What does a ști in Romanian mean?
What is the meaning of the word a ști in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use a ști in Romanian.
The word a ști in Romanian means a ști, a ști, a putea, a ști, a cunoaște, a ști, a ști, a cunoaște, a crede, a ști, a ști dinainte, a ști să piardă, a cunoaște ca-n palmă, a ști ca pe sine, a ști pe de rost, a ști să se impună, a cunoaște, a ști câte ceva despre, a ști despre, a ști de dinainte, a ști ce și cum, a ști pe de rost, a ști pe de rost, a ști al naibii de bine, a ști sigur, a ști foarte bine, a ști cum să, a ști să, a putea să, a ști din instinct, a ști scorul, a ști ce vorbește, a lua, a ști (să spună). To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word a ști
a ști(comprehend) Cunosc răspunsul. I know the answer. |
a ști, a putea(know how to) Știe să cânte la pian. She can play the piano. |
a ști(be aware of) Știe că am ajuns? Does he know that we've arrived? |
a cunoaște(UK, dialect (know, understand) (dialect, UK) |
a ști(sb: be acquainted with) (pe cineva) O cunoști pe Julie? Do you know Julie? |
a ști, a cunoaște(have memorized) Ea are doar trei ani, dar știe (or: cunoaște) deja alfabetul. She's only three but she knows the alphabet. |
a crede(believe) Cred că sunt niște oameni foarte drăguți. I understand them to be very nice people. |
a ști(hold in mind as fact) Dacă tu nu știi, atunci trebuie să găsim pe cineva care știe. If you don't know, then we need to find someone who does. |
a ști dinainte(know in advance) |
a ști să piardă(sb good-humoured) She only came third in the race, but was a good sport and didn't complain. |
a cunoaște ca-n palmă(US, informal (know, understand sth completely) She scored 100% on her Spanish test because she had the conjugations down cold. |
a ști ca pe sine(US, informal (understand sb's character) |
a ști pe de rost(US, Informal (sth: know or understand completely) After weeks of practice, she had the lyrics to the three most common songs down flat. |
a ști să se impună(figurative (have power to produce desired effect) |
a cunoaște(be aware sb, sth exists) Îl cunosc, dar nu îmi este prieten. I know of him, but he's not really a friend. |
a ști câte ceva despre(informal (be experienced in sth) After 20 years on the job, he knows a thing or two about construction. |
a ști despre(be aware of) Do you know about the recent policy changes? |
a ști de dinainte(be forewarned) I knew beforehand what was going to be on the math exam. |
a ști ce și cum(informal (be sufficiently wise) Shame on you – at your age you should know better! |
a ști pe de rost(have memorized) The students had to know the poem by heart. |
a ști pe de rost(informal (be completely familiar with) I never get lost in this neighborhood; I know it by heart. |
a ști al naibii de bine(slang, potentially offensive (be aware) Don't play coy with me, you know damn well what I'm talking about! |
a ști sigur(be sure) Until we know for certain, I think it is best to just be patient. |
a ști foarte bine(be very much aware) He knew full well that what he was doing was illegal, but it didn't stop him. |
a ști cum să(be able to do sth) Do you know how to swim? |
a ști să, a putea să(be able, have skill) I'd love to make my own clothes but I don't know how. |
a ști din instinct(sense) As soon as Carmel saw Anne's face, she knew instinctively that something was wrong. |
a ști scorul(informal, figurative (understand the situation) She says the cheque is in the mail, but I know the score - she's trying not to pay us. |
a ști ce vorbește(informal (be an expert) My history teacher really knows her stuff. She has an answer for everything! |
a lua(identify) (figurat) This actor looks very familiar but I just can't place him. |
a ști (să spună)(recite) Jimmy știe să spună alfabetul. Jimmy can say his ABCs. |
Let's learn Romanian
So now that you know more about the meaning of a ști in Romanian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Romanian.
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Do you know about Romanian
Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.