What does drăguţ in Romanian mean?

What is the meaning of the word drăguţ in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use drăguţ in Romanian.

The word drăguţ in Romanian means amabil, agreabil, plăcut, drăguț, scump, drăguț, binevoitor, drăguț, drăguț, elegant, șic, tip simpatic, drăguț, drăguț, adorabil, drăguț, drăguț, drăguț, scump, drăguț, drăguț, amabil, drăguț, drăguț, drăguț, amabil, drăguț, blând, plăcut, gentil, drăguț, drăguț, amabil, sunteți amabil?, drăguț, scump, dulce, drăguț, drăguț, drăguț, drăguț, drăguț, destul de drăguț, simpatic, etc., plăcut, scump, drăguț, plăcut, drăguț, frumos, frumos, drăguț, drăguț, prietenos, dulce, drăguț, drăguț, amabil, drăguț, drăguț, drăguț, iubit. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word drăguţ


(friendly, likable)

My uncle was an affable chap with a ready smile.

agreabil, plăcut


Maddy a fost angajată datorită calificărilor sale excelente și a vocii plăcute la telefon.
Maddy was hired because of her excellent qualifications and agreeable voice on the phone.

drăguț, scump

(figurative (sb kind)

Fii un drăguț (or: scump) și adu-mi ochelarii de citit, te rog.
Be an angel and fetch my reading glasses, would you?


(dated, French (boyfriend) (arhaism)

It seems that Helena has a new beau; he's taking her to the pictures tonight.

binevoitor, drăguț


He gave me a benevolent smile and handed me an envelope.


(UK (pretty)

She's a bonny lass, our Angie!

elegant, șic

(person: showing grace)

ⓘAceastă propoziţie nu este o traducere a propoziţiei englezeşti. Grace a pășit elegant în încăpere, fără să facă niciun zgomot, și s-a așezat grațios pe canapea.
Hilary sent a thank-you note to everyone who came to the party, which just goes to show that she's a classy lady.

tip simpatic

(informal, figurative (man: likeable)

I met Joe at the party last weekend. He´s a cool guy.


(person: pretty) (persoană)

Prietena ta e simpatică.
Your girlfriend is cute.

drăguț, adorabil

(person: endearing, adorable)

Lucy a fost un bebeluș atât de drăguț!
Lucy was such a cute baby!


(thing: pretty) (obiect)

Ținea în brațe un ursuleț de pluș drăguț.
She was holding a cute stuffed bear.


(informal (cute person)

Who's the cutie with the blue T-shirt?

drăguț, scump

(informal (affectionate term)


(informal (cute, charming, pleasing)

Arăta adorabil în noul costumaș.
He looked darling in his new little suit.


(person: lovable)

Erau douăzeci de copii în acea clasă, toți niște drăguți.
There were twenty children in that class, all of them dears.

amabil, drăguț

(kind, courteous)

It was decent of you to help me out.


(UK, informal (small and cute)

There was a row of dinky ceramic ornaments on the window sill.

drăguț, amabil

(figurative, informal (person: helpful)

Be a doll and give me a hand with the dishes, will you?


(UK, dated, slang (affectionate term)

Oh, don't worry, ducky, everything will be all right!


(person, animal)

Fred era un suflet blând și era iubit de toată lumea.
Fred was a gentle soul who was loved by everyone.

plăcut, gentil, drăguț

(kind, pleasant)

Toată lumea o îndrăgea pe Catherine datorită zâmbetului ei plăcut.
Catherine's gentle smile endeared her to everyone.

drăguț, amabil

(friendly) (calitate a unei persoane)

ⓘAceastă propoziţie nu este o traducere a propoziţiei englezeşti. E un om tare bun la suflet, are mereu timp să asculte pe fiecare.
She is so kind; she took the time to help me with my homework.

sunteți amabil?

(please) (în expresie)

Kate asked the stranger, "Would you kindly help me carry this?"



The kindly old man worked in his garden and kept an eye on the children during the day.

scump, dulce, drăguț

(child: affectionate)

Her three-year old's so cute – she's a little darling. I wish your sister would take her little darlings home – they're driving me mad.



Fred had a very lovable dog.



Acest domn cumsecade m-a ajutat să trec strada.
That nice man helped me across the street.



Phil e un tip foarte simpatic.
Phil is a very nice person.


(attractive) (ca aspect)

Casa e drăguță, acum după ce am vopsit-o proaspăt.
That house looks nice, now that it is freshly painted.

destul de drăguț, simpatic, etc.

(sufficiently likeable)

E destul de simpatică. Dar sora ei e mult mai prietenoasă.
She's OK. Her sister is much more friendly, though.



Catherine este foarte plăcută; întotdeauna zâmbește și salută.
Catherine is very pleasant; she always smiles and says hello.



Oh, what a lovely baby; isn't she precious!

drăguț, plăcut

(pleasingly, attractively)

The quilt was prettily embroidered with cornflowers.

drăguț, frumos

(sb: beautiful)

Fiica ta e foarte cochetă în rochia aceea.
Your daughter is so pretty in that dress.

frumos, drăguț

(thing: attractive)

Aceea este o poză frumoasă cu lacul la apus de soare.
That is a pretty photo of the lake at sunset.


(figurative (sth said: beautiful)

Îți sunt recunoscător pentru cele spuse. A fost foarte drăguț din partea ta.
Thank you for saying that. That was so pretty.


(informal (friendly, nice)

All of my students this year are very simpatico.


(figurative (lovable) (figurat)

Ai un cățel drăguț.
You have a sweet dog.


(figurative (pleasing to the ear)

Trupa a cântat o melodie drăguță.
The band played a sweet melody.

drăguț, amabil

(amiable, kind)

James e un tip foarte drăguț (amabil).
James is a sweet man.


(adorable person) (persoană adorabilă)

Ce drăguț ești!
What a sweetheart you are!


(informal (kind person)

Thanks for helping me with that job; you're such a sweetie.


(tenderly or innocently)

"Daddy, will you buy me some ice cream?" the little girl asked sweetly.


(sweetheart, person one loves)

Let's learn Romanian

So now that you know more about the meaning of drăguţ in Romanian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Romanian.

Do you know about Romanian

Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.