What does josnic in Romanian mean?
What is the meaning of the word josnic in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use josnic in Romanian.
The word josnic in Romanian means mean, base, răutăcios, mârșav, vulgar, josnic, josnic, josnic, mârșav, josnic, meschin, josnic, abject, răutăcios, josnic, meschin, josnic, mârșav, josnic, josnic, josnic, în mod josnic, infam. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word josnic
mean, base
răutăcios(person: spiteful, cruel) (persoană) Mary era o persoană răutăcioasă, care a lansat zvonuri despre tot felul de oameni. Mary was a nasty person who started rumors about all kinds of people. |
mârșav(wicked) The actor plays a villainous character in the film. |
vulgar(UK, regional, slang (dirty or unpleasant) |
josnic(slang (base, sneaky) That low-down thief stole my wallet! |
josnic(informal (person: morally corrupt) She can't get her sleazy uncle to leave her alone. |
josnic, mârșav(deed: nasty) L-a avertizat că faptele lui josnice (or: mârșave) îl vor bântui. He warned him that his foul deeds would come back to haunt him. |
josnic(figurative, informal (actions: despicable) When Amy discovered that Dawn had been telling tales about her to the boss, she thought it was a shabby way to behave. |
meschin(mean) Tim's petty revenge took the form of telling the boss about the personal phone calls his colleague had been making. |
josnic, abject(figurative (underhand, devious) Tacticile josnice (or: abjecte), precum înșelarea clienților, îți vor aduce mulți dușmani. Low tactics like cheating your customers will make you a lot of enemies. |
răutăcios, josnic, meschin(informal (malicious, unkind) Ce ai făcut a fost un lucru răutăcios. That was a mean thing you did. |
josnic, mârșav(base) His motives are mean and vile. |
josnic(foul) Și-a arătat caracterul abject atunci când i s-a dat vestea cea rea. He showed his evil temper when he was told the bad news. |
josnic(dishonourable, low) Comentariile sale vulgare le-au ofensat pe doamne. His base comments offended the women. |
josnic(treatment: poor) |
în mod josnic, infam(in a stingy, miserly way) Meanly, Alfie kept all the sweets for himself. |
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Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.