevredigen, tevreden stellen

(please, satisfy)

niet vast te stellen

(impossible to determine)

een verkeerde diagnose stellen

(misidentify: problem, illness)

verbijsteren, verwarren

(puzzle, perplex)

David mystified us when he rejected the high-paying job for no apparent reason.

zich ontvankelijk stellen voor, open staan voor

(become receptive)

Though he was conservative, he opened his mind to new ideas.

perfectioneren, vervolmaken

(bring to perfection)

He practiced every day to perfect his shot.

onder politiebewaking stellen

(control using the police)

The riot squad policed the crowd.

iets stellen

(ask: a question) (vraag)

Emily posed the question of why everyone had to obey Paul.

prioriteiten stellen

(assign priorities)

You have to learn to prioritize when you become a mother.

waarderen, op prijs stellen

(find important)

nieuwsgierige/indiscrete vragen stellen

(ask personal questions)

op zijn gemak stellen

(make comfortable)

Gillian put us at ease before the test by making a joke.



He questioned the usefulness of the rule, but never asked anybody about it.



In some countries one can be imprisoned for questioning authority.


(ask questions)

You are free to question and dispute, but nothing will change as a result.



opnieuw op de hoogte stellen

(make familiar again)

zich kandidaat stellen

(stand for office)

He's running for the presidency.

kandidaat stellen

(sponsor a candidate)

The party wanted to run her for the senate seat.

zich verzekeren van

(make certain)

The team has secured their place in the top league.

zich kandidaat stellen

(be a candidate)

Lorraine is standing in the upcoming local elections.


(put an end to)

The parents stopped their children's bad behaviour.

op de proef stellen

(stretch beyond a limit)

Her childishness strained my patience.


(insurance: cover) (polis)

I'm afraid no insurance company is prepared to underwrite our expedition.

de show stelen van

(outdo, be more impressive than) (figuurlijk)

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Do you know about Dutch

Dutch (Nederlands) is a language of the Western branch of the Germanic languages, spoken daily as a mother tongue by about 23 million people in the European Union — mainly living in the Netherlands and Belgium — and second language of 5 million people. Dutch is one of the languages closely related to German and English and is considered a mixture of the two.