What does 庫房 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 庫房 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 庫房 in Chinese.
The word 庫房 in Chinese means storeroom, outbuilding, outhouse. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 庫房
storeroomnoun (room used for storage) |
outbuildingnoun (separate building associated with a main building) |
outhousenoun (outbuilding) |
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根据现行规范性法律之规定,已经登记的无房家庭总数约为46 000户。 The total number of houseless families registered according to the normative acts in force is approximately 46,000. |
今天的发言名单上有尊敬的乌克兰代表梅海罗·斯库拉托夫斯基先生,但在请他发言之前,并且在你们同意的情况下,我认为有必要向会议报告一下我作为会议主席在闭会期间举行的磋商的情况。 Today we have on our list of speakers the distinguished representative of Ukraine, Mr. |
在与各方谈判人员举行的会议上,评估团征求他们对实地情况的评估,包括成功实施《利纳-马库锡协定》的前景以及联合国在支持该协定的实施方面可起的作用。 In its meetings with the various interlocutors, the mission sought their assessment of the situation on the ground, including the prospects for the successful implementation of the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement and the role that the United Nations could play in supporting its implementation. |
安全局势从2003年3月开始恶化,直至4月和7月分别发生捍卫民主阵线(恩库伦齐扎)和民族解放力量(鲁瓦萨〕大肆炮击布琼布拉的事件。 The security situation began to deteriorate starting in March 2003 and culminated with the intensive shelling of Bujumbura in April and July by CNDD-FDD (Nkurunziza) and PALIPEHUTU-FNL (Rwasa), respectively. |
月 # 日,他会见总理贝尔纳·马库扎、外交部长罗斯玛丽·穆塞米纳利、当时大湖区问题卢旺达特使约瑟夫·穆塔博巴、加卡卡法院执行秘书多米提拉·穆坎塔甘追、全国反对灭绝种族委员会执行秘书让·德迪厄·穆西奥,以及联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)的代表。 On # ovember, he met with the Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Rosemary Museminali, the then Special Envoy of Rwanda for the Great Lakes region, Joseph Mutaboba, the Executive Secretary of the Gacaca Court, Domitilla Mukantaganwa, the Executive Secretary of the Commission nationale de lutte contre le genocide, Jean de Dieu Mucyo, and representatives of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR |
Java可以與C語言或C++結合使用,並且可以選擇非默認的執行時函式庫共用,以允許獲得更好的C++支援。 Java may be combined with C/C++, together with a choice of non-default runtimes that allow better C++ support. |
矮房和其他附属建筑的允给额 Allowances for villas and other annex buildings |
租房的有619,000户,即占总数的16.5%;其他类型的占用(财产转让、占用等等)总共不超过519,000户,相当于全国总数的13.8%。 Rented accommodation accounted for 619,000 households, or 16.5% of the total, while other types of occupancy (assignment of property, occupation and other) did not exceed 519,000 households altogether, equivalent to 13.8% of the national total. |
它拥有一个关于利用信息通信技术促进发展问题的大型资源库,其中包括来自多种来源的案例研究、分析文件、研究刊物、网站链接和PowerPoint演示文稿等等。 which offers a large repository of resources on ICTD, including, among other things, case studies, analytical papers, research publications, weblinks and Powerpoint presentations, from a diverse range of sources. |
秘书长报告第12段概述的配套项目包括安装发电机和发电机房,建设内部进出道路和停车场、土建和景观美化工程、场地照明、卫生工程和内部隔墙。 In paragraph 12 of his report, the Secretary-General outlines the ancillary projects which include the installation of generators and a generator house, the construction of internal access roads and parking, civil and landscaping works, site lighting, sanitary works and interior partitions. |
认识到必须保护和增强温室气体的汇和库,以实现附件一缔约方限制和排放的量化承诺, Recognizing the importance of protecting and enhancing sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases in achieving the quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments of the Parties included in Annex I, |
米奇在他們的大西洋城的新倉庫中會見吉米的其餘一幫人,以查看他們從喬治·雷穆斯購買的藥用酒精。 Mickey meets with the rest of Jimmy's crew at their new warehouse in Atlantic City to view the medicinal alcohol they have bought from George Remus. |
我 想 讓 你 看看 這個 房間 I wanna show you this room |
我国代表团认为,库什内尔先生的这个决定对该区域非常重要。 My delegation views this decision by Mr. Kouchner as very significant for the region |
该索赔是由在塞浦路斯的公寓房房主提出的,该公寓房租给了一家旅游公司,以便转租给第三方。 The claim was by the owner of apartments located in Cyprus, which had been rented to a travel company for sub-lease to third parties |
受到厚爱的Adam一开始就有丰富的软件库。 In its favor, the Adam had a large software library from the start. |
記得 那個 房間 嗎? Remember that room? |
库马洛先生(南非)(以英语发言):我们面前有秘书长关于本组织工作的报告。 Mr. Kumalo (South Africa): We have before us the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization |
如果“管理”中的权限设置合理,您便可以创建一个库,用于存储条款及条件,以供帐号中的所有项目使用。 With the proper permission in Admin, you can create a library of stored terms and conditions that are available to all projects in your account. |
他的孙子库楚汗是西伯利亚汗国最后的可汗。 His grandson Kuchum was the last Khan of Sibir. |
签署《比勒陀利亚议定书》和恢复向全国捍卫民主理事会――捍卫民主阵线(恩库伦齐扎派)在布班扎省、鲁伊吉和马康巴各省的战士分发食品后,全国各地的暴力行为立即有所减少。 The signing of the Pretoria protocols and the resumption of food distribution to CNDD‐FDD (Nkurunziza wing) combatants in the provinces of Bubanza, Ruyigi and Makamba have brought about an immediate reduction in violence throughout the country. |
如果有樞機選舉人生病並於房間休息,3位病護員會帶同選票和一個已上鎖的箱子進入他的房間。 If any cardinal elector is by reason of infirmity confined to his room, the Infirmarii go to their rooms with ballot papers and a box. |
对会员国、专业、政府和非政府组织及联合国各机构、基金和方案进行3次有针对性的外联访问,以期扩大高级特派团任用人选库,并更好地实现各项关键目标,包括两性平等和地域分配目标 3 targeted outreach visits to Member States, professional, governmental and non-governmental organizations and United Nations agencies, funds and programmes to expand the candidate pool for senior mission appointments and better meet key objectives, including gender and geographical distribution targets |
军事据点 预制房 Prefabricated buildings |
库马洛先生(南非)(以英语发言):主席先生,欢迎你来到纽约。 Mr. Kumalo (South Africa): I welcome you to New York, Mr. President; it is good to see you here |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.