What does nätverk in Swedish mean?

What is the meaning of the word nätverk in Swedish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use nätverk in Swedish.

The word nätverk in Swedish means network, nätverk, nätverk, datornätverk, nätverk, nät, nätverk, nätverk, nätverk, flätverk, nät, nätverk, nätverk, nätverk, networking, nätverk, nätverk, nät, socialt nätverk, Wi-Fi, wifi, Wi-Fi-, wifi-. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word nätverk



(linked computers) (teknik)

Företagets servrar är kopplade i ett nätverk.
The company's servers are linked in a network.

nätverk, datornätverk

(computing: establishing network)

Networking has allowed computers in every building on campus to be linked.

nätverk, nät

(mesh fabric)

The mosquito netting was old and musty, but it did the job.


(anatomy: network of nerves, blood vessels, etc)



nätverk, flätverk

(interlacing design)

nät, nätverk

(mesh fabric, net)


(figurative (network)

We're all part of a web of relationships.


(computing: using network)

Networking means we can work effectively with teams in other offices.


(collaboration between businesses) (slang)


(network of people, cartel)

The police broke up a drug ring.


(interrelated system)

The clock operates by a network of gears and levers.


(combination of lines, pathways)

The rivers are connected by a network of canals.

socialt nätverk

(contacts: friends, family, colleagues)

Of the hundreds of people in my social network, only a few are real friends.

Wi-Fi, wifi

(wireless internet) (låneord)

Most coffee shops seem to offer wifi these days.

Wi-Fi-, wifi-

(network: wireless)

I have a Wi-Fi network at home.

Let's learn Swedish

So now that you know more about the meaning of nätverk in Swedish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Swedish.

Do you know about Swedish

Swedish (Svenska) is a North Germanic language, spoken as a mother tongue by 10.5 million people living mainly in Sweden and parts of Finland. Swedish speakers can understand Norwegian and Danish speakers. Swedish is closely related to Danish and Norwegian, and usually anyone who understands either can understand Swedish.