What does 持守 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 持守 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 持守 in Chinese.
The word 持守 in Chinese means guard, maintain. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 持守
guardverb noun |
maintainverb 16,17. (甲)尽管持守耶和华的崇高标准并不容易,为什么这样做是重要的?( 16, 17. (a) Although difficult, why is it vital to maintain Jehovah’s high standards? |
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在这一进程开始时,欧洲联盟对于改进议程和工作方法持开放态度,认为现状不能继续下去。 At the commencement of the process, the European Union had been open to improving the agenda and working methods, and had seen the status quo as untenable. |
解決方法之一是維持一部分32位元模型,且大致合理有效。 Maintaining a partial 32-bit model is one way to handle this, and is in general reasonably effective. |
4 尽管生活忙碌,你有紧守神治传道训练班的秩序,阅读每周的经文吗? 4 Despite your busy schedule, are you keeping up with the suggested weekly Bible reading outlined in the Theocratic Ministry School Schedule? |
后来,上帝通过摩西跟以色列人订立律法之约,将守安息日正式纳入成文律法里。( 出20:8-11;申5:12-15) It was thereafter made a legal statute by God in the Law covenant given through Moses to the nation of Israel. —Ex 20:8-11; De 5:12-15. |
这包括持枪者的地址和职业以及所持武器的说明及其序号。 This includes the address and the profession of the holder, as well as a description and serial number of the weapon or weapons owned. |
部长会议呼吁解除对加沙地带的封锁,并在过境点派驻国际观察员,与巴勒斯坦权力机构人员并肩值守 The Council called for the lifting of the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip and the stationing of international observers alongside Palestinian National Authority personnel at border crossings |
用心灵凭理智寻求上帝 《守》2002/4/1 Search for God With Your Heart and Mind The Watchtower, 4/1/2002 |
這是一個獨特的系統,酒吧處於危險中時便會有一名守門人向酒吧內發送警告,並透過機械裝置轉變成一個普通的地方。 It was a unique system that used a doorkeeper to send a warning to the bar that it was in danger and the bar would transform into an ordinary place through a mechanism. |
塞浦路斯代表团对具体增加的成员数目持灵活态度,但首要目标应当是使得委员会能代表所有的法律和经济体系。 His delegation was flexible as to the size of the enlargement, but the primary objective should be to make the Commission representative of all legal and economic systems. |
通过全球治理组织,我们对促进在联合国与系统外非正式讨论论坛之间建立强有力的联系始终持积极态度。 Through the Global Governance Group, we have maintained a proactive attitude in order to promote a strong bond between the United Nations and informal discussion forums outside the system. |
這部聲称是根據著一份嚴重損壞的手稿此(書的問世)乃需要藉由沃爾夫的一位饱学的朋友進行無數推測(之工作而完成),其人寧可情願採取維持匿名的方式而不願為了面對“在涉足這類文學”而遭受斥責。 This claimed to be based on a heavily corrupted manuscript which required numerous conjectures by a scholarly friend of Wolf, who preferred to remain anonymous rather than face reproaches for "dabbling in this sort of literature". |
不论危机是否发生,在受冲突危及、不断变动的环境下,作为衡量幸福和发展的一项关键指标,失业率稳居双位数且持高不下,对增长率的波动反应不大,早已迫切需要援助的社会较低阶层,绝大多数人已不能再承受多少伤害了。 Crisis or not, in a conflict-affected developing context in which the rate of unemployment — a key measure of welfare and development — holds nearly steady at the double-digit level and responds poorly to fluctuations in growth rates, the vast majority of the lower strata, who are already in dire need, could likely sustain little more harm than they have already suffered. |
一年来,处在反对党地位的日本民主党(DPJ)和其它迷你政党一直把持着参议院,掌握着否决法案的权力。 And, for a year, the opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and other mini-parties control Upper House, which can veto legislation. |
一些警卫立即把守着办事处和工厂。 Guards were immediately posted at the offices and the factory. |
有一半以上的职务是由原先在联合国系统工作的持各种合同的人员担任。 More than half of the positions are filled with persons previously employed within the United Nations system under various contractual arrangements. |
这项原则是我国对福克兰群岛问题所持立场的基础。 That principle underlies our position on the Falkland Islands. |
让婚姻始终是“三股拧成的绳子” 《守》2008/9/15 Maintain “a Threefold Cord” in Marriage The Watchtower, 9/15/2008 |
在联合国调查委员会的审查之后,而且,尽管以色列对调查委员会报告的一些方面持某些保留意见,以色列仍与联合国进行对话,以便处理审查过的事件所产生的所有问题。 Following the U.N. Board of Inquiry’s examination, and notwithstanding certain reservations it had with some aspects of the Board’s report, Israel entered into a dialogue with the United Nations to address all issues arising from the incidents examined. |
为防止持伪造旅行证件的旅客或不良分子入出境,采取了以下管制措施 Controls are in place to prevent the entry or exit of passengers or undesirables with fraudulent travel documents |
申诉人在第一个星期里没有遭受不人道的待遇,但看守的卫兵经常侮辱囚徒。 he complainant was not exposed to inhuman treatment during the first week, but the security guards regularly insulted prisoners |
要学习认识王国的律法,并且谨守遵行。——以赛亚书2:3,4。 Learn the laws of the Kingdom and obey them. —Isaiah 2:3, 4. |
魯文公生病,派季文子和齊懿公在陽穀會見,齊懿公堅持等魯文公康復。 With Iras and Dargor present, Thanor opened his eyes once again, and were brighter than ever. |
街上持續有人發言,群眾不時鼓掌和高呼口號。 In the camp, police still found some people singing and clapping. |
但第七日是向耶和华你上帝当守的安息日。” But the seventh day is a sabbath to Jehovah your God.” |
论老年》一书说:“无需多说,人如果有一套较高的价值观,尤其是怀持信仰所具的力量,就能够较易于忍受这一切。 The book On Growing Old says: “It surely goes without saying that if a man has access to higher values and especially to the power which is inherent in belief he will be better able to endure . . . |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.