What does 芙蓉 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 芙蓉 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 芙蓉 in Chinese.

The word 芙蓉 in Chinese means hibiscus, lotus. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 芙蓉


noun (flower)

除了 芙蓉 的 顏色 外 和 那件 是 一樣 的 , 對 嗎 ?
It's like the other one but with a different colored hibiscus.



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Religious department officials sexually assaulted Victoria, a transgender woman in Seramban, the capital of Negeri Sembilan state, when they arrested her for cross-dressing in 2011.
芙蓉 , 你 的 店里 有 什么 ?
Flo, what do you have at your store?
你 喜歡 我 粘 在 信封 上寄來 的 芙蓉 花瓣 嗎?
Did you like the hibiscus petals I glued to the envelope I sent you?
We marvel at the birds of prey and move on to watch breathlessly as the hummingbirds so delicately sip nectar from the hibiscus.
Hibiscus flowers come in white, pink, red, yellow, and orange
In Czech language its feminine counterpart is Knapková.
色拉芬娜(Serafina)是芙蓉市一位变性妇女。 她告诉人权观察,2010年5月,宗教局官员执行夜间临检时在街头逮捕她,因为他们认为她身上穿的睡衣太过女性化:
Serafina, a transgender woman in Seremban, told Human Rights Watch that in May 2010, religious department officials, carrying out a nighttime raid, caught her in the street wearing pajamas, which they apparently judged to be too feminine:
” 阿迪克(Adik)也是芙蓉市的变性妇女。 她在2012年初遭到宗教局官员拘留和性攻击,显然只因他们对她的身体好奇:
Adik, another transgender woman in Seremban, was detained and sexually assaulted by religious department officials in early 2012, apparently because they were curious about her body:
In the Fuyo Robot Theater, for example, youngsters and those young at heart are entertained by large, toylike robots in song and dance and other antics.
除了 芙蓉 的 顏色 外 和 那件 是 一樣 的 , 對 嗎 ?
It's like the other one but with a different colored hibiscus.
( 芙蓉 夫人 安危 在 此 )
" Lady Jen's life is in our hands. "
如果 芙蓉 关了 她 的 店 离开 这里 我们 会 怎么样 呢
What's gonna happen if Flo leaves town and closes her station?
The project was approved by the government in 1997 and the construction of the expressway began on 2002; however, the financial problems faced by the original concessionnaire, Kajang–Seremban Highway Sdn.
· 在马来西亚,正在执行一些项目,以便使芙蓉至金马士(计划2012年底完成)之间和怡保至巴丹勿刹(计划于2014年底完成)之间的路段建成双轨和电气化路段。
• In Malaysia, projects are being implemented to double-track and electrify the line sections between Seremban and Gemas, scheduled for completion end of 2012; and Ipoh and Padang Besar, scheduled for completion end of 2014.
昨夜 世子 嫔 因为 失眠 在 芙蓉 亭 观赏 夜景 时
Yes, Your Highness.
In 2012, religious department officials forcibly entered the home of Izzati, a transgender woman in Seremban, while conducting a warrantless raid.
你可以看见那些有害的蚜虫,在植物上到处都是, 在山芙蓉上,在马缨丹上, 在那些被称为春芽的 刚长出来的嫩叶上。
When temperatures rise sharply, you can see those bad ones, those aphids, all over the plants -- in your hibiscus, in your lantana, in the young, fresh foliage of the so-called spring flush.
生亦是 死 死 亦 是 生 的 便是 芙蓉
Is that all?
接下來,新世界的釀酒師「重新發掘」混釀葡萄酒的技術,融合諸如 西拉/赤霞珠, 賽芙蓉/白苏维翁和隆河傳統組合Grenache、西拉葡萄以及Mourvedre(GSM)的各種混釀變得越來越普遍。
Subsequently, New World winemakers have 'rediscovered' the art of blending wines, with blends such as Shiraz/Cabernet Sauvignon, Semillon/Sauvignon blanc and the Rhone combination of Grenache, Shiraz and Mourvedre ("GSM") all becoming more common.
芙蓉, 玫瑰, 苹果片, 橙皮和激情水果混纺, 它有一个充满活力的果味口味, 是完全平衡。
Blended with hibiscus, rosehip, apple pieces, orange peel and passion fruit, it has a vibrantly fruity taste that is perfectly balanced.
马来西亚芙蓉镇,SBN Site 1
Malaysia, Seremban, SBN Site 1
Water hyacinth, bright red and yellow ixoras, hibiscus, and kalanchoes are often found growing along these roadside cottage gardens and can often be found in the local markets.
这些公园的部分卖点就在于它们是如何被分门别类地分区,其中包括一个愉快的鹿园 (下文会有详细论述 ) 、 一个兰花公园(正式名字为"兰花与芙蓉花园 " ) 以及世界上最著名的吉隆坡雀鸟公园,那里现在拥有200多个物种,并且会定期有自由飞翔展示。
Flower mursery. Pic: Tourism Malaysia. Part of the appeal of the gardens is how they are divided into specialised sections including a delightful deer park, detailed below, an orchid garden (officially the "Orchid & Hibiscus Garden") and the world famous Kuala Lumpur Bird Park, which now has over 200 species as well as regular free-flying displays.
也与芙蓉茶受欢迎 - 微酸, 饮料冷却 - 热天完美。
Is also popular with hibiscus tea - slightly acidic, beverage cooling - Perfect for hot days.
酒店网站: 深圳芙蓉宾馆网站
Hotel Website: Shenzhen Lotus Hotel

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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.