What does aanzetten tot haat in Dutch mean?

What is the meaning of the word aanzetten tot haat in Dutch? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use aanzetten tot haat in Dutch.

The word aanzetten tot haat in Dutch means turn on, switch on, aanzetten, aanzetten, inschakelen, aanzetten, opstarten, stimuleren, aanzetten, aanzetten, aanmoedigen, uitlokken, aanzetten, steunen, ondersteunen, aansporen, aanzetten, aanzetten, aandoen, aansporen, aanzetten, in beweging brengen, iemand aansporen, opzwepen, aanzetten, aanzetten, aanmoedigen, aanzetten, starten, aandoen, aanzetten, animeren, bezielen, aanzetten, benadrukken, aanzetten, opzetten, aanzetten, iemand tot iets bewegen, drijven, aanzetten, drijven, aanzetten, dwingen, aanzetten, aansporen, drijven, aansporen, aanzetten, aansporen, oproepen tot iets, stimuleren, motiveren, brengen tot, aanzetten tot, motiveren om, iem. aanzetten tot, iem. bewegen tot, aanzetten aan, aanzetten tot, stimuleren. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word aanzetten tot haat

turn on, switch on

(in werking zetten)


(listen to sth broadcast) (radio/tv)

Be sure to tune in to next week's episode of "Radio Murder Mystery Hour"!

aanzetten, inschakelen

(computers: turn on feature)

She enabled the compression feature of the software.

aanzetten, opstarten

(machine: start)

Activate the machine by pressing this button.

stimuleren, aanzetten


aanzetten, aanmoedigen

(incite to action)

Maria spoke from the heart, not knowing what impelled her, but unable to prevent herself from doing so.

uitlokken, aanzetten


steunen, ondersteunen

(assist or enable: a crime) (met iets slechts)

Mark was charged with abetting the murder.

aansporen, aanzetten

(encourage to persevere)

He was spurred on by the promise of a decent meal when he reached his destination.

aanzetten, aandoen

(machine: switch on) (machine)

Start up your computer and log in to the network.

aansporen, aanzetten

(incite, provoke: sb)

We're hoping to instigate the workers to revolt.

in beweging brengen

(machine: activate)

iemand aansporen, opzwepen, aanzetten

(figurative (spur to action)

The new manager's enthusiasm has galvanized the team.


(lights, stove, etc.: switch on) (televisie, radio)

Put the lights on, will you? It's getting dark.

aanmoedigen, aanzetten

(incite: to take action)

Harvey was diagnosed with cancer, which impelled his family to donate to the American Cancer Society.

starten, aandoen, aanzetten


Start the car. It's time we left.

animeren, bezielen



(sharpen on a strop) (scheermes)

Not many people know how to strop a blade anymore.

benadrukken, aanzetten

(US, informal (draw attention to)

She always used heavy eyeliner to play up her blue eyes.

opzetten, aanzetten

(music: set going) (muziek)

Could you put a CD on? I fancy some music.

iemand tot iets bewegen, drijven, aanzetten

(encourage sb to do sth)

It was James's mother who prompted him to apply for university courses.

drijven, aanzetten

(impel emotionally)

Karen was moved to take in the stray dogs.

dwingen, aanzetten

(drive, force)

The tank corps put the enemy infantry to flight.


(lead to action) (figuurlijk)

drijven, aansporen, aanzetten



(provoke, motivate)

oproepen tot iets

(provoke, rouse)

The judge gave lighter sentences to the rioters than to the ringleaders who had incited them.

stimuleren, motiveren

(motivate sb)

Fred tried to inspire his workers by offering stock options.

brengen tot

(often passive (divine guidance) (figuurlijk)

The martyr maintained that God had inspired her actions.

aanzetten tot, motiveren om

(stimulate to act)

We need to motivate our staff to generate more profits.

iem. aanzetten tot, iem. bewegen tot

(cause, provoke)

His actions moved her to call the police.

aanzetten aan

(form scale on)

Calcium scaled the bathtub.

aanzetten tot

(cause sb to begin sthg)

Your words started me thinking.



The film stimulated the students into asking questions.

Let's learn Dutch

So now that you know more about the meaning of aanzetten tot haat in Dutch, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Dutch.

Do you know about Dutch

Dutch (Nederlands) is a language of the Western branch of the Germanic languages, spoken daily as a mother tongue by about 23 million people in the European Union — mainly living in the Netherlands and Belgium — and second language of 5 million people. Dutch is one of the languages closely related to German and English and is considered a mixture of the two.