What does dubbele belasting in Dutch mean?

What is the meaning of the word dubbele belasting in Dutch? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use dubbele belasting in Dutch.

The word dubbele belasting in Dutch means tax, pressure, pressure, druk, spanning, belasting, heffing, belasting, impost, belasting, belasting, taks, heffing, druk, last, belasting, lading, belasting, last, belasting, belasting, vermogen, fiscaal. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word dubbele belasting


(taks) (finance)


(techniek: druk, kracht)


(emotioneel: druk) (emotion)

druk, spanning

(pressure, demands)

The stress of getting married can be overwhelming.

belasting, heffing


The government needs to raise taxes.



The citizens planned a protest against unfair taxation.


(UK (tax, duty)



You don't have to pay tax on alcohol you buy at the airport.

belasting, taks, heffing


The country had an import duty on all electronics.


(fatiguing pressure)

The foundation of the building crumbled under the strain.

last, belasting, lading


This is heavy charge for such a small car.


(severe demand on resources)

The strain on the server was caused by the many hits the site received that day.

last, belasting

(uncountable (quantity or weight borne by sthg)

The pillars of the building support the load of the floors above.


(figurative (strain) (figuurlijk)

Mailing expenses are quite a tax on our resources.


(electrical) (elektriciteit)

This appliance has a rating of 240 volts.


(relating to tax)

Businesses have no fiscal incentive to locate here.

Let's learn Dutch

So now that you know more about the meaning of dubbele belasting in Dutch, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Dutch.

Do you know about Dutch

Dutch (Nederlands) is a language of the Western branch of the Germanic languages, spoken daily as a mother tongue by about 23 million people in the European Union — mainly living in the Netherlands and Belgium — and second language of 5 million people. Dutch is one of the languages closely related to German and English and is considered a mixture of the two.