What does mâner in Romanian mean?
What is the meaning of the word mâner in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use mâner in Romanian.
The word mâner in Romanian means handle, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, mâner, coadă, mâner sferic, mâner de ciocănit la ușă, mâner de tigaie. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word mâner
mâner(tool, object: place to grip) (unelte) Apucă toporul de mâner și lovește. Grab the axe by the handle and swing. |
mâner(round handle on a door) (la ușă) Peter jiggled the knob to lock the door. |
mâner(sword or knife handle) (cuțin, spadă) The hilt of the sword had a beautiful, intricate design. |
mâner(handle of a knife or tool) |
mâner(handle, handrest) |
mâner(tool handle) |
mâner(knob, etc. for opening a door) Don't kick the door open - use the door handle! |
mâner(handle of golf club) (crosă de golf) The golfer gripped the shaft of her club and prepared to make her shot. |
mâner(chair part: arm rest) (fotoliu) Mânerele acestui fotoliu sunt foarte confortabile. The arms on this chair are really comfortable. |
mâner(pole, rod) The Smiths erected a tall shaft in their garden and attached a flag to it. |
mâner(handle) Mânerul cuțitului vechi era uzat și trebuia înlocuit. The grip on the old knife was worn and needed to be replaced. |
mâner(to pull) |
mâner(transport: loop) There were no seats left on the tube train, so Emily took hold of one of the straps to steady herself. |
mâner(handle) |
mâner(connecting part of tool) The shank connects the tip of the chisel to the handle. |
coadă(narrow, shaftlike part of object) (referitor la obiecte) This drill bit has a tapered shank. |
mâner sferic(round doorhandle) (la ușă) The doorknob is jammed; I can't open the door at all. |
mâner de ciocănit la ușă(handle used to knock on a door) |
mâner de tigaie(handle of a pan) Be careful; the panhandle is a little hot. |
Let's learn Romanian
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Do you know about Romanian
Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.