What does flauwe kul in Dutch mean?
What is the meaning of the word flauwe kul in Dutch? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use flauwe kul in Dutch.
The word flauwe kul in Dutch means tasteless, bland, flauw, banaal, slap, flauw, flauw, smakeloos, duf, flauw, smakeloos, flauw, onnozel, flauw, mild, flauw, zwak, saai, flauw, flauw, lauw, flauw, licht, kinderachtig, flauw, pietluttig, onbeduidend, flets, gek, raar, vaag, flauw, flauw, zwak, zwak, flauw, vaag, slap, zwak, waterig, flauw, zwak, zwak, flauw, flauw, zwak, zwak, flauw, flauw, flauw, zwak, plat, platjes, flauw, onwetend, een flauw vermoeden hebben, flauw idee, vaag idee, flauw vermoeden, vaag vermoeden. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word flauwe kul
tasteless, bland(weinig gekruid) |
flauw, banaal(silly, trite) My uncle's jokes are corny, but we laugh anyway. |
slap, flauw(figurative (excuse: feeble) (van excuus) Tina offered a lame excuse about her dog and went home early. |
flauw, smakeloos(bland to taste) This insipid soup needs more salt. |
duf, flauw(bland) The politician gave a vapid speech. |
smakeloos, flauw(lacking in flavour) The chocolate cake looked delicious, but it was disappointingly tasteless. |
onnozel, flauw(figurative, informal (person: feeble or ineffectual) |
mild, flauw, zwak(moderately) Your comment was mildly offensive. |
saai, flauw(figurative (boring) This new crime drama is a bit bland. |
flauw, lauw(figurative (reaction: not enthusiastic) (figuurlijk) Fred got a lukewarm welcome at his new job. |
flauw, licht(slope: gentle) (van helling) Try the gradual slopes if you're wearing new boots. |
kinderachtig, flauw, pietluttig, onbeduidend(petty, trivial) Before making any decision, I become consumed by niggling doubts. |
flets(figurative (bland, insipid) (figuurlijk) The actors were criticized for their pallid performance. |
gek, raar(absurd) The comedian was known for his silly humour. |
vaag, flauw(understanding) Simon had to stand in for the maths teacher, despite only having a vague knowledge of the subject. |
flauw, zwak(argument, reasoning) The politician's feeble argument did not convince voters. |
zwak, flauw(action: feeble) Roger clearly wasn't happy, but made a wan attempt to smile. |
vaag(sound: faint) The indistinct music coming from the house suggests someone may be home. |
slap, zwak(figurative (unconvincingly) (figuurlijk) Irene argued weakly against her brother's suggestion, but knew in her heart that he was right. |
waterig, flauw, zwak(watery, weak) The old woman sipped a dilute soup to get her strength back. |
zwak, flauw(faint) You could only see a light outline of the mountains. |
flauw, zwak(memory: vague) Karen had only a faint idea of what her childhood home looked like. |
zwak, flauw(wind) It will be mainly sunny, with a light breeze. |
flauw(bland) Without salt, the flavour of the soup was so smooth as to be almost tasteless. |
flauw(slope: gentle) There is a soft incline for the next two miles. |
zwak(unconvincing) (niet overtuigend) That weak argument won't persuade anybody. |
plat, platjes, flauw(without taste) We expected a rich taste, but it was a little flat. |
onwetend(informal (uninformed, not knowing sth) I'm clueless as to what to do next. |
een flauw vermoeden hebben(suspect, sense) We had an inkling that the film might be a success, but we weren't sure. |
flauw idee, vaag idee(slight idea) Do you have any inkling of what will happen next? |
flauw vermoeden, vaag vermoeden(vague indication) They barely gave us an inkling of what was going to happen. |
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Do you know about Dutch
Dutch (Nederlands) is a language of the Western branch of the Germanic languages, spoken daily as a mother tongue by about 23 million people in the European Union — mainly living in the Netherlands and Belgium — and second language of 5 million people. Dutch is one of the languages closely related to German and English and is considered a mixture of the two.