What does schapen met bokken verdelen in Dutch mean?
What is the meaning of the word schapen met bokken verdelen in Dutch? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use schapen met bokken verdelen in Dutch.
The word schapen met bokken verdelen in Dutch means divide, split, verdeling, verdelen, verdelen, distribueren, opdelen, verdelen, verdelen, splijten, scheiden, verdelen, uitdelen, verdelen, verdelen, verspreiden, verdelen, opdelen, verdelen, distribueren, opdelen, verdelen, verdelen, verdelen, verdelen, opdelen, verdelen, verspreiden, verdelen, uitdelen, verspreiden, verdelen, verdelen, verdelen, opsplitsen, verdelen, opdelen, opdelen, verdelen, distribueren, verdelen, opdelen, indelen, verdelen, verdelen, opdelen, indelen, in groepen verdelen, verdelen, onderverdelen, rangschikken, in groepen verdelen, in groepen indelen, groepen van twee maken, iets polariseren, opnieuw verdelen, in lettergrepen verdelen, in lettergrepen verdelen, in terrassen verdelen. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word schapen met bokken verdelen
divide, split(opdelen, splitsen) |
verdeling(act of dividing) The attorney assisted the old man in the dividing of his properties among his children. |
verdelen(dividing sth up between people) The enormous bag of chips was intended for sharing, but Joe ate them all by himself! |
verdelen, distribueren(distribute) We are going to apportion the money from the award among all of the team members. |
opdelen, verdelen(arrange sth in sections) |
verdelen, splijten(tear apart, separate) |
scheiden(separate) |
verdelen, uitdelen(UK (distribute fairly) The boys shared the money out equally among themselves. |
verdelen(informal (divide, share out) How will we divvy up the spoils? |
verdelen, verspreiden(divide, share out) |
verdelen, opdelen(divide into segments) Segment the area and send one team to each part. |
verdelen, distribueren(distribute, share out) The committee will decide how to allot the prize money among all the winners. |
opdelen, verdelen(figurative (separate sth into categories) |
verdelen(divide) We can't decide how to partition the land. |
verdelen(share out) The thieves decided to split up the money equally among themselves. |
verdelen, opdelen(into portions) I´m going to split up this pizza into four slices. |
verdelen, verspreiden(organize at intervals) She spaced her appointments throughout the day. |
verdelen, uitdelen(archaic (apportion) US: He parted the winnings among his friends. |
verspreiden, verdelen(move farther apart) The coach spread the players across the field. |
verdelen(distribute) It's important to spread the wealth. |
verdelen, opsplitsen(people: divide) The legislature split on party lines. |
verdelen, opdelen(separate) The magician split the cards into three piles. |
opdelen, verdelen(divide) The author sectioned the book into three parts. |
distribueren, verdelen(vending machine: distribute) |
opdelen, indelen, verdelen(separate) |
verdelen, opdelen(divide into sections) |
indelen, in groepen verdelen(in groups) |
verdelen(give portions) |
onderverdelen, rangschikken(categorize) It is possible to divide the animal kingdom into two main groups – vertebrates and invertebrates. |
in groepen verdelen, in groepen indelen(people: organize) The children were divided into groups for the competition. |
groepen van twee maken(group) Pair the students for the dance so that each boy is with a girl. |
iets polariseren(cause to be opposed) The new legislation polarized the government. |
opnieuw verdelen(reallocate roles in: a movie) (rollen in film of theater) When the budget was cut, the director had to recast the movie with cheaper actors. |
in lettergrepen verdelen(divide into syllables) |
in lettergrepen verdelen(divide into syllables) |
in terrassen verdelen(land) |
Let's learn Dutch
So now that you know more about the meaning of schapen met bokken verdelen in Dutch, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Dutch.
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Do you know about Dutch
Dutch (Nederlands) is a language of the Western branch of the Germanic languages, spoken daily as a mother tongue by about 23 million people in the European Union — mainly living in the Netherlands and Belgium — and second language of 5 million people. Dutch is one of the languages closely related to German and English and is considered a mixture of the two.