What does lăuda in Romanian mean?
What is the meaning of the word lăuda in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use lăuda in Romanian.
The word lăuda in Romanian means praise, laudă, a lăuda, laudă, apologie, a saluta, a lăuda, a se lăuda, a se lăuda, a se făli cu, a se lăuda cu, a se lăuda că, a pretinde că, laudă, fală, a se lăuda, a se lăuda, a se făli, a se da mare că, laudă, a lăuda, lăudabil, compliment, cuvinte de laudă, a lăuda, lăudabil, a se lăuda, a preamări, a lăuda, elogiu, laudă, a se lăuda cu, a onora, osana, imn de slavă, imn de laudă, kudos, a lăuda, lăudabil, reacție favorabilă, a se da mai mare decât, a ridica prea mult în slăvi, a lăuda excesiv marfa, laudă, a lăuda, a lăuda, laudă, a-l lăuda pe Dumnezeu, demn de laudă, a lăuda, demn de laudă, a se lăuda, a se lăuda cu, a vorbi cu respect despre, a se lăuda, a se lăuda, praise. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word lăuda
laudă(praise) The author has received acclaim for his debut novel. |
a lăuda(praise, applaud) |
laudă(praise) The journalist is receiving accolades from all quarters for her exclusive report. |
apologie(Latin (written, spoken defence of sb, sth) |
a saluta(figurative (show approval of) (figurat) |
a lăuda(slang (express admiration) |
a se lăuda(figurative (behave arrogantly) My brother always blusters about his plans but never ends up doing anything. |
a se lăuda(brag) Nu îmi place să vorbesc cu Terrence pentru că se laudă mereu. I don't like to talk to Terrence because he always boasts. |
a se făli cu, a se lăuda cu(speak proudly) Jillian se fălește (or: se laudă) iar cu copiii ei. Jillian is boasting about her children again. |
a se lăuda că(claim arrogantly) Elaine se laudă că poate să facă o săritură pe spate, dar nimeni nu a văzut-o făcând asta. Elaine boasted that she can do a backflip, but no one has actually seen her do it. |
a pretinde că(claim to have done sth) El s-a lăudat că a prins cel mai mare păstrăv înregistrat vreodată. He boasted of once catching the biggest trout ever recorded. |
laudă, fală(bragging claim) Everyone found Brian's boast difficult to believe. |
a se lăuda(talk boastfully) Nu vreau să fiu prieten cu cineva care se laudă mereu. I don't want to be friends with someone who always brags. |
a se lăuda, a se făli(talk boastfully) El se laudă (or: se fălește) mereu cu averea lui. He is always bragging about his wealth. |
a se da mare că(with clause: boast) John s-a dat mare că are zece motociclete. John bragged that he owned ten motorcycles. |
laudă(boastful talk) Ellen's friends were used to her braggings about her children's accomplishments. |
a lăuda(praise) |
lăudabil(praising) |
compliment(often plural (flattering comment) Persoanelor timide le este greu să accepte complimente. Shy people find it difficult to accept compliments. |
cuvinte de laudă(praise) Te rog să îi transmiți cuvinte de laudă bucătarului. Please give my compliments to the chef. |
a lăuda(uncountable (commendation) Directorul de proiect i-a lăudat pe asistenți pentru munca lor. The project manager gave his assistants credit for the work. |
lăudabil(worthy) The bank believes that Jim is a creditable candidate for a loan. |
a se lăuda(figurative, informal (brag) "I said I would win and I did," Jesse crowed. |
a preamări, a lăuda(figurative (aggrandize) Many people elevate the consumer lifestyle even if it hurts their personal finances. |
elogiu(formal (high praise) |
laudă(tribute at funeral) The eulogy was delivered by the victim's son. |
a se lăuda cu(show off) The rich man liked to flaunt his wealth. |
a onora(honour, praise) |
osana(Christianity: exclamation of praise) |
imn de slavă, imn de laudă(religious song) (bisericesc) |
kudos(glory) Greg deserves kudos for his spectacular show. |
a lăuda(praise) |
lăudabil(worthy of praise) Your commitment to the cause is laudable. |
reacție favorabilă(critique) Cvartetul de coarde s-a bucurat de laude din partea criticului de muzică. The string quartet received a favourable notice from the music critic. |
a se da mai mare decât(make more impressive claims than) |
a ridica prea mult în slăvi(commend excessively) |
a lăuda excesiv marfa(make exaggerated claims for) |
laudă(usually plural (acclaim, praise) |
a lăuda(speak highly of sb) I-au adus laude pentru activitatea ei voluntară. She was praised for her volunteer work. |
a lăuda(speak highly of sth) A apreciat site-ul web ca fiind unul dintre cele mai bune. He praised the website as one of the best. |
laudă(commendation) A apreciat laudele după atâția ani de muncă. He found the praise gratifying, after so many years of work. |
a-l lăuda pe Dumnezeu(worship) We would like to invite you to praise God with music by joining us in our opening hymn. |
demn de laudă(deserving praise) The organization was featured in the news for their praiseworthy work of improving public health. |
a lăuda(praise enthusiastically) |
demn de laudă(slang, dated (commendable) |
a se lăuda(informal (behave boastfully) He's showing off to impress her. |
a se lăuda cu(display proudly) When his famous mother came to school, he showed her off to all his friends. |
a vorbi cu respect despre(say good things about sb) My son's teacher speaks very highly of him; she says he's a great student. |
a se lăuda(UK, informal (swagger, show off) The reception is basically a way for young professionals to swank and meet each other. |
a se lăuda(boast about, show off) |
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Do you know about Romanian
Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.