What does pata in Romanian mean?

What is the meaning of the word pata in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use pata in Romanian.

The word pata in Romanian means pată, pată, a păta, a dezonora, a necinsti, pată, pată, pată, pată, pată, pată, a se păta, pată, a dăuna, a decolora, pată, pată, pată, dungă, pată neagră, capriciu, pată, pată de rugină, pată de petrol, urmă, pată, pată, pată, a păta, pată, urmă, pată, împroșcare, pată, pată, pată, pată, pată, pată, a păta, a se păta, pată, pată, a păta, stigmat, a păta, a păta, pată solară, a păta, pată, pată, a păta (reputația cuiva), fără pată, spot, stain. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word pata


(skin: imperfection, flaw)

Heather se spală des pe față, pentru a preveni petele.
Heather washes her face frequently to prevent blemishes.


(figurative (defect)

Nu este neobișnuit ca fructele și legumele organice să aibă pete.
It is not unusual for organic fruits and vegetables to have some blemishes.

a păta

(leave a mark)

a dezonora, a necinsti

(figurative (spoil: sb's image, reputation)

ⓘAceastă propoziţie nu este o traducere a propoziţiei englezeşti. Nu i-a venit să creadă că doar cu câteva cuvinte a reușit să îi dezonoreze numele.
The rumors blemished Harry's reputation as an honest person.


(daub: of paint)

You spilled a blob of paint on the floor.


(blemish, stain)

It was obvious from the blots of ink on his hands that he worked in printing.


(figurative (stain on reputation)

The theft is a blot on Fred's otherwise exemplary record.


(blemish: on skin) (pe față)

An allergic reaction left my face covered in pink blotches.


(spot, stain)

The mustard left a blotch in the middle of my tie.


(diseased part: of plant)

a se păta

(form blemishes)

My skin blotches when I eat dairy.



There is a dark blur at the bottom of the sketch.

a dăuna

(non-physical: harm)

Știrea privind mituirea asistentului său i-a pătat reputația.
The news of the bribery of his aide damaged his reputation.

a decolora

(tinge, stain)

The hard water discolored the side of the house.


(on a potato)

Trebuie să cureți cartofii și să scoți și toate petele de miez stricat.
You need to peel the potatoes and remove all the eyes as well.


(small speck)

A fleck of blue paint had dried on Lena's cheek.


(spot, scratch)

Masa antică are o pată în partea stângă.
The antique table has a dark mark towards the left side.


(patterning on bird or animal) (despre blana animalelor)

Each zebra has its own unique markings, like a fingerprint.

pată neagră

(figurative (misfortune)

Războiul civil a fost pata neagră a istoriei Americii.
The Civil War was the night of American history.


(informal (whim, fancy)

She got a notion to dye her hair red.


(area of skin) (piele)

Your patches of white skin are caused by vitiligo.

pată de rugină

(often plural (flake) (solz)

Pe conductă apăruseră pete de rugină.
There were scales of rust on the pipe.

pată de petrol

(informal (oil slick: patch of spilled petroleum)

Environmentalists say the slick is spreading at an alarming rate.

urmă, pată

(dirty mark)

Sarah said she'd cleaned the windows, but they were covered in smears.


(dirty spot)

Glenn didn't do a very good job of polishing the table; I can see the smudges from the other side of the room!



That smudge in the background of the painting is the edge of the forest.

a păta

(make a part dirty)

pată, urmă

(small spot)

From this distance their house on the top of the hill was just a speck.


(small spot of)

Tony noticed a speck of dirt on his trousers.


(blob, splash, spill)

You've got splatters from something on your shirt.


(UK (blot, splotch)





Ai o pată de sos de roșii acolo, pe cămașă.
There is a ketchup spot on your shirt there.


(usually plural (disease: blemish)

Karen are varicelă și este plină de pete.
Karen has chickenpox and is covered in spots.


(insect: markings)

Cea mai des întâlnită gărgăriță în Marea Britanie are șapte pete.
The most common ladybird in Britain has seven spots.


(animal: markings)

Gheparzii au pete negre.
Cheetahs have black spots.

a păta

(to stain)

A sărit ulei și a pătat fața de masă.
The oil splashed and spotted the tablecloth.

a se păta

(become stained)

Bluza ta albă se va păta foarte repede dacă tai cireșele îmbrăcat cu ea.
Your white blouse will spot really easily if you chop those cherries with it on.


(on clothing, etc.)

Philip încercat să scoată pata frecându-și tricoul.
Philip scrubbed at his shirt, trying to get the stain out.


(figurative (on reputation) (figurat)

Relația era o pată pe reputația politicianului.
The affair was a stain on the politician's reputation.

a păta

(clothing, etc.)

ⓘAceastă propoziţie nu este o traducere a propoziţiei englezeşti. Nu eu ți-am pătat covorul cu cafea!
The wine stained Catherine's new dress.


(figurative (mark of shame) (figurat)

Having parents who aren't married is no longer a stigma here.

a păta

(stain, spoil)

a păta

(figurative (reputation, etc.: taint) (reputația)

pată solară

(mark on the sun)

The high-quality photographs showed sunspots and other features of the sun's surface.

a păta

(figurative (reputation: damage) (reputație)


(stain or trace of contamination)

There's definitely a taint of mould in this bread.


(figurative (moral stain) (figurat)

The taint of adultery ruined the preacher's career.

a păta (reputația cuiva)

(reputation: stain)

fără pată

(figurative (reputation: impeccable) (reputație)

Harrison's reputation remained untarnished throughout his entire career as politician.

spot, stain

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Do you know about Romanian

Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.